Standing Waves

Standing Waves are one of the most fascinating processes that occurs in the course of expanding waves traveling through any medium. While traveling waves, move ahead through space, stay a traveling one without having a place to stop, the standing waves do the contrary: they oscillate in-situ, standing still. The distinctive characteristics and wide distribution of them provide the grounds for many researchers’ interests as these phenomena are investigated by different branches of science.

This article explores standing waves: their formation, characteristics, equations, types, and applications across various disciplines like acoustics and optics.

Table of Content

  • What are Standing Waves?
  • Formation of Standing Waves
  • Equation of a Standing Wave
  • Relationship Between Wavelength and Frequency
  • Harmonics and Overtones
  • Types of Standing Waves
  • Properties of Standing Waves

What are Standing Waves?

Standing waves, also known as stationary waves, are a particular type of wave pattern that occurs when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude traveling in opposite directions within the same medium superpose (overlap). Unlike traveling waves, which propagate through a medium, standing waves appear to oscillate in place, hence the term “standing.” The formation of standing waves involves the interference of two waves with specific conditions.

  • When a wave traveling in one direction meets a wave traveling in the opposite direction, they interfere constructively and destructively, leading to the formation of stationary points known as nodes and regions of maximum displacement called antinodes.
  • Standing waves exhibit specific patterns known as harmonics or overtones, which correspond to integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.
  • These patterns influence the overall structure of the standing wave and are crucial in various applications, including musical instruments, communication technologies, and particle accelerators.

Formation of Standing Waves

Standing waves also sometimes referred to as stationary waves, is the result of interference between two waves of the same frequency and amplitude moving in opposite directions. A pattern of nodes, or points of zero displacement, and antinodes, or points of maximum displacement, that appear to be stationary or “standing” in space is the result of this interference. Standing waves can occur in membranes, pipes, strings, and other systems. Here’s how standing waves develop in various situations:

Standing Waves on String

A wave pulse is created on a string that is fixed at both ends, travels down the string, and when it reaches the end, it reflects back. Constructive interference and standing waves result when a wave’s frequency is such that the time it takes a pulse to travel from one end to the other and back is an integer multiple of the wave’s period.

Nodes and Antinodes in Standing Wave

Nodes: These are immobile peaks of the medium where two waves of unequal amplitudes arrive and then, as a result, cancel each other out, leading to zero displacement. The interfering waves at a node will have equal forces in opposite directions therefore medium is immobile seeing it motionless.

Antinodes: On the contrary, the antinodes are the places of maximal amplitude which wave will return to begin a new cycle. When the waves encounter these sites, the amplitudes of the interfering waves become maximum, due to this, the maximum sway (oscillation) takes place in the medium. Antinodes are like the energy stations where maximum amount of energy leaking is imagined and they show most notable displacement within the wave.

Equation of a Standing Wave

Standing wave equation defines the variation of its medium and different space and time parameters. It lets us model mathematically standing waves and display the features using the patterns.

In its simplest form, the equation of a standing wave can be expressed as

[Tex]y(x,t) = A \sin(kx) \cos(\omega t)[/Tex]


  • y(x,t)) is the medium’s displacement at the position x, and time y.
  • B is the wave’s amplitude value at which the particle’s maximum displacement occurs, being above or below the equilibrium position.
  • The last variable in the Fourier series equation is k, which is the wave number, and which is linked to the spatial frequency of the waves.
  • here y represents the variable size or length, while x is the space along the medium.
  • ω being the angular frequency, gives the temporal oscillation, thus the wave motion.
  • t represents time.

Relationship Between Wavelength and Frequency

The connection between wavelength (λ) and frequency (f) is a basic concept have to taken into account in elucidating the properties of waves, in particular for the case of standing waves.

In general, the relationship can be expressed by the equation:

v = λf


  • v is the symbol for the phase velocity, which is the wave velocity.
  • λ is a wavelength which represents a distance between two troughs or crests of a wave.
  • f is frequency where f = f(u+v)t, means number of complete cycles are present per unit time.

Harmonics and Overtones

Harmonics and overtones are the quite essential principles of understanding wave motion and standing waves in every aspect of academics.


When the phenomenon of standing waves is taking into account, the notion of harmonics occurs because the different frequency components which form the overall waveform are being projected.

  • The basic frequency, is a measure in which a standing wave can oscillate with the lowest frequency.
  • Afterwards, the harmonics become integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, and each harmonic being a mode of vibration that has been resonating in some way throughout the medium.
  • Higher-order harmonics are accountable for these new nodes and antinodes that further give rise to these complicated wave patterns.


Sounds that come from fundamental frequency in the complex waves are called overtones.

  • When harmonics are put under consideration, they exclusively create integer multiple frequencies of the foundation of frequency, while overtones changes the format of frequency spectrum encompassing harmonics and other elements as well.
  • Tones of overtones contribute to the coloration of sound in instruments, which is expressed in richness and complexity in sound properties in whole.

Types of Standing Waves

Propagation of standing waves occurs differently based on their dimensionality for which the medium in which they propagate. Two types of standing waves, including one-dimensional and two dimensional standing waves, exist.

One-dimensional Standing Waves

This traveling waves phenomenon is produced in media where the motions are possible along only one stretch. Examples include:

Strings: A string, fixed on both ends and being excited with vibration, is composed by waves standing which have a range of nodes and antinodes along its length. These standing waves are indeed the basis by which we define the ranges and pitches of musical instruments such as guitars, violins, and pianos.

Organ Pipes: Vibrating air columns inside pipes in wind instruments like organs are the resultants of superposition of two travelling waves with high physical interference. Standing wave production in the pipes differs depending on the length as well as geometry. Subsequently, different musical patterns reflecting in the tone production are among the phenomena that occur in the tubes.

Two-dimensional Standing Waves

On the contrary, mediums where motion can occur in two dimensions generate these violating waves referred to as standing waves. One of the example include surface wave, which means, when disturbances are spread across two dimensions over a medium such as the ripples on a water pond or vibrating membrane, such two-dimensional patterns emerge as standing waves. They display the so-called interference patterns that form in such a way that nodal lines and areas of maximum displacement on the material surface are distributed.

Properties of Standing Waves

The properties of standing waves are mentioned below:

  • Standing waves can exist in multiple modes, called harmonics or overtones, each corresponding to a different frequency and wavelength.
  • The fundamental mode (first harmonic) has the lowest frequency and simplest pattern of nodes and antinodes. Higher harmonics have higher frequencies and more complex patterns of nodes and antinodes.
  • The formation of standing waves depends on the boundary conditions of the medium. For example, standing waves on a string require fixed ends, while standing waves in a pipe depend on whether the ends are open or closed.
  • The amplitude of the standing wave’s oscillation varies along the medium. Nodes have zero displacement, while antinodes have maximum displacement.
  • Standing waves do not transport energy along the medium. Instead, energy oscillates between potential (stored in the elastic medium) and kinetic (associated with the motion of the medium) forms.
  • Energy is concentrated at antinodes, where the amplitude of oscillation is greatest.
  • The wavelength of a standing wave is related to the length of the medium. For example, the fundamental frequency (first harmonic) has a wavelength equal to twice the length of the medium.
  • Higher harmonics have wavelengths that are integer fractions of the fundamental wavelength.

Applications of Standing Waves

Standing waves possess unique properties and hence have got numerous applications. Some of the applications of standing waves are mentioned below:

  • Standing waves in strings produce distinct pitches and harmonics, enabling the production of music in instruments like guitars, violins, and pianos.
  • Standing waves in resonance tubes are used in laboratories to measure the speed of sound in air and determine the wavelength and frequency of sound waves.
  • Standing waves in conductive elements of antennas help efficiently transmit and receive electromagnetic signals at specific frequencies, essential for communication systems.
  • Standing waves created by seismic waves during earthquakes help geologists and seismologists analyze the Earth’s crust’s properties and structures.
  • Standing waves are used in non-destructive testing methods like ultrasonic testing to detect flaws and defects in materials without damaging them


Finally, it is safe to say that standing waves are great examples of this kind of phenomena – bringing more knowledge and clearer understanding into relation of wave interactions in various conditions. Nodes and antinodes become a new form of existence for them. The amplitude of their waves and incorrect distribution of the energy make the wave distinctions distinctive when interference and dynamics of the medium. On the other hand, their extensive application in disciplines like acoustics, optics and structural engineering through generation of waves, sound or light reveals their significance in practical problems.

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FAQs on Standing Waves

What is the main reason of occurrence of standing waves?

The main reason for the occurrence of standing waves is the interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions within a confined space or medium.

How do standing waves differ from traveling waves?

Wave motion via standing waves stay one place, and it just move along a medium for traveling waves.

What are nodes and anti-nodes?

A node is an amplitude point that is zero and jumps at which two waves out of phase combine, while an anti-node is an interference point of maximum displacement that occurs when waves combine in phase.

Does the standing wave energy distribution depend on the one standing?

Energy forms nodes and antinodes with its amplitude elevated at antinodes and minimized at nodes. The interaction of the node with the antinode induces the occurrence of resonance phenomena, wave propagation, and so on.

What are the real life examples of standing waves?

Standing waves occur in string instruments, resonance tubes, eco chambers, drumheads etc.