Sharded Cluster Components in MongoDB

MongoDB’s sharding capability enables horizontal scaling by distributing data across multiple servers or “shards.” Understanding the components of a sharded cluster is crucial for managing and scaling database infrastructure efficiently.

In this article, We will explores the key components of a sharded cluster in MongoDB, including shards, primary shards, config servers, and mongos instances.

Sharded Cluster Components in MongoDB

  • MongoDB’s sharded cluster components play a crucial role in enabling horizontal scaling and efficient management of large datasets. Sharding distributes data across multiple servers or “shards,” allowing MongoDB to handle increasing loads and improve performance.
  • Understanding these components is essential for effectively designing, deploying, and maintaining sharded clusters in MongoDB. Let’s understand some most widely components of Sharded Clusters in MongoDB are defined below.

1. Shards

  • Shards are horizontally scalable, allowing us to add more shards as our data grows to handle increasing load.
  • Each shard in a sharded cluster can be located on a different physical machine or server, distributing the data and workload across multiple nodes.
  • Shards can be added to a sharded cluster dynamically, allowing us to scale our database infrastructure without downtime.
  • MongoDB’s sharding architecture automatically redistributes data across shards to ensure a balanced workload and optimal performance.
  • Shards communicate with each other and with the query routers to ensure data consistency and efficient query routing in a sharded cluster.
  • Configuring sharding involves defining a sharded key, which determines how data is partitioned across shards based on the key’s value.

2. Primary Shard

  • The primary shard assignment is based on the database’s size at the time of creation, but it can be manually reassigned later if needed.
  • The primary shard is responsible for storing the metadata related to the database, such as the list of collections and their locations.
  • If a primary shard becomes unavailable, MongoDB automatically selects a new primary shard for the affected databases to ensure continuous operation.
  • It’s important to monitor the primary shard’s performance and capacity to ensure that it can handle the workload of storing unsharded collections effectively.
  • MongoDB provides tools and commands to manage primary shards, such as the “sh.status()” command to view the status of shards in a sharded cluster.

3. Config Servers

  • Config servers store metadata about the sharded cluster, including information about shards, chunks, and cluster organization.
  • They facilitate administrative operations and help maintain cluster consistency by ensuring that all nodes in the cluster have the same view of the metadata.
  • Config servers manage authentication and authorization settings, ensuring that only authorized users and applications can access the cluster.
  • They also manage distributed locks used for concurrency control, preventing conflicts between multiple operations on the same data.
  • Config servers are typically deployed as a replica set to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.

Config Servers and Read/Write Operations

  • Config servers are involved in both read and write operations within the sharded cluster.
  • Write operations that modify metadata, such as migrations, are directed to the config servers.
  • MongoDB uses a “majority” write concern to ensure data consistency across the cluster.
  • Similarly, read operations related to cluster metadata are processed by the config servers, using a “majorityread concern.

Write Operations

  • Write operations on the config servers involve updating metadata in the “admin” and “config” databases.
  • The “admin” database contains collections related to authentication, authorization, and system settings.
  • The “config” database stores metadata specific to the sharded cluster.
  • MongoDB ensures data consistency by using a “majority” write concern for these operations.

Read Operations

  • Read operations on MongoDB config servers are primarily for administrative tasks and internal operations.
  • These operations involve retrieving metadata related to migrations, mongos initialization, and other cluster configuration changes.
  • MongoDB ensures consistency across the cluster for read operations on the config servers by using a “majority” read concern.
  • Mongos instances use the config servers to retrieve metadata and route queries efficiently within the sharded cluster.

3. Mongos

  • Mongos instances act as the interface between client applications and the sharded cluster.
  • They handle query routing, shard management, and result aggregation.
  • Mongos instances do not store data themselves but depend on metadata caching from the config servers to route queries efficiently.
  • Mongos instances are part of the MongoDB architecture designed for scalability and high availability.
  • They are lightweight processes that communicate with both the client applications and the MongoDB shards.
  • Mongos instances are responsible for parsing incoming queries and determining which shard or shards to route the queries to.

4. Routing and Results

  • During query routing, a mongos instance evaluates all shards in the cluster to identify the shard responsible for processing the query.
  • Once the shard is identified, the mongos instance retrieves data from that shard.
  • Mongos instances aggregate the results from all shards before returning them to the client.
  • To distribute queries evenly across shards, mongos instances use strategies such as “roundrobin.”
  • Mongos instances also manage query modifiers like sorting and result size limits.
  • The use of mongos instances helps in abstracting the sharded cluster’s complexity from client applications, providing a single interface for querying the entire cluster.


In MongoDB, a sharded cluster uses various important parts to handle large amounts of data and ensure the system can grow and stay operational even if parts of it fail.. Shards allow for horizontal scaling, while primary shards store metadata and manage unsharded collections. Config servers store cluster metadata and manage authentication, authorization, and concurrency control.

Mongos instances act as interfaces between client applications and the sharded cluster, handling query routing and result aggregation. Together, these components form a robust foundation for building scalable and efficient MongoDB deployments capable of handling large and growing data sets.