Sigmoid Analytics Interview Experience ASDE (On-Campus)

Online Assessment : 3 coding questions +Technical MCQs: After that 3 students got shortlisted (Including me).

Interview Round 1 (Technical): Time: 1 Hour. Started with my intro and then the interviewer gave me a Linked List question, a standard question.

  • Question 1: Reverse Nodes in k-Group 

GFG Link:
LeetCode Link:

I was able to solve this question and gave him two solutions. 

  • Question 2: The next question was to print a pattern.


          1   2   1
      1  2   3   2   1
 1   2  3   4   3   2   1

I was able to solve this question using two for loops.

Tip: Don’t forget to mention the time and space complexities of the solution.

  • Then he asked me if I had any questions.
  • I asked about the work culture at Sigmoid.
  • After that all qualified for Interview Round 2.

Interview Round 2 (Technical): Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes.

  • I started with the intro and then a deep discussion on my projects.
  • Then she gave me a coding question on Tree data structure, a standard question.
  • Question 1: Zig-Zag traversal of a Binary Tree.

I told 2 different approaches and I was able to solve and code the question in 15 min. After the above question, the interviewer asked another coding question, a medium one.

  • Question 2:  Count ways to reach the nth stair

There are n stairs, a person standing at the bottom wants to reach the top. The person can climb either 1 stair or 2 stairs at a time. Count the number of ways, the person can reach the top.

I told an approach and she asked me to code. She asked me to Code this problem in two ways (Recursive and Iterative). I was able to code the question in 20 minutes, the interviewer was pretty much impressed.

Tip: Don’t forget to mention the time and space complexities of the solution.

After that 2 students got shortlisted (Including me).

Interview Round 3 (HR Round): Time: 20 Minutes. Started with my intro,  and he asked me the following questions.

  • Where did I do my internship?
  • Why do you want to come to our company?
  • Difficulties faced while doing your project? and then I asked some questions regarding the work culture.

Tips: Be Confident!!!

Interview Round 4 (VP Round): Time: 15 Minutes

  • Started with my intro.
  • He asked about the class 12th subject name and marks I got and about my family background. 
  • He basically wants to test my communication skills.

After that 2 students (including me) got FTE offer+ intern.

Don’t give up hope. Happy Coding