How to Speed Up Web Browsing with Slow Internet?

Accessing different platforms online by using different web browsers is an essential part of our daily life. Browsing the web faster makes it easier to complete any certain search or research on the browser.

However, there are numerous times when we find a slow internet connection that interrupts fast web browsing. This article is going to learn why the web browser is running slowly and will discuss eight effective methods to speed up web browsing with a slow internet connection.

Why is My Web Browser Running So Slowly?

If your web browser is running very slowly, it could be due to a few reasons causing a slow internet connection:

  • High Network Traffic: If there is suddenly high traffic on the ISP, the internet speed might slow down for a while.
  • Old Router: If your Router or hardware is too much old enough, then this kind of issue can be seen multiple times.
  • Distance from Router: If you use any device far away from the router, the internet speed might be slow.
  • Limitation of ISP: The Internet Service Provided may reduce the Network Bandwidth. That is why, the problem is created.
  • Background Process: The device consumes much more data in the background to complete any certain operation.

Note: First, confirm if your browser is slow or if only your internet connection is slow. Check your internet speed using online tools and fix your internet speed now. In case your web browser takes so long to load, then you need to fix your web browsing speed.

How to Speed Up Web Browsing With Slow Internet?

To Access Web Faster on Slow Internet Connection, the following methods need to be executed one by one. Try out these methods and fix browsing speed!

Method 1: Update Web Browser to its latest version

The prominent reason for slow web browsing is using an older version of the Chrome browser. Outdated browser versions can suffer from performance issues and compatibility problems.

To ensure optimal browsing speed and functionality, it is crucial to keep your browser updated. Therefore, make sure to update browser to its latest version immediately.

Method 2: Close Unnecessary Tabs to Fix Browsing Speed

If you have too many tabs and browser windows open on your computer, it can make things slower. So close any unnecessary tabs and windows that you’re not actively using. This may help speed up how fast web pages load in your browser.

Method 3: Remove Unused Extension and Plugins

Removing unwanted extensions and plugins from your browser can help speed up your browsing. These extensions and plugins actively consume system resources, which can slow down performance. To save browsing data remove or disable those extensions and improve your browsing speed.

Method 4: Clearing Browser Cache to Speed Up Web Browsing

If you are browsing any Web Browser for a long time, there might be different Cache Files stored. These Browser Cache Files will consume a lot of internet to run the application. It is one of the main reasons behind the High Internet Consumption of Browser. Hence it is important to clear browser cache

In such cases, you have to Clear Browser Cache on your device. After clearing all caches, you will find your device a bit more functional & working smoothly even with the Slow Network Connection.

Method 5: Restart Router to Fix Browsing Speed

The first & very simple method to use a Web Browser Faster on Slow Internet is to Restart the Router. Most of the users never Shut Down the Router as it can be used at any time on any certain day. This leads to the Storing of Caches on Router.

To Remove Cache from Router, just Switch Off the Router for a while. And after a few minutes, Turn On the Router again. The problem will hopefully be resolved. But, if the internet speed is still slow, use the next method.

Method 6: Disable Image Content to Browse Faster on Slow Internet

Step 1: Open the Settings of Web Browser & go to the Privacy & Security option.

Step 2: After that, go for the Site Settings option.

Step 3: Under the Content option, click on the Image.

Step 4: Now, click on the option Don’t Allow Sites to Show Images. This will reduce the Network Consumption of Browser.

Method 7: Enable Reader Mode to Speed Up Web Browsing

Browse to the Flags Option of Chrome & search for Reading Option. After that, from the Reading Mode Dropdown, select the Enable Option that will not show unnecessary data on the Web Browser.

Method 8: Use Data Saver Extension to Save Browsing Data

To Save browsing Data to Browse Faster, you can use Multiple Browser Extensions. These Data Saver Extensions will use a small amount of data while browsing on the Internet. And that will eventually use less data.

There are numerous Data Saver Extensions available on the internet. Like Save Data, YouGreen, IG Follow, etc. As per your choice, you can Install Extensions on Browser & use them to consume less data.


At the end of the discussion, we conclude that Browsing Faster on Slow Internet is a matter of a few tricks to be executed. Using the above-mentioned tricks you can certainly Access Web Faster but for a while. If the Slow Internet Connection Problem exists for a long, the tricks will not be a permanent relief in that case.

How to Speed Up Web Browsing with Slow Internet – FAQs

How to Browse the Web Faster on a Slow Internet Connection?

To Browse the Web Faster on a Slow Internet Connection, you have to execute the following steps properly.

  1. Open Settings of the Browser.
  2. Go to the Privacy & Security Option.
  3. Click on the Site Settings option.
  4. Under the Contents option, click on the Image.
  5. Set the image option as Don’t Allow Sites to Show Images

Why Internet go slow?

There are numerous reasons behind a Slow Down Internet Connection. The Bandwidth of the Internet Service Provider gets down rapidly causing a slow network connection. Sometimes, the device consumes much of the internet connection to complete any operation that is going on in the background. Also, there can be many other reasons as well.

Can a router be a reason for a Slow Internet Connection?

Yes! If there is any problem with the router, the internet speed might get slower. If the Router is old enough, the Internet Speed will be reduced multiple times. Also, if the connector of the router is damaged by any external effect, then you can experience a problematic Network Speed on your device.