SOTI Interview Experience 2023

The selection process consists of two main rounds: the Coding Round and the Interview Round.

Coding Round:

This round was conducted online, and the coding round consisted of three questions, each with a certain percentage of significance. One question carried a weight of 50%, while the other was 25%. In this round, candidates could choose the programming language of their choice. The coding questions covered a variety of topics, including:

  • Dynamic Programming
  • String Manipulation
  • Path Problems
  • Array
  • General Topics (general coding questions)

We had three hours to complete these questions, and each question had a set of test cases that needed to be passed for submission. Successful completion of a question led to the corresponding percentage of weightage being awarded.

Upon successfully passing the Coding Round, I got an invitation for the Interview Round at the SOTI Kochi offices. Since I hadn’t experienced in-office interviews before, I felt a mix of excitement and curiosity about what was to come. On the day of the interview, the people and culture team at the office warmly greeted me. Their hospitality and friendliness made a big first impression on me.

Interview Round:

In the Interview Round, I was interviewed by two SOTI employees. They set a relaxed tone by asking casual questions about my background, background, how was my journey to the office, and my family. This approach helped ease any nervousness I had, and from there, they smoothly transitioned into the technical questions, covering a range of topics,

  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Time complexity questions
  • Programming language features (I had chosen Python)
  • Skill-based questions

Being a Python programmer, I was asked about Python, and this led to questions like:

  • Why do you prefer Python?
  • Differences between lists and arrays in Python
  • The heterogeneity of Python lists and how they function
  • The scope of Python

Subsequently, I faced questions related to data structures and time complexity, some of them are following:

  • How does a linked list work, and how is it traversed?
  • Advantages of linked lists compared to arrays
  • Time complexity of traversing a linked list

Following that, they inquired about my skills as a web developer, and I showcased some of the projects I had already completed and hosted. One tough element of the interview changed into a puzzle they provided. Though it initially posed a challenge, the interviewers patiently explained it multiple times. Through focused thinking, I eventually arrived at the solution. It seemed like this stage was designed to assess critical thinking abilities.

On the whole, the interview was conducted in a relaxed manner, and the interviewers ensured it was a stress-free experience. Whether or not I was selected, I considered it an invaluable experience.

In the subsequent weeks, I received the offer letter from SOTI. The entire process left me with a positive impression of the company, and I am eagerly looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.