Singleton Class in Swift

Singleton is a creational design pattern that makes sure there is just one object of its kind and provides all other code with a single point of access to it. Singletons have essentially identical benefits and drawbacks as global variables. Despite being quite useful, they prevent your code from being modular. A class that depends on a Singleton cannot be used in another context without also importing the Singleton into that context. Or we can say that a Singleton design pattern assures that a class can contain only one object. The singleton implementations of FileManager, UserDefaults, UIApplication, and UIAccelerometer are frequently used on Apple’s platforms.

This is how a Swift singleton’s basic implementation looks:


// Swift program to illustrate singleton
class Singleton
    // This static let property that we are 
    // constructing will be in charge of the 
    // singleton instance.
    static let shared = Singleton()
    // Here, we are specifying the initializer 
    // access level, which will restrict the
    // creation of additional instances.
    private init() { }
    // To accomplish a task, we are developing a method.
    func seekinfo() 
        // some task to execute
// Here we are creating class's singleton instance.
let singleton = Singleton.shared
// Calling the method of singleton class.




Here is one example of using Class without Singleton pattern:


// Swift program to illustrate how to create a normal class
class InformationManager
    // Permission for Information
    func requestforInfo()
        print("Grant info")
// Access the class
// Initialize the class
let information = InformationManager()
// Call your function here 


Grant info

This class lacks the singleton pattern, so in order to use any method, we must initialize the class each time. To avoid this, singleton classes with static instances are used.

Rules to create a Singleton Class

Follow the following rules to create a singleton class:

A private initializer should be made

We can create a class object using an initializer. Additionally, restricting object creation from outside the class by making the initializer of a class. The InfoManager class’s initializer in this instance is private. Therefore, we have a problem when we attempt to construct an InfoManager object outside of the class.


// Swift program to illustrate singleton
class InfoManager {
  // create a private initializer
  private init() {
// Error
let obj = InfoManager()

Produce a Static Singleton Object Type

We generate a single static type object of the class in the singleton class. We can access the object by using the class name if we make it static.

Here, we are utilizing the class name InfoManager to access the InfoObj object.


// Swift program to illustrate singleton
class InfoManager {
  // Static property to create singleton
  static let InfoObj = InfoManager()
// Accessing singleton 
let data = InfoManger.InfoObj

Example 1


// Swift program to illustrate singleton
class InfoManager{
    // Singleton
    static let InfoObj = InfoManager()
    // Private initializer
    private init()  
    // Request file
    func checkInfoAccess(user: String
        // Check username
        if user == (""
            print("Grant access")
        else {
            print(" Deny access")
let userName = ""
// Accessing method
let Info = InfoManager.InfoObj
Info.checkInfoAccess(user: userName)


Grant access

We have developed the singleton class InfoManager in the example above. We’ve generated a static object called InfoObj and made the initializer private because it’s a singleton class.

Example 2


// Swift program to illustrate singleton
class InformationManager{
    static let shared = InformationManager()
    var InformationGranted: Bool?
    // Initializer access level change now
    private init(){}
    func requestForInfo()
        // Code Process  
        InformationGranted = true     
        print("Grant info")
// Access class function in a single line


Grant info

Now you know how to create your Singleton class in your project, at last. Making it requires relatively little time. Simply to utilize within the project. It can be challenging to manage the lifecycle of your Singleton class if you use additional Singleton patterns in your applications. Additionally, it keeps a shared global mutable state. To avoid using the Singleton pattern excessively; dependency injection is preferable.