Spelling Correction for SSC CGL

Here we are going to discuss some questions related to “Spelling Correction”.  This topic is a part of the English comprehension of most competitive exams. Examiner asked such types of questions to check the examinee’s vocabulary and his/her presence of mind. To mark correctly in such type of questions you have to be very clear about the pronunciation of words so you can easily eliminate the incorrect words.

Due to the presence of thousands of words in the English dictionary, it is impossible for an aspirant to learn all the words. To solve such types of questions in exams, it is advisable to go through the ample amount of questions by which you can learn how to eliminate the options.

 List of Different Varieties of Questions Based on Spelling Correction : 

Que 1. Out of the following options, one word is incorrectly spelt. Find the incorrectly spelt word.

(a). Benediction

(b). Accommodative

(c). Clairvoyant

(d). Chivel

Answer: option (d)

Explanation : 

Here option (d) is an incorrectly spelt word.

Benediction:  prayer offered to ask for a blessing

Accommodative:  willing to fit in someone’s wishes

Clairvoyant: a person which has some special power and can see the future

Chivel – correct word is chauvel which means scalped or bald area.


Que 2. Out of the following options, one word is incorrectly spelt. Find the incorrectly spelt word.

(a). Benevolence

(b). Austere

(c). Occasionally

(d). Reminiscense

Answer: option (d)

Explanation : 

Here option (d) is an incorrectly spelled word.

Benevolence – the quality of being kind to others

Austere: A way of life that is simple and without any luxuries

Occasionally: those actions happen sometimes.

Reminiscense – the correct word is Reminiscence which means to remember past story or event.


Que 3. Out of the following options, find the correctly spelt word.

(a). Cumullative

(b). Circuiteous

(c).  Colate

(d). College

Answer : Option (d)

Explanation : 

Here option (d) is the correctly spelt word.

College means an institution where students pursue his/her graduation.

Cumulative means increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.

Circuitous means longer than the most direct way.

Collate means to collect or gather. 




Que 4. Out of the following options, find the correctly spelt word.

(a). Deterjent

(b). Clotthes

(c). Stethoslope

(d). Clairvoyant

Answer: option (d)


Here option (d) is the correctly spelt word.

Clairvoyant means a person who has some special power and can see the future. 

stethoscope means a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone’s heart or breathing, typically having a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes connected to earpieces.


Que 5. Out of the following options, one word is incorrectly spelt. Find the Incorrectly spelt word.

(a).  Recomendation

(b). discrepancy

(c). separation

(d).  Advisable

Answer: option (a)

Explanation : 

Here option (a) is an incorrectly spelt word. It should be recommendation which means a suggestion or proposal.

Discrepancy: Lack of compatibility

Separation: Process of separating things

Advisable: To give someone the right direction.



Que 6. In the following question, a group of four words are given. In each group, one word is misspelt. Find the misspelt word.

(a). Panache

(b). Assiduous

(c). Conciliate

(d). Mercureal

Answer : option (d)

Explanation : 

Here option (d) is incorrectly spelt.  The correct spelling is “mercurial” which means subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.

Panache – Dash in style and action.

Assiduous – Showing great care.

Conciliate – To make more friendly.


Que 7. In the following question, a group of four words are given. In each group, one word is spelt correctly. Find the correctly spelt word.

(a). Titivate

(b). Titiwait

(c). Titiwate

(d). Titiweight

Answer: option (a)

Explanation : 

Here option (a) is the correctly spelt word.

titivate means to make things more attractive


Que 8. In the following options, four words are given, and one word is misspelt. Find the misspelt word.

(a). Demoliesh

(b). Mawkish

(c). Facsimile

(d). Obliterate

Answer: option (a)

Explanation : 

Here option (a) will be an incorrectly spelt word.

Obliterate – To remove or destroy

Facsimile – An exact copy

Mawkish – Childishly emotional

Demolish: – to pull or knock down 


Que 9. In the following option, four words are given. One word is spelt correctly. Find the correctly spelt word.

(a). Ovliterate

(b). Obliterate

(c). Oblitrate

(d). Obliterete

Answer: option (b)

Explanation : 

here option (b) is a correctly spelt word.

Obliterate means to remove or destroy.


Que 10. In the following options, four words are given, and one word is misspelt. Find the misspelt word.

(a). Umbrage

(b). Kafkaeskue

(c). Adjure

(d). Invective

Answer: option (b)

Explanation : 

Here option (b) is an incorrectly spelt word.

Umbrage – the feeling of being offended

Adjure – To urge earnestly

Invective – Abusive language

kafkaesque – to describe situations that are disorientingly and illogically complex in a surreal or nightmarish way.