Sodium Chromate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Sodium Chromate Formula- Sodium is a chemical with the symbol Na its atomic number is 11. It is a soft flammable silvery white highly reactive metal. It is essential for normal muscle and nerve function. It is the most common alkali metal and the sixth most abundant element on Earth. It is used in the production of titanium, sodamide, sodium peroxide, and sodium hydride.

Chromium is a chemical element with the symbol Cr its automatic number is 24. It is the first element in group 6 in the periodic table. It is a lustrous brittle hard metal. Its color is silver gray and it can be highly chromium occurs mainly in three forms. Metallic chromium is a steel gray solid with a higher melting point that is very used to make steel and other alloys.

Oxygen is a chemical element with the symbol O. Its atomic number is 8  and its electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4. Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774. Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Oxygen gas is mainly found in the atmosphere. It is highly reactive and forms oxides with almost all elements except noble gases.

Sodium Chromate

Sodium Chromate is the inorganic compound with the formula Na2CrO4. It appears as a yellow crystalline solid. Sodium Chromate is used to make pigments for paints and inks and other chemicals. It is used as a wood preservative. Sodium Chromate anhydrous is used as a corrosion inhibitor in the petroleum industry and dyeing auxiliary in the textile industry.

Structure Of  Sodium Chromate

The chemical formula of Sodium Chromate is Na2CrO4. It is an ionic compound. To write the formula of this first we need to write the element symbol sodium as Na. It has a +1 ionic charge Na+1. And then chromate ion it has -2 ionic charge  CrO42-.In this chromate, Ion Chromium is the central atom and surrounding by four oxygen atoms. The Lewis structure is shown below the diagram.


Preparation Of  Sodium Chromate

  •  Sodium Chromate is produced by the reactions of sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate, and chromium oxide

4 NaOH + 3 NaNO3+ Cr2O ——-> 2 H2O + 2 Na2CrO4 + 3 NaNO2

  • Sodium Oxide reacts with dichromic acid to form Sodium Chromate and water

4 NaOH + H2Cr2O7 ———> 3 HO + 2 Na2CrO4

  • Sodium Peroxide reacts with iron chromate to produce Sodium Chromate, iron oxide, and sodium oxide

7 Na2O2 + 2 FeCr2O4 ——> Fe2O3 + 3 Na2O + 4 Na2CrO4

  • Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with (Na3CrO3 )sodium chromate (III) to produce  Sodium Chromate, sodium hydroxide, and water

3 H2O2 + 2 Na3CrO3 ——–> 2 H2O + 2 NaOH + 2 Na2CrO4

Physical Properties Of Sodium Chromate

  • Molecular weight of Sodium Chromate is 161.972 g/mol
  • Its density is 2.698 g/cm3
  • Its melting point is 792οC

Chemical Properties Of Sodium Chromate

  • The chemical formula of Sodium Chromate is Na2CrO4
  • Sulfuric acid reacts with Sodium Chromate to produce sodium sulfate and sodium dichromate and water

H2SO4 + 2 Na2CrO4 —–> Na2SO4 + Na2CrO7 + H2O

  • Sodium Chromate reacts with barium chloride to produce sodium chloride and barium chromate

Na2CrO4 + BaCl2 ——->2 NaCl + BaCrO4 

  • Sodium Chromate reacts with lead nitrate to form sodium nitrate and lead chromate

Pb(NO3)2 + Na2CrO4 ——> 2 NaNO3 + PdCrO4

  • Sodium Chromate reacts with silver nitrate to produce sodium nitrate and silver chromate

2 AgNO3 + Na2CrO4 —–> 2 NaNO3 + Ag2CrO4

Health Effects Of Sodium Chromate

  • Sodium Chromate can affect you when you inhaled 
  • It can irritate the skin
  • It is a carcinogen
  • Its contact can irritate the eyes
  • It can irritate the nose and throat
  • It may damage the liver and kidneys.

Uses Of Sodium Chromate

  • Sodium Chromate is used as a corrosion inhibitor in the petroleum
  • It is used in the manufacturing of chromic acid 
  • It is used as a strong oxidizing agent
  • The major applications of sodium chromate are to produce sodium dichromate

FAQs on Sodium Chromate

Question 1: Is Sodium Chromate an indicator?


Sodium Chromate is the ionic compound with the formula Na2CrO4. It acts as the indicator added to the chloride sample solution. The chromate ion if it is to be a useful indicator must not react with the silver ion until the stoichiometric point silver ion concentration is reached.

Question 2: What are the uses of sodium chromate?


Sodium chromate is an ionic compound. It is an odorless yellow crystalline solid used in the production of chemicals, paints, inks, and wood preservatives .it is used as an inhibitor in petroleum.

Question 3: Is sodium chromate precipitate?


Sodium Chromate is a yellow crystalline solid. It is soluble in water. Almost all alkali metal compounds and nitrates are soluble. Silver compounds are insoluble. When the soluble salts and sodium chromate and silver nitrate are mixed in this insoluble silver chromate forms and precipitate out.

Question 4: Uses of chromium?


Chromium is a chemical element with the symbol Cr. It is used to harden the steel to manufacture stainless steel and also used to produce several alloys. It is mainly used in electroplating, tanning, and dyeing. It is used in metallurgy to impart corrosion resistance and a shiny finish.

Question 5: What are the uses of oxygen?


Oxygen is needed for respiration and the release of energy. It is used in oxy hydrogen and oxy-acetylene which are used for cutting and welding. It is used in hospitals for artificial respiration. It is used in the production of steel, plastics, and textiles.

Question 6: What s the oxidation number of sodium chromate?


 Sodium Chromate is an ionic compound. It is a strong oxidizing agent. Its solution in water is colored. It is toxic because it contains chromium in the +6 oxidation state.

Question 7: What are the uses of sodium?


Sodium is a chemical element it is a silvery white metal. It is a highly reactive element. It is an essential element in animal nutrition. Sodium is used in the production of titanium ,sodamide ,sodium cyanide,sodium peroxide , and sodium hydride. It is used as a heat exchanger in some nuclear reactors.