SQL | With Ties Clause

This post is a continuation of SQL Offset-Fetch Clause

Now, we understand that how to use the Fetch Clause in Oracle Database, along with the Specified Offset and we also understand that Fetch clause is the newly added clause in the Oracle Database 12c or it is the new feature added in the Oracle database 12c.

Now consider the below example:

Suppose we a have a table named myTable with below data:

ID    NAME        SALARY
1    Beginner      10000
4    Finch      10000
2    RR         6000
3    Dhoni      16000
5    Karthik    7000
6    Watson     10000

Now, suppose we want the first three rows to be Ordered by Salary in descending order, then the below query must be executed:

SELECT * from myTable 
order by salary desc 
fetch first 3 rows only;

We got only first 3 rows order by Salary in Descending Order

3    Dhoni    16000
1    Beginner    10000
4    Finch    10000

Note: In the above result we got first 3 rows, ordered by Salary in Descending Order, but we have one more row with same salary i.e, the row with name Watson and Salary 10000, but it didn’t came up, because we restricted our output to first three rows only. But this is not optimal, because most of the time in live applications we will be required to display the tied rows also.

Real Life Example – Suppose we have 10 Racers running, and we have only 3 prizes i.e, first, second, third, but suppose, Racers 3 and 4 finished the race together in same time, so in this case we have a tie between 3 and 4 and that’s why both are holder of Position 3.

With Ties

So, to overcome the above problem, Oracle introduces a clause known as With Ties clause. Now, let’s see our previous example using With Ties clause.

SELECT * from myTable 
order by salary desc 
fetch first 3 rows With Ties;

See we get only first 3 rows order by Salary in Descending Order along with Tied Row also

3    Dhoni     16000
1    Beginner     10000
6    Watson    10000 // We get Tied Row also
4    Finch     10000

Now, see we got the tied row also, which we were not getting previously.

Note: We get the tied row in our output, only when we use the order by clause in our Select statement. Suppose, if we won’t use order by clause, and still we are using with ties clause, then we won’t get the tied row in our output and the query behaves same as, if we are using ONLY clause instead of With Ties clause.

Example – Suppose we execute the below query(without using order by clause) :

SELECT * from myTable 
fetch first 3 rows With Ties;

See we won't get the tied row because we didn't use order by clause

1    Beginner    10000
4    Finch    10000
2    RR       6000

In the above result we won’t get the tied row and we get only first 3 rows. So With Ties is tied with order by clause, i.e, we get the tied row in output if and only if we use With Ties along with Order by clause.

Note: Please make sure that, you run these queries in Oracle Database 12c, because Fetch clause is the newly added feature in Oracle 12c, also With Ties, runs only in Oracle Database 12c, these queries won’t run in below versions of 12c like 10g or 11g.

References: About Fetch Clause as well as With Ties Clause, Performing SQL Queries Online