std::memcmp() in C++

memcmp() function compares the first count bytes ( given number of characters ) of the memory pointed to by buf1 and buf2. memcmp() is a Standard Library function defined in <string.h> header file in C++.


int memcmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, size_t count);


  • buf1: Pointer to block of a memory buffer that will be compared with a second memory buffer.
  • buf2: Pointer to the second block of memory buffer.
  • count: Maximum numbers of bytes to compare.

Return Values

  • It returns 0 when buf1 is equal to buf2.
  • It returns an integer value less than zero when the first different byte in both memory buffers is less in buf1 than buf2.
  • It returns an integer value greater than zero when the first different byte that is different in both memory buffers is greater in buf1 than buf2.

Note: The memcmp function does not look for ‘\0’ NULL character in the string. It will keep comparing the bytes till the specified count.

Examples of memcmp()

Example 1

The following C++ program illustrates the use of memcmp() function when buf1 is greater than buf2.



Welcome to w3wiki is greater than Hello Beginner 

Example 2

The following C++ program illustrates the use of memcmp() function when buf1 is less than buf2.


// CPP program to illustrate std::memcmp()
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // comparing two strings directly
    int comp = memcmp("w3wiki", "w3wiki", 6);
    // result output
    if (comp == 0) {
        cout << "both are equal";
    else if (comp < 0) {
        cout << "String 1 is less than String 2";
    else {
        cout << "String 1 is greater than String 2";


String 1 is less than String 2

Example 3

The following C++ program illustrates the use of memcmp() function when buf1 is equal to buf2.


// CPP program to illustrate std::memcmp()
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // two buffers
    char buff1[] = "Welcome to w3wiki";
    char buff2[] = "Welcome to w3wiki";
    int a;
    // defining count using sizeof operator
    a = memcmp(buff1, buff2, sizeof(buff1));
    if (a > 0)
        cout << buff1 << " is greater than " << buff2;
    else if (a < 0)
        cout << buff1 << "is less than " << buff2;
        cout << buff1 << " is the same as " << buff2;
    return 0;


Welcome to w3wiki is the same as Welcome to w3wiki