Splitting a Numeric String

Given a numeric string (length <= 32), split it into two or more integers( if possible), such that 

  1. Difference between current and previous number is 1.
  2. No number contains leading zeroes 

If it is possible to separate a given numeric string then print “Possible” followed by the first number of the increasing sequence, else print “Not Possible“. 


Input : 1234
Output : Possible 1
Explanation: String can be split as "1", "2", 
"3", "4"

Input : 99100
Output :Possible 99
Explanation: String can be split as "99",

Input : 101103
Output : Not Possible
Explanation: It is not possible to split this 
string under given constraint.

Approach : The idea is to take a substring from index 0 to any index i (i starting from 1) of the numeric string and convert it to long data type. Add 1 to it and convert the increased number back to string. Check if the next occurring substring is equal to the increased one. If yes, then carry on the procedure else increase the value of i and repeat the steps.



// C++ program to split a numeric
// string in an Increasing
// sequence if possible
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function accepts a string and
// checks if string can be split.
void split(string str)
    int len = str.length();
    // if there is only 1 number
    // in the string then
    // it is not possible to split it
    if (len == 1) {
        cout << ("Not Possible");
    string s1 = "", s2 = "";
    long num1, num2;
    for (int i = 0; i <= len / 2; i++) {
        int flag = 0;
        // storing the substring from
        // 0 to i+1 to form initial
        // number of the increasing sequence
        s1 = str.substr(0, i + 1);
        num1 = stoi((s1));
        num2 = num1 + 1;
        // convert string to integer
        // and add 1 and again convert
        // back to string s2
        s2 = to_string(num2);
        int k = i + 1;
        while (flag == 0) {
            int l = s2.length();
            // if s2 is not a substring
            // of number than not possible
            if (k + l > len) {
                flag = 1;
            // if s2 is the next substring
            // of the numeric string
            if ((str.substr(k, k + l) == s2)) {
                flag = 0;
                // Increase num2 by 1 i.e the
                // next number to be looked for
                k = k + l;
                // check if string is fully
                // traversed then break
                if (k == len)
                s2 = to_string(num2);
                l = s2.length();
                if (k + 1 > len) {
                    // If next string doesnot occurs
                    // in a given numeric string
                    // then it is not possible
                    flag = 1;
                flag = 1;
        // if the string was fully traversed
        // and conditions were satisfied
        if (flag == 0) {
            cout << "Possible " << s1 << endl;
        // if conditions failed to hold
        else if (flag == 1 && i > len / 2 - 1) {
            cout << "Not Possible" << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    string str = "99100";
    // Call the split function
    // for splitting the string
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07


// Java program to split a numeric
// string in an Increasing
// sequence if possible
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Function accepts a string and
    // checks if string can be split.
    public static void split(String str)
        int len = str.length();
        // if there is only 1 number
        // in the string then
        // it is not possible to split it
        if (len == 1) {
            System.out.println("Not Possible");
        String s1 = "", s2 = "";
        long num1, num2;
        for (int i = 0; i <= len / 2; i++) {
            int flag = 0;
            // storing the substring from
            // 0 to i+1 to form initial
            // number of the increasing sequence
            s1 = str.substring(0, i + 1);
            num1 = Long.parseLong((s1));
            num2 = num1 + 1;
            // convert string to integer
            // and add 1 and again convert
            // back to string s2
            s2 = Long.toString(num2);
            int k = i + 1;
            while (flag == 0) {
                int l = s2.length();
                // if s2 is not a substring
                // of number than not possible
                if (k + l > len) {
                    flag = 1;
                // if s2 is the next substring
                // of the numeric string
                if ((str.substring(k, k + l).equals(s2))) {
                    flag = 0;
                    // Increase num2 by 1 i.e the
                    // next number to be looked for
                    k = k + l;
                    // check if string is fully
                    // traversed then break
                    if (k == len)
                    s2 = Long.toString(num2);
                    l = s2.length();
                    if (k + 1 > len) {
                        // If next string doesnot occurs
                        // in a given numeric string
                        // then it is not possible
                        flag = 1;
                    flag = 1;
            // if the string was fully traversed
            // and conditions were satisfied
            if (flag == 0) {
                                   + " " + s1);
            // if conditions failed to hold
            else if (flag == 1 && i > len / 2 - 1) {
                System.out.println("Not Possible");
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        String str = "99100";
        // Call the split function
        // for splitting the string


# Python3 program to split a numeric
# string in an Increasing
# sequence if possible
# Function accepts a string and
# checks if string can be split.
def split(Str) :
    Len = len(Str)
    # if there is only 1 number
    # in the string then
    # it is not possible to split it
    if (Len == 1) :
        print("Not Possible")
    s1, s2 = "", ""
    for i in range((Len // 2) + 1) :
        flag = 0
        # storing the substring from
        # 0 to i+1 to form initial
        # number of the increasing sequence
        s1 = Str[0 : i + 1]
        num1 = int(s1)
        num2 = num1 + 1
        # convert string to integer
        # and add 1 and again convert
        # back to string s2
        s2 = str(num2)
        k = i + 1
        while (flag == 0) :
            l = len(s2)
            # if s2 is not a substring
            # of number than not possible
            if (k + l > Len) :
                flag = 1
            # if s2 is the next substring
            # of the numeric string
            if ((Str[k : k + l] == s2)) :
                flag = 0
                # Increase num2 by 1 i.e the
                # next number to be looked for
                num2 += 1
                k = k + l
                # check if string is fully
                # traversed then break
                if (k == Len) :
                s2 = str(num2)
                l = len(s2)
                if (k + 1 > len) :
                    # If next string doesnot occurs
                    # in a given numeric string
                    # then it is not possible
                    flag = 1
            else :
                flag = 1
        # if the string was fully traversed
        # and conditions were satisfied
        if (flag == 0) :
            print("Possible",  s1)
        # if conditions failed to hold
        elif (flag == 1 and i > (Len // 2) - 1) :
            print("Not Possible")
# Driver code       
Str = "99100"
# Call the split function
# for splitting the string
# This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


// C# program to split a numeric
// string in an Increasing
// sequence if possible
using System;
class GFG
// Function accepts a
// string and checks if
// string can be split.
static void split(string str)
    int len = str.Length;
    // if there is only 1
    // number in the string
    // then it is not possible
    // to split it
    if (len == 1)
        Console.WriteLine("Not Possible");
    string s1 = "", s2 = "";
    long num1, num2;
    for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
        int flag = 0;
        // storing the substring
        // from 0 to i+1 to form
        // initial number of the
        // increasing sequence
        s1 = str.Substring(0, i + 1);
        num1 = Convert.ToInt64((s1));
        num2 = num1 + 1;
        // convert string to integer
        // and add 1 and again convert
        // back to string s2
        s2 = num2.ToString();
        int k = i + 1;
        while (flag == 0)
            int l = s2.Length;
            // if s2 is not a substring
            // of number than not possible
            if (k + l > len)
                flag = 1;
            // if s2 is the next
            // substring of the
            // numeric string
            if ((str.Substring(k, l).Equals(s2)))
                flag = 0;
                // Increase num2 by 1 i.e
                // the next number to be
                // looked for
                k = k + l;
                // check if string is fully
                // traversed then break
                if (k == len)
                s2 = num2.ToString();
                l = s2.Length;
                if (k + 1 > len)
                    // If next string doesnot
                    // occurs in a given numeric
                    // string then it is not
                    // possible
                    flag = 1;
                flag = 1;
        // if the string was fully
        // traversed and conditions
        // were satisfied
        if (flag == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Possible" +
                                " " + s1);
        // if conditions
        // failed to hold
        else if (flag == 1 &&
                 i > len / 2 - 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Not Possible");
// Driver Code
static void Main()
    string str = "99100";
    // Call the split function
    // for splitting the string
// This code is contributed by
// Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)


// JavaScript program to split a numeric
// string in an Increasing
// sequence if possible
// Function accepts a string and
// checks if string can be split.
function split(str)
    let len = str.length;
    // if there is only 1 number
    // in the string then
    // it is not possible to split it
    if (len == 1) {
        document.write("Not Possible","</br>");
    let s1 = "", s2 = "";
    let num1, num2;
    for (let i = 0; i <= Math.floor(len / 2); i++) {
        let flag = 0;
        // storing the substring from
        // 0 to i+1 to form initial
        // number of the increasing sequence
        s1 = str.substring(0, i + 1);
        num1 = parseInt(s1);
        num2 = num1 + 1;
        // convert string to integer
        // and add 1 and again convert
        // back to string s2
        s2 = num2.toString(10);
        let k = i + 1;
        while (flag == 0) {
            let l = s2.length;
            // if s2 is not a substring
            // of number than not possible
            if (k + l > len) {
                flag = 1;
            // if s2 is the next substring
            // of the numeric string
            if (str.substring(k, 2*k + l) == s2) {
                flag = 0;
                // Increase num2 by 1 i.e the
                // next number to be looked for
                k = k + l;
                // check if string is fully
                // traversed then break
                if (k == len)
                s2 = num2.toString(10);
                l = s2.length;
                if (k + 1 > len) {
                    // If next string doesnot occurs
                    // in a given numeric string
                    // then it is not possible
                    flag = 1;
            else flag = 1;
        // if the string was fully traversed
        // and conditions were satisfied
        if (flag == 0) {
            document.write("Possible " + s1,"</br>");
        // if conditions failed to hold
        else if (flag == 1 && i > Math.floor(len / 2)- 1) {
            document.write("Not Possible","</br>");
// Driver code
let str = "99100";
// Call the split function
// for splitting the string
// This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


Possible 99

Time Complexity: O(n*n), where n is the length of string.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), where n is the length of string.