Snake Like Effect using CSS and JavaScript

In this article, we will see how to create a Snake Like Effect by using CSS and JavaScript.

CDN Link: Include the following GSAP library in your HTML code.

<script src=””></script>

Approach :

  • We have taken a div tag named snake which is an instance of the full snake. We have taken circle, we can take another shape by using simple CSS.
  • We have created more divs to give the length of the snake. We can include more div tags to increase its length.
  • document.body.addEventListener(“mousemove”): This function in JavaScript attaches a moving mouse event to the document. When the user moves the mouse pointer anywhere in the document, the event which is being mentioned occurs.
  • e.clientX: Get the horizontal coordinate.
  • e.clientY: Get the vertical coordinate.
  • stagger :For delay in animation (0.05 sec),  we can see the snake.
  •“.snake”): It will track the snake with reference to pointer coordinates.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
        /* Area part for snake */
    <div class="area">
        <!-- You can add more divs for a long snake-->
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
        <div class="snake"></div>
<!-- GSAP Library -->
<!-- JavaScript Code for mouse event -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {".snake", {
            x : e.clientX,
            y : e.clientY,
            stagger : -0.05,


.area {
     width: 80px;
     height: 80px;
     position: relative;
/* Designing of a part of snake (here circle) */
 .area .snake {
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     left: 0;
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;
     background: rgb(3, 171, 15);
     border: 2px solid white;
     border-radius: 50%;

Output: Click here to see live code output

As you can see from the above output, we have created a snake that follows our mouse pointer making it look like a Snake-like effect.