Show All Rows with an Above-Average Value in MySQL

Finding All Rows with an Above-Average Value in MySQL is easy because in this article we will learn some methods to identify rows in a dataset where values exceed the dataset’s average.

Using MySQL we will discuss two approaches using subqueries with average calculations and through JOIN operations with subqueries. We’ll implement the method with the help of understanding examples and so on.

Show All Rows with an Above-Average Value in MySQL

This article discusses how to identify rows in a dataset that have values exceeding the overall average of the dataset in MySQL. It explains two different methods using subqueries and joins operations that can be used to accomplish this task. These methods can be very useful for analyzing data and making informed decisions based on the results.

  • Subquery with Average Calculation
  • Using JOIN with Subquery

To create a table that matches the structure of the data provided (id, product_name, revenue), you can use the following SQL query:

CREATE TABLE products (
product_name VARCHAR(255),
revenue DECIMAL(10, 2)
INSERT INTO products (id, product_name, revenue)
(1, 'Product A', 1500.50),
(2, 'Product B', 2200.75),
(3, 'Product C', 1800.25),
(4, 'Product D', 2500.00),
(5, 'Product E', 1900.00),
(6, 'Product F', 2100.50);

products table:

| id | product_name| revenue |
| 1 | Product A | 1500.50 |
| 2 | Product B | 2200.75 |
| 3 | Product C | 1800.25 |
| 4 | Product D | 2500.00 |
| 5 | Product E | 1900.00 |
| 6 | Product F | 2100.50 |

1. Subquery with Average Calculation

One approach involves using a subquery to calculate the average value of the column of interest and then comparing each row’s value against this average.

FROM products
WHERE revenue > (SELECT AVG(revenue) FROM products);


| id | product_name| revenue |
| 2 | Product B | 2200.75 |
| 4 | Product D | 2500.00 |
| 6 | Product F | 2100.50 |

Explanation: This approach makes use of a subquery to compute the average revenue (AVG(revenue)) for all products in the products table. The outer query then selects all rows from products where the revenue (revenue) is greater than this calculated average. It filters out the rows, which do not meet this condition by comparing each row revenue against the overall average revenue.

2. Using JOIN with Subquery

Another approach involves using a JOIN operation with a subquery that calculates the average value. This approach can be advantageous in more complex scenarios where additional conditions or joins are needed.

SELECT t1.* 
FROM products t1
JOIN (SELECT AVG(revenue) AS avg_revenue FROM products) t2
WHERE t1.revenue > t2.avg_revenue;


| id | product_name| revenue |
| 2 | Product B | 2200.75 |
| 4 | Product D | 2500.00 |
| 6 | Product F | 2100.50 |

Explanation: Here, a subquery returns the average revenue (AVG(revenue)) for all products within the products table. This subquery is adapted as t2. The main query afterward performs a JOIN operation with the sub-query (t2) on the condition that the revenue (revenue) of each row in the products table (t1) is greater than the average revenue (t2.avg_revenue). Using this method, more complex queries after the scenarios are achievable and are applicable in situations when working with additional conditions or joins are necessary


Filtering for rows with values above the dataset average is a great method to identify outliers and get deeper into your data in detail. By taking advantage of the functionality offered by MySQL, you will be able to narrow down and list these remarkable cases which would consequently help with more accurate judgements and analysis. Whether it’s financial data analysis, performance metrics tracking, or exploration of any other dataset, you can identify valuable insights with accuracy and efficiency.