SMWYG (Show-Me-What-You-Got) Tool in Kali Linux

SMWYG is a free and open-source tool available on Github. SMWYG is used to perform reconnaissance on organizations or on any individual. SMWYG works upon an open-source intelligence tool that works on (OSINT). SMWYG allows its users to search approximately 1.4 billion people’s leaked or breached data. The database of SMWYG can be used to find passwords faster and easier. Using the email address of any person. security researchers can perform reconnaissance on an email address. SMWYG is written in python language. You must have python language installed in your kali Linux operating system in order to use the tool.


Step 1: Open your kali Linux operating system and use the following command to install the tool from Github.

git clone

Step 2: Now use the following command to install the requirements of the tool.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: All the dependencies of the tool have been downloaded and installed successfully. Now use the following command to run the tool.


The tool is running successfully. Now we will see examples to use the tool.


Example 1: Use the SMWYG to perform reconnaissance on users of a website.

choose option 1

Type domain

Now the tool is performing reconnaissance on the domain.

Example 2: Use the SMWYG to perform reconnaissance on email addresses.

choose option 2

The tool is performing reconnaissance on an email address.