std::bit_or in C++ with Examples

The bit_or is an inbuilt function in C++ which is used to perform bitwise_or and return the result after applying the bitwise_or operation on it’s arguments.

Header File:

#include <functional.h>

Template Class:

template <class T> struct bit_or;

Parameters: It accepts a parameter T which is the type of the argument to be compared by the functional call.


  1. Objects of this class can be used on standard algorithms such as transform or accumulate.
  2. Member functions ( ‘operator()’ ) returns the bitwise_or of its arguments.

We must include the library ‘functional’ and ‘algorithm’ to use bit_or and transform() respectively.

Below is the illustration of bit_or in C++:

Problem 1:

// C++ program to show the
// functionality of bit_or
#include <algorithm> // to include transform
#include <functional> // to include bit_or
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // declaring the values
    int xyz[] = { -7, 2, 5, 100, 1029 };
    int abc[] = { -4, 0, 5, 1, 1 };
    int n = 5;
    // defining results
    int results[n];
    // transform is used to apply
    // bitwise_or on the arguments
    transform(xyz, end(xyz), abc,
              results, bit_or<int>());
    // printing the resulting array
    cout << "Results:";
    for (const int& x : results)
        cout << ' ' << x;
    return 0;


Results: -3 2 5 101 1029

Some points to Remember

  1. Bitwise_or of a number with zero results into the number itself.
  2. Bitwise_or of two same numbers is also equal to that number itself
  3. If the number is odd it’s bit_or with 1 will result into same number
  4. If the number is even it’s bit_or with 1 will always results into “number+1”

Problem 2:

// C++ program to show the
// functionality of bit_or
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // declaring the values
    // in form of hexadecimals
    int xyz[] = { 0, 1100 };
    int abc[] = { 0xf, 0xf };
    // defining results
    int results[2];
    // transform is used to apply
    // bitwise_or on the arguments
    transform(xyz, end(xyz), abc,
              results, bit_or<int>());
    // printing the resulting array
    cout << "Results:";
    for (const int& x : results)
        cout << ' ' << x;
    return 0;


Results: 15 1103
