Shopclues Interview Experience | Set 2 (Software Developer)


Recently ShopClues came to our college for Software Developer Position. Here I am sharing my interview experience. There was 1 online round and 4 F2F interviews.

Online round consisted of 30 MCQ’s to be done in 45 minutes.(C, C++, DBMS, Aptitude)
  1. Introduce yourself and walk me through your resume.
  2. Detailed discussion about my projects.
  3. Puzzle-25 horses, generalize for k^2 horses and k tracks
  4. Given array, range of numbers from 1 to 100, one number is missing.Extended to two numbers missing.
  5. Different type of joins and basic sql queries.
  1. Resume based questions.
  2. Question based on
  3. Bubble sort for partially sorted array.
Basic HR Questions
*Code was required for algo questions