Smallest number containing all possible N length permutations using digits 0 to D

Given two integer N and D, the task is to find the size of the smallest string that contains all permutations of length N that can be formed using first D digits (0, 1, …, D-1).

Input: N = 2, D = 2 
Output: 01100 
Possible permutations of length 2 from digits (0, 1) are {00, 01, 10, 11}. 
“01100” is one such string that contains all the permutations as a substring. 
Other possible answers are “00110”, “10011”, “11001”
Input: N = 2, D = 4 
Output: 03322312113020100 
Here all possible permutations of length 2 from digits {0, 1, 2, 3} are 
00 10 20 30 
01 11 21 31 
02 12 22 32 
03 13 23 33 
“03322312113020100” is a string of minimum length that contains all the above permutations.


Append ‘0’ N-1 times and call DFS on the string in the current state. Append all the D characters one by one. Every time after appending, check if the new string is visited or not. If so, mark it visited by inserting it into a HashSet and add this character in the answer. Recursively call the DFS function on the last D characters. Repeat this process until all possible substrings of N length from the D digits are appended to the string. Print the final string generated.
Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ Program to find the
// minimum length string
// consisting of all
// permutations of length N
// of D digits
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Initialize set to see
// if all the possible
// permutations are present
// in the min length string
set<string> visited;
// To keep min length string
string ans;
// Generate the required string
void dfs(string curr, int D)
    // Iterate over all the possible
    // character
    for (int x = 0; x < D; ++x) {
        char chr = x + '0';
        // Append to make a new string
        string neighbour = curr + chr;
        // If the new string is not
        // visited
        if (visited.find(neighbour) == visited.end()) {
            // Add in set
            // Call the dfs function on
            // the last d characters
            dfs(neighbour.substr(1), D);
string reqString(int N, int D)
    // Base case
    if (N == 1 && D == 1)
        return "0";
    string start;
    // Append '0' n-1 times
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
    // Call the DFS Function
    dfs(start, D);
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 2;
    int D = 2;
    cout << reqString(N, D) << '\n';
    return 0;


// Java Program to find the
// minimum length string
// consisting of all
// permutations of length N
// of D digits
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class w3wiki {
    // Initialize hashset to see
    // if all the possible
    // permutations are present
    // in the min length string
    static Set<String> visited;
    // To keep min length string
    static StringBuilder ans;
    public static String reqString(int N,
                                   int D)
        // Base case
        if (N == 1 && D == 1)
            return "0";
        visited = new HashSet<>();
        ans = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        // Append '0' n-1 times
        for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
        String start = sb.toString();
        // Call the DFS Function
        dfs(start, D);
        return new String(ans);
    // Generate the required string
    public static void dfs(String curr, int D)
        // Iterate over all the possible
        // character
        for (int x = 0; x < D; ++x) {
            // Append to make a new string
            String neighbour = curr + x;
            // If the new string is not
            // visited
            if (!visited.contains(neighbour)) {
                // Add in hashset
                // Call the dfs function on
                // the last d characters
                dfs(neighbour.substring(1), D);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int N = 2;
        int D = 2;
        System.out.println(reqString(N, D));


# Python3 Program to find the
# minimum length string
# consisting of all
# permutations of length N
# of D digits
#  Initialize set to see
#  if all the possible
#  permutations are present
#  in the min length string
# To keep min length string
# Generate the required string
def dfs(curr, D):
    # Iterate over all possible character
    for c in range(D):
        c = str(c)
        # Append to make a new string
        neighbour = curr + c
        # If the new string is not visited
        if neighbour not in visited:
            # Add in set
            # Call the dfs function on the last d characters
            dfs(neighbour[1:], D)
def reqString(N, D):
    # Base case
    if (N == 1 and D == 1):
        return "0"
    # Append '0' n-1 times
    start=''.join(['0']*(N - 1))
    # Call the DFS Function
    dfs(start, D)
    ans.extend(['0']*(N - 1))
    return ''.join(ans)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N, D = 2, 2
    # This code is contributed by amartyaghoshgfg.


// C# Program to find the minimum length string consisting
// of all permutations of length N of D digits
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
public class GFG {
  // Initialize hashset to see if all the possible
  // permutations are present in the min length string
  static HashSet<string> visited;
  // To keep min length string
  static StringBuilder ans;
  static string reqString(int N, int D)
    // Base case
    if (N == 1 && D == 1)
      return "0";
    visited = new HashSet<string>();
    ans = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // Append '0' n-1 times
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
    string start = sb.ToString();
    // Call the DFS Function
    dfs(start, D);
    return ans.ToString();
  // Generate the required string
  static void dfs(string curr, int D)
    // Iterate over all the possible character
    for (int x = 0; x < D; ++x)
      // Append to make a new string
      string neighbour = curr + x;
      // If the new string is not visited
      if (!visited.Contains(neighbour))
        // Add in hashset
        // Call the dfs function on
        // the last d characters
        dfs(neighbour.Substring(1), D);
  static public void Main()
    // Code
    int N = 2;
    int D = 2;
    Console.WriteLine(reqString(N, D));
// This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.


// JavaScript Program to find the
// minimum length string
// consisting of all
// permutations of length N
// of D digits
// Initialize set to see
// if all the possible
// permutations are present
// in the min length string
let visited = new Set()
// To keep min length string
let ans=[]
// Generate the required string
function dfs(curr, D){
    // Iterate over all possible character
    for(let c = 0;c<D;c++){
        c = parseInt(c)
        // Append to make a new string
        let neighbour = curr + c
        // If the new string is not visited
        if(visited.has(neighbour) == false){
            // Add in set
            // Call the dfs function on the last d characters
            dfs(neighbour.substring(1), D)
function reqString(N, D){
    // Base case
    if (N == 1 && D == 1)
        return "0"
    // Append '0' n-1 times
    let start=new Array(N - 1).fill('0').join('')
    // Call the DFS Function
    dfs(start, D)
    ans.push(new Array(N - 1).fill('0'))
    return ans.join('')
// driver code
let N = 2,D = 2
// This code is contributed by shinjanpatra




Time Complexity: O(N * DN
Auxiliary Space: O(N * DN