SIRION Labs Interview Experience(On-Campus FTE)

Round 1:

First round was coding round.It consisted of 2 sections.The total time for test was 90 minutes.

1st section contained 10  mcq questions on data structure and algorithm.

2nd section had 2 coding questions . Everybody had same  questions.

1.You have given an array consisting of prime number and non-prime number .You have to arrange this array such that prime number are its own index and non prime are its own but in descending and ascending order respectively.

ex:-  2 5 6 4 7

op:- 7 5 4 6 2

2, 5, 7 are number .It is arrange in descending order in the array at the position of prime number  while 4, 6 are arrange in ascending order.

2.Given a string of integer between 0 to 9. Arrange them to form maximum number from that.

Round 2: 

Second round was technical round. The questions that were asked to me:

1.To find the lowest common ancestor of the binary search tree.

2.To find the lowest common ancestor of the binary tree.

3.To reverse the given stack without using space.

After that he asked me about some Database concept about normalistaion, acid properties.

He asked me to tell the differences between all the joins we used in sql.

He also asked me about the difference between process, thread and program.

Round 3:

This is again a technical round .

First I was asked to explain about my projects and write pseudocodes for certain segments of it.

After that he begin to ask some questions about my internship that I have done in my summer vaccation.

He than ask me to write the sql query of the given 2 problem, which is based on joins .

He than ask me 2 coding question:

1.Given two strings string1 and string2, the task is to find the smallest substring in string1 containing all characters of string2 efficiently.

– I used sliding window approach to solve this problem.

2.Given a column title as appears in an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.


Input : BA
Output : 53

Input : AA
Output : 27

After this he asked me 2 very famous puzzles that i have already read.
1.There are 25 horses among which you need to find out the fastest 3 horses. You can conduct race among at most
5 to find out their relative speed. At no point you can find out the actual speed of the horse in a race. Find
out how many races are required to get the top 3 horses.

2.There are 9 balls in which 1 ball is defective. 8 balls have 1kg weight and the defective ball have 1.5 kg weight
You have 1 weighing machine.In how many minimum attempt you can find the defective ball

Round 4:
Last round was hr round in which they just asked about myself and my experience in the college.

They announced the results after a while and selected 7 students.

I would like to thank Beginner for Beginner for helping me in my interview preparation and would advise everyone to go through their company wise archives.