Star Cast Of Logan

James Mangold’s Logan is a Hollywood superhero action film, released in 2017, starring Wolverine from Marvel Comics. It was made by Marvel Entertainment, TSG Entertainment, and The Donners Company. The novel “Old Man Logan” by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, which portrays a beyond his prime Logan embarking on a last adventure in the post-apocalyptic future, served as the basis for the film. In this article, let’s get to know more about the cast of Logan in detail. 

Logan: Movie Overview

The story states that zero mutants are born in twenty-five years in a dystopian 2029. Logan’s recovery abilities have deteriorated, and now he is physically old. His skeleton’s Adamantium covering has started to bleed within his body, harming him. Logan spent his days as a taxi driver near El Paso, Texas, disguised in clear view. He & mutant finder Caliban look after ninety-year-old Professor X, Logan’s teacher and the creator of the X-Men, inside an empty smelting factory in the north of Mexico. Charles, a master illusionist, has acquired a kind of memory that triggers convulsions unless he is drugged. It is implied that a stroke a year previously, releasing a catastrophic wave of its telepathic talents, slaughtered seven mutants, except Logan, Charles, and Caliban. The star cast of Logan has been discussed below.

Cast Details of Logan Movie: 

1. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Hugh Michael Jackman is a famous Australian actor, born on 12 October 1968. The role of Wolverine is played by Jackman, as he persists in strengthening this portrayal for 17 years. He has also won many awards for giving outstanding performances individually in movies, including the best actor.

2. Dafne Keen as Laura Kinney / X-23 

She is a well-known British and Spanish actress. Her full name is Dafne Keen Fernandez. Her first role was as Ana Cruz Oliver on television in one of the best series, The Refugees. Next is the mutant Laura Kinney(X-23) in the film Logan. She had won awards like best-keeping actress and for the most promising duo. She started his career in acting at the age of 9.

3. Stephen Merchant as Caliban

Stephen Merchant plays the role of Caliban in Logan. His role is shown to be unduly greedy, only interested in money. He won many awards like the best British comedy, Golden Globe, Peabody awards, and many more. His net worth is around 45 million dollars.

4. Richard E. Grant as Dr. Zander Rice

Going ahead with the Logan movie star cast, Richard E. Grant plays Dr. Zander Rice’s role in the Logan movie. He is known to be a sophisticated genius personality in Logan. He has won the best actor in a motion picture, supporting actor.

5. Patrick Stewart as Professor X

The world’s most powerful telepath, a mutant, is additionally the founder. He was formerly referred to as Professor X in Logan. He won the award for words he has spoken for children in an album and best solo performer.

6. Max Eisenhard as Magneto

Among these Logan movie characters, Max Eisenhard played the role of Magneto in Logan. He is shown to have many natural superpowers. He was well known for the brotherhood of monstrosity.

Logan Movie Supporting Characters:

  • Boyd Holbrook
  • Eriq La Salle
  • Han Soto
  • Elizabeth Rodriguez and Elise Neal present as Kathryn Munson
  • Will Munson
  • Gabriela.

Logan Movie: Facts & Summary

Logan isn’t supported by any specific comic but rather the entire mythos of Wolverine and the X-Men. Nonetheless, the plot is partial because the comic features several Marvel characters that Logan’s creators didn’t have the rights to. The movie is adventurous and a must-watch for those who love the genre. However, it would help if you went through the Logan movie IMDB playlist and Logan movie reviews before watching this movie.