Star Cast Of 12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men is a classic award-winning movie about twelve jury members that have been given the responsibility of deciding the fate of a young eighteen-year-old boy who is accused of stabbing and murdering his own father. The whole movie takes place in a small room and the close proximity of all the twelve jury members makes every argument and confrontation more intense than the previous one. In this article, let’s get to know more about the full cast of the 12 Angry Men movie in detail.

The outside weather may be hot but the temperature is far higher in this small room where different World Views are clashing. Questions are raised about every person's prejudices and their duty to be impartial without any personal feelings in deciding another human's life. The jury members go through different emotions exposing each other's flaws and little by little realize the burden of another human's life. 

All the jury members must reach the same conclusion for the final verdict. Due to the nature of the crime, if an all-guilty vote is given then the young boy would be given the death penalty. All the initial pieces of evidence and witnesses are stacked against the young boy. 

Keep reading to know more about the personalities and roles of these twelve unacquainted jury members who soon turn into 12 Angry Men clashing with each other. 

Leading Cast of 12 Angry Men

  • Henry Fonda as Juror 8
  • Lee J. Cobb as Juror 3
  • Martin Balsam as Juror 1
  • John Fiedler as Juror 2
  • E.G. Marshall as Juror 4
  • Jack Klugman as Juror 5
  • Edward Binns as Juror 6
  • Jack Warden as Juror 7
  • Joseph Sweeney as Juror 9
  • Ed Begley as Juror 10
  • George Voskovec as Juror 11
  • Robert Webber as Juror 12

Supporting Cast of 12 Angry Men

  • Rudy Bond as Judge
  • Tom Gorman as Stenographer
  • James Kelly as Guard
  • Billy Nelson as Court Clerk
  • John Savoca as The Accused

Cast Details of 12 Angry Men

1. Henry Fonda as Juror 8

Henry Fonda was a critically acclaimed actor that was known for his roles as an everyday man in the movies and the Broadway theatre. He also became the oldest actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. In 12 Angry Men, he plays the role of a curious and righteous man who just wants nothing but the truth. He is quite humble in nature. He remains calm and composed among all the heated arguments. He portrays the role of an Ideal Juror who is above all biased when making decisions about someone’s life.

2. Lee J. Cobb as Juror 3

Lee J. Cobb was a fantastic American actor that rose to popularity due to his role as an arrogant and rash Juror in the movie, 12 Angry Men. He could be seen clashing with Henry Fonda as the opposition who just wanted to punish the accused boy without any thorough discussion about the case. His decisions are rash and full of personal biases. He is quite conservative in nature and is quite harsh even towards his own son. The reason for his hatred toward young men was revealed in a tear-jerking final scene when he just crumbles down realizing his own flaws and mistakes.

3. Martin Balsam as Juror 1

Martin Balsam was an American actor who began his journey with Broadways and then starred in many Hollywood movies. He plays the role of the jury’s foreman and could be seen trying to navigate the clashes among the other members of the jury. He is shown as someone who is capable of managing people and keeping their emotions in check. He is later revealed as the coach of a high school football team.

4. John Fiedler as Juror 2

John Fiedler was an American Actor known for his roles in movies like 12 Angry Men and Star Trek: The Original Series. He also played his role as a voice actor in the popular kids’ animation show Winnie The Pooh as Piglet. In the movie, he can be seen as a guy that almost never takes a strong stance on any point. He can be seen as shy and hesitant about sharing his opinions. He is a weak-willed person that easily gets overpowered by other jury members.

5. E.G. Marshall as Juror 4

E.G. Marshall was one of New York’s premier actors who was quite popular for his role as The Lawyer in the television series, The Defendants. He worked in a lot of television shows and Hollywood movies in the 1960s and 1970s. In 12 Angry Men, he plays the role of a cold and calculating juror who only believes in facts. He is a no-nonsense guy who has a brilliant eye for details. He is quick to accept his mistakes. He could also be seen making prejudiced comments about the slum people but later on, reflects and rectifies his comments.

6. Jack Klugman as Juror 5

Jack Klugman was an American actor who was quite popular for starring in one of the funniest television series of its own time called “The Odd Couple”. He debuted in Hollywood with the movie, 12 Angry Men. He could be seen playing the role of a sympathetic juror who has seen a lot of struggle in his early days while living in slums. He defends the boy against the jurors who simply declared him guilty because of his upbringing. He took those comments quite personally and was quite enraged at moments.

7. Edward Binns as Juror 6

Edward Binns was an American actor who played in quite a lot of television series and films. In 12 Angry Men, he can be seen as a fickle-minded juror who is quite easy to convince. He is quite simple in nature as he thinks the boy is just guilty and doesn’t think too much or question the nature of evidence and witnesses. But he is also portrayed as an upright and open-minded person who respects other people and is quick to defend others when they are bullied.

8. Jack Warden as Juror 7

Jack Warden was an American actor who played many roles on both big and small screens. He was nominated for many Academy Awards for supporting roles and also won an Emmy for his movie, The Brian’s Song. In 12 Angry Men, he is introduced as a carefree and cheerful juror who is also a huge fan of baseball. He cracks many jokes here and there but at times his nature could be seen as insensitive. His lack of interest in the case is clearly shown by his constant reminder of getting late for the game night.

9. Joseph Sweeney as Juror 9

Joseph Sweeney was an American actor who rose to fame due to his role as a juror in the movie, 12 Angry Men. He plays the role of an old man who is quite kind in nature and also with a strong sense of justice. He is the first one to call out his fellow juror’s discriminatory remarks against people of poor and hard upbringing. He points out the ignorance and sense of superiority shown by his fellow jury member.

10. Ed Begley as Juror 10

Going ahead with the 12 Angry Men movie star cast, Ed Begley was an American actor who worked across different mediums of entertainment like theaters, radio, television, and movies. He was an award-winning actor who won an Academy Award for the Best supporting role in Sweet Bird of Youth. He plays the role of an old and rash guy who is quite frankly the most prejudiced guy among all the jurors. He goes as far as referring to the slum people as “those people”. His brilliant acting and role make him a dislikable and repulsive character that could infuriate many people.

11. George Voskovec as Juror 11

George Voskovec was a multi-talented actor, writer, and director of Czech origin. He starred in many movies like 12 Angry Men, The Spy who came in From the Cold, The Boston Strangler, etc. He is portrayed as a kind and polite man. He is an immigrant who values transparency and democratic rights very much. He is quite fair in nature and could be seen reminding everyone about why they were there and what they are meant to do. He scolds Juror 7 who was placing a baseball game above someone’s life.

12. Robert Webber as Juror 12

Robert Webber was an American actor with a career of more than four decades appearing in tons of movies and television series and is remembered as a veteran actor of his time. He gained a lot of fame for his role in 12 Angry Men. He plays the role of a distracted and superficial juror in the movie who is working in an advertising company. He could be seen doodling about a cereal box during the initial discussions. He comes across a salesman with lots of fluff but little substance. He is open-minded but gets easily swayed by others sometimes.