Show and hide password using JavaScript

We will show you how to Hide/Show passwords using JavaScript. While filling up a form, there comes a situation where we type a password and want to see what we have typed till now. To see that, there is a checkbox click on which makes the characters visible. In this article, we will add the toggle password feature using JavaScript.


Password is w3wiki. 
So, on typing it will show like this *************
And on clicking the checkbox it will show the characters: w3wiki.


  1. HTML Structure:
    • HTML5 structure with meta tags and a title.
    • Instructions to click on a checkbox to show/hide the password.
    • Password input field and a checkbox are included.
  2. Password Input:
    • Input field of type password (id="typepass").
    • The initial value is set to “w3wiki.”
  3. Show Password Checkbox:
    • Checkbox with an onclick event calling the Toggle() function.
  4. JavaScript Function (Toggle()):
    • Function toggles password visibility.
    • Retrieves password input element and changes its type.
    • Toggles between “password” and “text” based on the current type.
  5. Interaction:
    • Users clicking the checkbox triggers the Toggle() function.
    • Dynamically changes the password input type for showing/hiding the password.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        Show and hide password using JavaScript
        <p>Click on the checkbox to show
            or hide password:
    <input type="password" value="w3wiki"
    <input type="checkbox" onclick="Toggle()">
    <strong>Show Password</strong>
        // Change the type of input to password or text
        function Toggle() {
            let temp = document.getElementById("typepass");
            if (temp.type === "password") {
                temp.type = "text";
            else {
                temp.type = "password";


Show and hide passwords using JavaScript