Shell India Interview Experience (IT)

Shell IT had visited our campus for role (IT Software Engineer) or Data Engineering role.

Round 1: Online Test: The online test (90 minutes) was hosted on Mettl platform. The test was divided into 3 sections. First section was of quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning. It consisted of 25 questions to be solved in 30 minutes. Questions were picked from topics like Percentages, ages, profit & loss etc. Logical reasoning had questions based on arrangements and pie charts. Graph based questions were frequent in logical.  I didn’t do too well in aptitude as i had not prepared for it. I just used math to do most of them.

After 30 minutes, the next round was technical aptitude (25 questions) + Coding round (2 questions). Time limit for both questions (any could be attempted) was 1 hour. I started the technical aptitude and to my surprise out of the 30 questions around 20-25 were from DBMS, mostly SQL. Questions were advanced SQL queries, database normalization, relations, dimensions, transactions, ER model were asked. It wasn’t easy for me as i had not fully brushed up DBMS concepts. The last 5 questions were from C++ (row-major, column major question) and pointers. This round went okay for the most part,   i guessed only a few questions from DBMS, rest of the answers were right.

About 35 minutes was left. I attempted the coding round. It had 2 questions. The first question was about intersection of points.
Suppose i give 2 points (2, 6), (8, 10). Total number of points covered= [2-6]+[8-10]. So answer is 8 as range [2, 6] has 5 points, [8, 10] has 3 points. Output=8. However for test case [2, 6], [4, 7], Output=7 as there is an intersection ( in range [4, 6]). This problem was extended for n points, we had to output the total number. I used set intersection and was able to solve all the test cases under 10 minutes.

Second problem
was a greedy heuristic problem for an array and it took me around 15 minutes to solve it. ( I don’t remember the problem but it was easy). I completed the test when i had 15 minutes to spare.  The results were announced 5 days later and i was shortlisted for the interview which was scheduled the next day.

Round 2: Technical Interview: The interview was on Skype. It was conducted in our campus itself though. There were 2 panelists, they were very friendly. They asked me to introduce myself. (Also i was interning at Shell during that time, at the Research and Development branch since 1 month. So i kind of had an advantage as i was already a part of Shell but temporarily! ) They looked at my projects and work experience, and asked me to explain my DBMS mini-project. They paused while i was explaining and asked to write a query for a complex table row retrieval (It had 2 or 3 clauses). It was a nested query upto 2 levels. After i presented the answer after 2 minutes, they then moved on to my Shell internship. It was based on Data Science. They asked questions related to it and the discussion went on for around 40 minutes. That concluded my technical round.

Round 3: The behavioral round followed (It was the same interview but they told this is the final round). Since i was already interning in Shell, the questions were a bit different from the typical behavioral interview. Why did you choose to intern at Shell ? What did you not like at Shell and how would you change that? (I had no answer to that honestly and i still don’t) Tell me about the positive experience working for Shell as an intern. Tell me your strengths and weaknesses and how you improved on your weaknesses. They then asked if i had any questions for them. The interview lasted for around 15 minutes. That was a wrap!

The results were announced later that night and i was selected!

Tips: Prepare according to the job description, since our role was Data Engg, lot of focus of DBMS was given.

Thanks to w3wiki, the portal i used in all phases (be it exams or placement) which made this happen!