Simple Ways to Read TSV Files in Python

In this article, we will discuss how to read TSV files in Python.

Input Data:

We will be using the same input file in all various implementation methods to see the output. Below is the input file from which we will read data.

Method 1: Using  Pandas

 We will read data from TSV file using pandas read_csv(). Along with the TSV file, we also pass separator as ‘\t’ for the tab character because, for tsv files, the tab character will separate each field. 

Syntax :


Example: Program Using Pandas


# Simple Way to Read TSV Files in Python using pandas
# importing pandas library
import pandas as pd
# Passing the TSV file to
# read_csv() function
# with tab separator
# This function will
# read data from file
interviews_df = pd.read_csv('GeekforBeginner.tsv', sep='\t')
# printing data


Method 2: Using CSV

 We use csv.reader() to convert the TSV file object to csv.reader object. And then pass the delimiter as ‘\t’ to the csv.reader. The delimiter is used to indicate the character which will be separating each field.


with open("filename.tsv") as file:
    tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter="\t")

Example: Program Using csv


# Simple Way to Read TSV Files in Python using csv
# importing csv library
import csv
# open .tsv file
with open("GeekforBeginner.tsv") as file:
    # Passing the TSV file to 
    # reader() function
    # with tab delimiter
    # This function will
    # read data from file
    tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter="\t")
    # printing data line by line
    for line in tsv_file:


Method 3: Using split

The very simple way to read data from TSV File in Python is using split(). We can read a given TSV file and store its data into a list.


with open("filename.tsv") as file:
  for line in file:

Example: Program Using split() 


# Simple Way to Read TSV Files in Python using split
ans = []
# open .tsv file
with open("GeekforBeginner.tsv") as f:
  # Read data line by line
  for line in f:
    # split data by tab
    # store it in list
    # append list to ans
# print data line by line
for i in ans:
