Signiwis Interview Experience for SAP ABAP Technical Developer


Signiwis Technologies Private limited is a SAP consulting company and service company based out in Bangalore.

There were 7 Rounds in recruitment process:

  1. Aptitude test
  2. Coding round
  3. Technical round
  4. HR round
  5. Communication skill test
  6. Technical round 2
  7. Coding

Round 1: Aptitude test

In this round aptitude test round , the pattern typically involves java questions and pseudocode 25 to 40 questions time limit around 40 minute .

Round 2 : Coding round

In this round 6 coding questions are there basic coding questions based on array, string, bubble sort , fibonacci , number series.

Round 3 : Technical Round

In this round they asked questions on java programming language from Basic to Collection concepts in java, Questions are like

  1. What is java ?
  2. Features of java explain the features like How java is robust?
  3. What is variable ?
  4. What is keyword?
  5. Questions on array?
  6. Oops concepts Inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, Abstraction with real time examples?
  7. what is Exception handling?
  8. Thread concepts?
  9. Questions on String Buffer and string builder
  10. Asked questions more on Java
  11. What is class and object ?
  12. How to create class ?
  13. Local and global variable?
  14. Constructor?

Note :

Be prepared well on the programming language skills that you were mentioned in the resume

Round 4 : HR round

In HR round they will check your communication skill and the HR department will give info about terms and conditions of the company about salary package and bond all those things in this round .

Round 5 : Communication skill test

This round will actually taken by the managers , they will test our communication skill ,they will typically given specific topic and ask us deliver presentation on that topic until they indicates to stop ,If they find us candidate communication skill strong and effective they’ll qualify us to the next technical round.

Round 6 : Technical Interview round

  1. What is java ?
  2. Features of java explain the features like How java is robust?
  3. What is variable ?
  4. What is keyword?
  5. Questions on array?
  6. Oops concepts Inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, Abstraction with real time examples?
  7. what is Exception handling?

In this round they asked in detail of every concept.

Round 7 : Coding Round

In the coding round this is the final round ,the interviewer present coding question and explains it , After understanding the problem , the candidate should tell the expected output & explain the code ,coding question to them. After that only they will allow us to write code ,if the code is correct & candidate agree with terms and conditions of the company they will hire candidate.

All the very best to everyone who is preparing to attend the Infosys interview!