SQL Interview Questions | Set 2

  1. Difference between Locking, Blocking and Deadlocking
    • Locking: Locking occurs when a connection needs access to a piece of data in a database and it locks it for certain use so that no other transaction is able to access it.
    • Blocking: Blocking occurs when a transaction tries to acquire an incompatible lock on a resource that another transaction has already locked. The blocked transaction remains blocked until the blocking transaction releases the lock.
    • Deadlocking: Deadlocking occurs when two or more transactions have a resource locked, and each transaction requests a lock on the resource that another transaction has already locked. Neither of the transactions here can move forward, as each one is waiting for the other to release the lock.
  2. Delete duplicate data from table so that only first data remains constant


    Id Name Salary
    1 Harpreet 20000
    2 Ravi 30000
    3 Vinay 10000
    4 Ravi 30000
    5 Harpreet 20000
    6 Vinay 10000
    7 Rajeev 40000
    8 Vinay 10000
    9 Ravi 30000
    10 Sanjay 50000


    DELETE M1 from managers M1, managers M2 where M2.Name=M1.Name AND M1.Id>M2.Id;


    Id Name Salary
    1 Harpreet 20000
    2 Ravi 30000
    3 Vinay 10000
    7 Rajeev 40000
    10 Sanjay 50000
  3. Find the Name of Employees where First Name, Second Name, and Last Name is given in the table. Some Name is missing such as First Name, Second Name and maybe Last Name. Here we will use COALESCE() function which will return first Non Null values.


    ID FName SName LName Salary
    1 Har preet Singh 30000
    2 Ashu NULL Rana 50000
    3 NULL Vinay Thakur 40000
    4 NULL Vinay NULL 10000
    5 NULL NULL Rajveer 60000
    6 Manjeet Singh NULL 60000

    Query :

    SELECT ID, COALESCE(FName, SName, LName) as Name FROM employees;


  4. Find the Employees who were hired in the Last n months
    Finding the Employees who have been hire in the last n months. Here we get desired output by using TIMESTAMPDIFF() mysql function

    ID FName LName Gender Salary Hiredate
    1 Rajveer Singh Male 30000 2017/11/05
    2 Manveer Singh Male 50000 2017/11/05
    3 Ashutosh Kumar Male 40000 2017/12/12
    4 Ankita Sharma Female 45000 2017/12/15
    5 Vijay Kumar Male 50000 2018/01/12
    6 Dilip Yadav Male 25000 2018/02/26
    7 Jayvijay Singh Male 30000 2018/02/18
    8 Reenu Kumari Female 40000 2017/09/19
    9 Ankit Verma Male 25000 2018/04/04
    10 Harpreet Singh Male 50000 2017/10/10


    Select *, TIMESTAMPDIFF(month, Hiredate, current_date()) as 
    DiffMonth from employees
    where TIMESTAMPDIFF(month, Hiredate, current_date()) between 
    1 and 5 order by Hiredate desc;

    Note: Here in query 1 and 5 are indicates 1 to n months which show the Employees who have hired last 1 to 5 months. In this query, DiffMonth is an extra column for our understanding which shows the Nth months.


  5. Find the Employees who hired in the Last n days
    Finding the Employees who have been hired in the last n days. Here we get desired output by using DATEDIFF() mysql function


    ID FName LName Gender Salary Hiredate
    1 Rajveer Singh Male 30000 2017/11/05
    2 Manveer Singh Male 50000 2017/11/05
    3 Ashutosh Kumar Male 40000 2017/12/12
    4 Ankita Sharma Female 45000 2017/12/15
    5 Vijay Kumar Male 50000 2018/01/12
    6 Dilip Yadav Male 25000 2018/02/26
    7 Jayvijay Singh Male 30000 2018/02/18
    8 Reenu Kumari Female 40000 2017/09/19
    9 Ankit Verma Male 25000 2018/04/04
    10 Harpreet Singh Male 50000 2017/10/10


    select *, DATEDIFF(current_date(), Hiredate)as 
    DiffDay from employees
    where DATEDIFF(current_date(), Hiredate) between
    1 and 100 order by Hiredate desc; 

    Note : Here in query 1 and 100 indicates 1 to n days which show the Employees who have hired last 1 to 100 days. In this query DiffDay is an extra column for our understanding which shows the Nth days.


  6. Find the Employees who were hired in the Last n years
    Finding the Employees who have been hired in the last n years. Here we get desired output by using TIMESTAMPDIFF() MySQL function


    ID FName LName Gender Salary Hiredate
    1 Rajveer Singh Male 30000 2010/11/05
    2 Manveer Singh Male 50000 2017/11/05
    3 Ashutosh Kumar Male 40000 2015/12/12
    4 Ankita Sharma Female 45000 2016/12/15
    5 Vijay Kumar Male 50000 2017/01/12
    6 Dilip Yadav Male 25000 2011/02/26
    7 Jayvijay Singh Male 30000 2012/02/18
    8 Reenu Kumari Female 40000 2013/09/19
    9 Ankit Verma Male 25000 2017/04/04
    10 Harpreet Singh Male 50000 2017/10/10


    select *, TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, Hiredate, current_date()) as 
    DiffYear from employees
    where TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, Hiredate, current_date()) 
    between 1 and 4 order by Hiredate desc;

    Note: Here in query 1 and 4 are indicates 1 to n years which shows the Employees who have hired last 1 to 4 years. In this query, DiffYear is a extra column for our understanding which show the Nth years.


  7. Select all names that start with a given letter
    Here we get desired output by using three different queries


    ID FName LName Gender Salary Hiredate
    1 Rajveer Singh Male 30000 2010/11/05
    2 Manveer Singh Male 50000 2017/11/05
    3 Ashutosh Kumar Male 40000 2015/12/12
    4 Ankita Sharma Female 45000 2016/12/15
    5 Vijay Kumar Male 50000 2017/01/12
    6 Dilip Yadav Male 25000 2011/02/26
    7 Jayvijay Singh Male 30000 2012/02/18
    8 Reenu Kumari Female 40000 2013/09/19
    9 Ankit Verma Male 25000 2017/04/04
    10 Harpreet Singh Male 50000 2017/10/10


    select *from employees where Fname like 'A%';
    select *from employees where left(FName, 1)='A';
    select *from employees where substring(FName, 1, 1)='A';

    Note: Here every query will give same output and the list of Employees who’s FName start with letter A.

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