Single-Mode Optical Fiber

Network cables, known as fiber optics, allow data to be transmitted using pulses of light that travel along the fiber. Glass or plastic are often used to make these fibers. Metal wires are used in optical fibers because they protect against damage and are immune to electromagnetic interference. This technology utilizes total internal reflection of light. There are mainly two types of optical fibers, single-mode optical fiber, and multimode optical fiber, which differ in the way light propagates. The latter is used for short-distance transmission, while the former is typically used for long-distance signal transmission.

Please refer to the article Fiber Optics and Types to learn more.

Single-mode Optical Fiber:

A common type of optical fiber used to transmit over longer distances is single-mode fiber. One of two types of optical fiber, the other is multimode fiber. A single strand of glass fiber, called single-mode fiber, is used to transmit single-mode or light beams. Single-mode fiber allows only one transmission mode. It can transmit higher bandwidth than multimode fiber but requires a light source with a limited spectral range. The terms single-mode optical fiber, single-mode fiber, and mono-mode fiber are all other names for single-mode fiber. Modes of light can only propagate through single-mode fiber optic cables due to their small core diameters. As a result, the amount of light reflection that occurs as light passes through the core is reduced, reducing attenuation and allowing the signal to propagate further. Telecommunications companies, CATV providers, colleges, and universities often use this application over high-bandwidth, long-distance networks. The typical architecture for single-mode fiber is 9/125. Therefore, the core-to-cladding diameter ratio is between 9 and 125 microns, as shown below.


Features of Single-mode Optical Fiber:

Factor Description
Bandwidth Both forms of optical fiber behave differently in terms of bandwidth. Single-mode fiber optic cables use a stronger, brighter light source with less attenuation. Its ability to provide unlimited bandwidth simultaneously makes it a popular option in this fast-paced society. 
Distance The distance of fiber optic cable refers to the transmission distance, which is determined by the light-generating ability of the electronic equipment. Again, single-mode optical fiber has emerged as a pioneer. It has the function of both short-distance transmission and long-distance transmission. Furthermore, neither the signal bandwidth nor the resolution quality affects transmission. Most of them have a single-mode fiber optic cable relay range of up to 10 kilometers. 
Cost Today, price is one of the most important decision-making factors in any buying or leasing decision. Businesses should always choose alternatives that offer the best results at the best price in a cost-conscious environment. To date, single-mode fiber optic links have significantly outperformed comparable multimode links. More powerful light sources and complex optical processors are expected to increase costs. However, it would be a mistake to conclude that they are more expensive than multimode fiber links. Singlemode fiber optic cables are cheaper than multimode cables due to their higher production efficiency. The numbers show that customers can save 30% compared to multimode fiber.
Attenuation The fiber core in the single-mode fiber optic cable is relatively small, so very little light is reflected as it passes through, minimizing attenuation. 
Wavelength and light sources  Single-mode fibers often use lasers or laser diodes to produce light that is injected into the cable. In addition, single-mode fibers with wavelengths of 1310 nm and 1550 nm are typically used. 
Color coat TIA-598C defines singlemode cable for non-military applications with a yellow outer jacket and multimode fiber with an orange or turquoise outer jacket. 

ITU Standards for Single-mode Fibers:

To facilitate fiber optic communications, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has created a series of standards for different types of optical fiber. This table is a partial list of the major single-mode fiber standards.

Name Title
G.650.1 (06/04) Linear and deterministic single-mode fiber and cable properties are defined along with test methods. 
G.652 (06/05) Characteristics of single-mode fiber and cable. 
G.653 (12/06) Characterization of single-mode fibers and cables with dispersion shift. 
G.654 (12/06) Characteristics of cutting single-mode fiber optic cables and fibers. 
G.655 (03/06) Nonzero Dispersion Shift Characteristics of single-mode fibers and cables. 
G.656 (12/06) Properties of nonzero dispersion fibers and cables for broadband optical transmission. 
G.657 (12/06) Properties of single-mode optical cables and fibers for bend-loss robust access networks.


  • Single-mode guides are the basis for reliably achieving excellent beam quality power in fiber lasers and amplifiers made with rare-earth doped fibers. 
  • Single-mode routing avoids the problem of intermodal distribution. The issue of intermodal dispersion (in multimode fibers) leads to multiple copies of the input signal appearing at the receiver in fiber optic communication systems. 
  • Fiber optic systems such as interferometers use single-mode fiber to connect the various components. They can be connected via fiber connectors or fusion splices. 
  • The fact that the output of a single-mode fiber has a fixed spatial shape regardless of launch conditions is often exploited in the measurement environment. A possible mode cleaner is a single mode fiber. 
  • It is possible to use nonlinear interactions in long single-mode fibers. For example, significant spectral broadening or stimulated Raman scattering can be used to amplify the signal (super continuum generation).


It can be concluded that single-mode fiber optic cable systems are widely used in carrier networks, MANs and PONs and are suitable for long-distance data transmission applications.