State ProgressBar in Android

State Progress Bar is one of the main features that we see in many applications. We can get to see this feature in ticket booking apps, educational apps. This progress bar helps to tell the user the steps to be carried out for performing a task. In this article, we are going to see how to implement State Progress Bar in Android. A sample GIF is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language. 

Application of State Progress Bar

  • Used in most of the service providing applications such as ticket booking, exam form filling, and many more.
  • This State Progress Bar helps the user’s steps to be carried out for performing the task.
  • Use in various exam form-filling applications.

Attributes of State Progress Bar



layout_width Use for giving specific width.
layout_height Use for giving specific height.
spb_maxStateNumber Use to display the number of states used in the app.
spb_currentStateNumber Use to display the current state.
spb_stateBackgroundColor Use to display background color.
spb_stateForegroundColor Use to display Foreground color.
spb_animateToCurrentProgressState Gives Animation to the current Progress state.
spb_checkStateCompleted Check whether the state is completed or not. 

Step by Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a New Project

To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. Note that select Java as the programming language.

Step 2: Add dependency of State Progress Bar library in build.gradle file

Then Navigate to gradle scripts and then to build.gradle(Module) level. Add below line in build.gradle file in the dependencies section.

implementation ‘com.kofigyan.stateprogressbar:stateprogressbar:1.0.0’

Now click on Sync now it will sync your all files in build.gradle().

Step 3: Create a new State Progress Bar in your activity_main.xml file

Navigate to the app > res > layout to open the activity_main.xml file. Below is the code for the activity_main.xml file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Progress Bar created-->
        app:spb_stateNumberForegroundColor="#eeeeee" />
    <!--Button to go on next step-->
        android:text="NEXT" />

Step 4: Working with the file

Go to the file and refer to the following code. Below is the code for the file. Comments are added inside the code to understand the code in more detail.


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import com.kofigyan.stateprogressbar.StateProgressBar;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    // steps on state progress bar
    String[] descriptionData = {"Step One", "Step Two", "Step Three", "Step Four"};
    Button button;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        StateProgressBar stateProgressBar = (StateProgressBar) findViewById(;
        // button given along with id
        button = (Button) findViewById(;
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                switch (stateProgressBar.getCurrentStateNumber()) {
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                    case 4:

Now click on the run option it will take some time to build Gradle. After that, you will get output on your device as given below.
