Shell Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus)

Shell visited our campus to hire for these Full-Time profiles:

  • Profile 1 – IT Software Engineer
  • Profile 2 – IT Business Analyst
  • Profile 3 – Transformational Change Analyst
  • Profile 4 – Information & Risk Management Advisor

I applied for profile 1.

The recruitment drive consisted of 2 Rounds.

Round 1: Online Assessment: The test was divided into 4 sections and had sectional time limits. It consisted of 53 questions, to be completed in 2 hours and 10 minutes.

  • CS Fundamentals (25 MCQs, 25 Minutes)
  • Aptitude (25 MCQs, 25 Minutes)
  • SQL Query (1 Question, 20 Minutes)
  • Coding (2 Questions, 60 Minutes)

The SQL Query was based on JOIN.

The two coding problems were:

I was able to solve the SQL query and 1 coding question completely, and the second coding question was partially solved. I was selected for the interview round.

Round 2: Interview: Technical+HR Interview: It went on for about an hour. There were two panelists.

  • The technical portion revolved around the resume, for the most part, they asked questions about my internship and projects.
  • Basic questions on CS Fundamentals, Cloud & ML Algorithms (as this was mentioned in my resume)
  • Why did you choose the project topic?
  • Was it a group project or an individual project? Was it a mandatory requirement from college?
  • What was the timeline of the project? How did you manage your coursework along with the project?
  • What challenges did you face in completing the project?
  • Some in-depth questions about the tech stack used in the project.
  • Role and responsibilities in the internship.
  • HR portion consisted of common behavioral questions.
  • Tell me about your biggest achievement. If you had to do it again, what would you change?
  • How did you handle a disagreement in your team?
  • Have you worked with people with different cultural backgrounds? What challenges did you face? How did you overcome them?

They concluded by asking if I had any questions for them. I asked about their roles and experiences in the company.

Results were announced the next day. I was one of the two students selected from the campus.