Spotting Error Practice Questions Based On English Grammar “Noun”

If you are preparing for any govt. exams, like Banking, SSC, Defence, or State PSCs, it is important for you to understand that the English language is quite necessary to qualify the exam. It will also help you in carrying out the day-to-day duties after joining the job.

Here we are sharing some practice questions from one of the most important topics, Noun, to help your preparation so that you can practice and measure your grip on the topic at the same time.

Direction (1-15): In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error. If the sentence contains no error, then choose ‘No error’.

1. We padded the seat of the chair with camel hairs to make it soft.

A. We padded the
B. seat of the chair
C. with camel hairs 
D. to make it soft
E. No error

Answer: C


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option C. Some nouns are generally uncountable nouns. ‘Hair’ is one of them. So, it is generally considered singular.

Thus, replace “hairs” with “hair” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: We padded the seat of the chair with camel hair to make it soft.

2. You’ve got a whole week to yourself and you can read to your heart’s contents.

A. You’ve got a 
B. whole week to
C. yourself and you can
D. read to your heart’s contents
E. No error

Answer: D


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option D. The meaning of a few nouns in plural form is different from their meaning in the singular form. ‘Content’ is such a word.

In the given sentence, ‘content’ means “a state of satisfaction”. However, ‘contents’ mean ‘the things that are held or included in something’. Here, the state of being satisfied is mentioned (& ‘heart’ mentioned in the sentence also verifies that.) Thus, it should be ‘heart’s content’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: You’ve got a whole week to yourself and you can read to your heart’s content.

3. We had taken great pain to check the structural soundness of the coachwork.

A. We had taken
B. great pain to
C. check the structural
D. soundness of the coachwork
E. No error

Answer: B


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option B. The meaning of a few nouns in plural form is different from their meaning in the singular form. ‘Pain’ is such a word. ‘Pains’ means ‘great care or trouble’ while ‘pain’ means highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury.

Here, someone had been involved in trouble or we can say, someone had taken a difficult responsibility to check something. Thus, replace “pain” with “pains” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: We had taken great pains to check the structural soundness of the coachwork.

4. The central government has come up with a cash voucher scheme to encourage people to spend their savings on good.

A. The central government has
B. come up with a cash voucher
C. scheme to encourage people
D. to spend their savings on good
E. No error

Answer: D


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option D.

Here the use of the noun ‘good’ is incorrect. This is so because there are some nouns that have different meanings in their singular and plural forms. ‘Good’ means an approval/appreciation or validation for some task and ‘goods’ means merchandise or possessions. So, according to the given sentence latter should be used here. Thus, replace “good” with “goods” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: The central government has come up with a cash voucher scheme to encourage people to spend their savings on goods.

5. I tried taking tablets for the headache, but they did not have any affect.

A. for the headache
B. have any affect
C. but they did not
D. tried taking tablets

Answer: B


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option B. “Affect” is a verb that means to have an influence on someone or something or to cause a change in someone or something. For example,

Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.
The divorce affected every aspect of her life.

“Effect” is a noun that means the result of a particular influence. 

For example: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

In the given sentence, a noun is needed in place of a verb, and the verb is already mentioned.
In order to make the sentence correct, replace “affect” with “effect”.

Correct sentence: ‘I tried taking tablets for the headache, but they did not have any effect.’

6. In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offsprings varies between two to five.

A. the case of the guinea
B. between two to five
C. of offsprings varies
D. pig, the number

Answer: C


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option C.

The error is related to the noun “offsprings”.
Singular and plural versions of a few nouns are the same: offspring, deer, sheep, aircraft, apparatus, etc. are a few of them. For example,

The airline is taking steps to ensure the safety of its aircraft.
There were several sheep in my field.
A lot of deer were brought to the zoo.

‘Offspring’ means ‘the young of an animal or humans’. For example,

Ram’s sister came over on Sunday with all her offspring.

Here, ‘offspring’ is a plural noun as it is written after the clause ‘the number of’. And we write singular verb (i.e. varies in this sentence) after this. In order to make the sentence correct, replace ‘offsprings’ with “offspring”.

Correct sentence: ‘In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offspring varies between two to five.’

7. Unfortunately, I lost interested halfway through the film.

A. lost interested
B. halfway through
C. unfortunately, I
D. No Error

Answer: A


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option A. ‘Interested’ is an adjective which means ‘having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern’.

Here, we don’t need an adjective as it is not being modified by a noun in the given sentence.
And, a noun is needed after the verb “lost” to show what had been lost i.e. interest.

Interest is a noun that means the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or of wanting to be involved with and to discover more about something. For example,

I’ve always had an interest in astronomy.
She never seems to show any interest in dancing.

In order to make the sentence correct, replace “interested” with “interest”.

Correct sentence: ‘Unfortunately, I lost interest halfway through the film.’

8. Several work of art were stolen from the town museum yesterday.

A. several work of
B. art were stolen
C. from the town
D. museum yesterday

Answer: A


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option A. As a countable noun, “work” refers to something created, such as a book, painting, piece of music, or sculpture. 

For example: My father bought the complete works of P.B. Shelley for me.

When we do something that requires effort, as part of a job or for school, “work” is an uncountable noun. For example,  

Hard work is good for you. It keeps you fit. (work as physical activity)

In the given sentence ‘work’ refers to art, thus, it will be a countable noun. Moreover, ‘several’ is used and after it, we use plural nouns. In order to make the sentence correct, replace “work” with “works”.

Correct sentence: ‘Several works of art were stolen from the town museum yesterday.’

9. The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weighted to handle.

A. so carrying two of
B. them was too 
C. much weighted to handle
D. boxes were heavy

Answer: C


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option C. The structures for much too and too much are:-

“Too much + noun”. For example, Too much pain, too much carelessness, too much insincerity, etc.

“Much too + adjective”. For example, Much too painful, much too careless, much too wicked, etc.

“Weighted” is an adjective, and the correct structure is “too much + weight”. In order to make the sentence correct, replace “weighted” with “weight”.

Correct sentence: ‘The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle.’

10. Poverty is compounded by inflation which has reached extreme levels in the region, as demonstrated by consumer price indexes.

A. Poverty is compounded by inflation
B. which has reached extreme
C. levels in the region, as 
D. demonstrated by consumer price indexes
E. No error

Answer: D


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option D. There are two plurals for some nouns, each with a different meaning. ‘Index’ is one of them. It has ‘indexes’ and ‘indices’ as its plurals.

‘Indexes’ mean (in a book or set of books) an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc. with reference to the pages on which they are mentioned’ while ‘indices’ mean ‘pointers on an instrument, showing a quantity, a position on a scale etc.

There is no mention of topics of a book or something thus, “indexes” is wrong here. Thus, replace “indexes” with “indices” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: Poverty is compounded by inflation which has reached extreme levels in the region, as demonstrated by consumer price indices.

11. Several dozens councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.

A. Several dozens councillors
B. walked out 
C. of the meeting
D. in protest
E. No error

Answer: A


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option A. Some nouns have the same form in the singular as well as plural.
Here, the singular and plural form of the noun ‘dozen’ is the same.
Also, ‘dozen’ should be followed with a plural noun.
Thus, replace “dozens councillors” with “dozen councillors” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.

12. Attorney-generals from 16 states condemned the ban yesterday and were discussing whether to challenge the administration in court.

A. Attorney-generals from 16 states
B. condemned the ban yesterday 
C. and were discussing whether to
D. challenge the administration in court.
E. No error

Answer: A


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option A. Compound words make their plural by changing their keyword into plural form. Here, key word is ‘attorney’.
Therefore, it should be ‘attorneys-general’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: Attorneys-general from 16 states condemned the ban yesterday and were discussing whether to challenge the administration in court.

13. But in the corner, almost hidden from his fellows, a forty-years-old-man was sitting who did not enjoy the singing.

A. But in the corner, almost 
B. hidden from his fellows,
C. a forty-years-old-man was sitting
D. who did not enjoy the singing
E. No error

Answer: C


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option C. The numerical value, ‘forty’, mentioned in the sentence acts as an adjective to modify the noun ‘year’. Also, there is another noun, ‘man’, immediately after it. If there’s a numerical adjective with a noun, the plural of that noun can’t be used if there’s another noun following it. Moreover, the article ‘a’ has also been mentioned before it. Thus, replace “years” with “year” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: But in the corner, almost hidden from his fellows, a forty-year-old man was sitting who did not enjoy the singing.

14. This play is divided into three acts, and each acts has three scenes.

A. This play is
B. divided into three
C. acts, and each acts
D. has three scenes
E. No error

Answer: C

The grammatical error of the sentence is in option C. “Each” is a determiner that is always followed by a singular noun. However, in the given sentence, it is followed by a plural noun i.e. ‘acts’ which is erroneous. Thus, replace “acts” with “act” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.

15. As a consequently, (1)/ some have suffered (2)/ irreversible damage (3)/ to their health. (4)

A. As a consequently,
B. some have suffered
C. irreversible damage
D. to their health
E. No error

Answer: A


The grammatical error of the sentence is in option A. The sentence requires a noun while an adverb is used in its place. ‘Consequently’ means as a result and ‘consequence’ is a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient. Thus, replace “consequently” with “consequence” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Correct sentence: As a consequence, some have suffered irreversible damage to their health.

Hoping, these practice questions increased your understanding of Nouns. Wish you all the luck for your future exams.