Sprinklr Interview Experience for Product Engineer Intern (2023)

First round: Online Assessment

There were 3 questions, easy(50) medium(75) hard(100), they had selected all the students who scored more than 125 points, there was partial marking.

Question 1:

This question is based on a heap, we need to pop k minimums from the given array and the return sum of the remaining array, this was easy.

I solved this within the first 10-mins.


Given a non-empty string, encode the string such that its encoded length is the shortest.

The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], where the encoded_string inside the square brackets is being repeated exactly k times.

leetcode url: https://leetcode.ca/all/471.html

I wrote the recursive solution for this question and ended up in Tle, i.e, 5/13 tcs passed.

Question 3:

Given a tree and its nodes’ values ranging from [1,3] we can perform the following operation:

We can remove an edge and if the products of nodes of both the components of the tree are not divisible by 6 then the tree is a magic edge.

Return the count of all the possible magic edges.

I have solved this using bfs for getting the product of all node values in a component and checking if the edge is magic or not.

This solution resulted in Tle, i.e, 6/10 tcs passed.

Overall I could score more than the threshold and got selected for the interview process along with 76 other students.

Second round: Technical Interview round-1

The interview started at 12:00 noon on Microsoft Teams and lasted around 43mins, there was one coding question and questions related to oops and dbms.

Coding question:

There are n houses and m roads connecting them, initially a house started burning you need to return the safehouse. Safe house is defined as the house that will not burn at all or the house that burns the last.

I could solve this using dijkstra algo and return the farthest node from the initial house that started burning. The interviewer was happy with the way I have approached the problem and the way I coded it up. He asked me for the time complexity and I have given the answer which is O(n*logm)

Next, what is abstraction and polymorphism?

I have answered the correctly along with a real time example as well.

Then, he asked me if I knew about indexing in dbms?

I didn’t know what it was and mentioned the same, he explained what it was. Basically it is like the contents page of a book at the beginning(similar to a map).

This was the technical round-1.

I’ve been informed that I was called for Technical round-2. Around 35 students were selected for round 2.

Third round: Technical Interview round-2

The interview started with our introductions and he asked me about my projects and some new features implemented based on the existing ones.

Later, He gave me a coding question and mentioned that I had 35 mins to complete it.

Coding question:

Consider you are trying to take up courses based on deadline and deadline, you can complete a course only within its deadline and you can take only course at a time. Find the maximum number of courses you can complete.

I’ve come up with a greedy algorithm by sorting the deadlines and taking up courses until the days count exceeds the deadlines.

He pointed the problem in my code and asked me to rectify I could come up with the modification and he asked me if there is a race condition which makes my code loop infinitely.

But the time for the coding question is done so he asked me to give the time complexity

Time Complexity: O(n*logn)

This was the technical round-2.

I’ve been informed that I was called for Hr. Around 15 students were selected for hr round.

Fourth round: Hr discussion

This discussion took place around 15 mins.

First introductions, then asked about my family, then asked me to describe myself in three words no description needed.

Then why sprinklr, what do you know about sprinklr.

Next, given a situation asked me how would I handle that and is there any prior experience.

This was hr round and this went smooth as well.

Then I was waiting eagerly for the final shortlists and there goes my name in the list. All the 17 students selected for hr discussion were shortlisted.