Sliding Window in R

Provides type-stable rolling window functions over any R data type, It also provides cumulative and expanding windows are also supported. For more advanced usage, an index can be used as a secondary vector that defines how sliding windows are to be created.

What is a Sliding Window in R?

In R Programming Language a sliding window function typically refers to an operation that applies a function over a subset (or “window”) of a data sequence, moving the window across the data. This approach is useful for tasks like smoothing, filtering, or analyzing time-series data, where you want to compute metrics (mean, sum, max, etc.) over rolling windows.

Concepts related to the topic

let’s have a look at the concepts and specific terminologies related to it.

1. Rolling or Moving Window: A rolling window (also known as a moving window) refers to a fixed-size subset of the data that “slides” across the dataset. At each position of the window, a function is applied to the data within the window.

  • Rolling Mean: Calculating the mean of the values within the window. in this article we will mainly focus on this
  • Rolling Sum: Summing the values within the window.
  • Rolling Maximum/Minimum: Finding the maximum/minimum value within the window.

2. Window Size: The window size determines how many elements are included in each subset of data as the window moves. A larger window size smooths out the data more but can miss short-term fluctuations, while a smaller window size is more sensitive to changes in the data.

3. Alignment: The alignment parameter determines how the window is positioned relative to each data point. Common options include:

  • Center: The window is centered on the current data point.
  • Left: The window starts at the current data point and includes subsequent points.
  • Right: The window ends at the current data point and includes preceding points.

4. Handling Boundaries: When the window reaches the boundaries of the dataset (beginning or end), there might not be enough data points to fill the window. Different strategies are used to handle these cases:

  • Padding: Adding missing values (e.g., NA) to fill the window.
  • Partial Windows: Calculating the result for the available data within the window.

5. Overlapping vs. Non-overlapping Windows: The windows overlap, meaning the window moves one step at a time. The windows do not overlap, meaning the window moves by its full size each step.

Advanced Concepts of Sliding Window in R

Now we will discuss the Advanced Concepts of Sliding Window in R Programming Language. most common Concepts of Sliding Window in R is as below.

  1. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): A type of moving average that gives more weight to recent data points.
  2. Cumulative Sum : A cumulative total that updates as the window moves.
  3. Custom Functions: Using user-defined functions for complex computations within the window.

Implementation of Sliding Window using the slider library Package

First we Create a sample dataset and then Apply the slide_dbl function to compute the rolling mean with a specified window size.

# Code
if (!require("slider")) install.packages("slider")
# Step 1: Create sample data
data <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# Step 2: Apply rolling mean with window size of 3
rolling_mean <- slide_dbl(data, ~mean(.x), .before = 1, .after = 1, .complete = TRUE)

# Step 3: Print the output


[1] NA  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 NA

Implementation using zoo Package

Now we will implement Sliding Window in R using zoo Package so first Create a sample dataset and then Apply the rollapply function to compute the rolling mean with a specified window size.

# Step 1: Create sample data
data <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# Step 2: Apply rolling mean with window size of 3
rolling_mean <- rollapply(data, width = 3, FUN = mean, align = "center", fill = NA)

# Step 3: Print the output


 [1] NA  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 NA


The sliding window technique is a powerful tool for analyzing subsets of data within a larger dataset, and it has numerous applications in time series analysis, signal processing, and other domains. In R, the rollapply() function from the zoo package provides a straightforward way to implement sliding windows, while alternative packages like RcppRoll and roll offer additional options and potential performance improvements.