Steps in Defect Triage Process

Triage is usually a medical term whose meaning is trial or trial out. Defect Triage is basically a process where all the issues are generally screened or evaluated and are then prioritized to ensure following things :

  • Is the issue actual or not?
  • All the resources are used most effectively
  • Maintain and handle a healthier system

The main aim of Defect Triage Meeting is simply to categorize or divide defects, prioritize, and identify or track issues or problems caused by these defects.

There are basically three steps in process of defect triage as given below :

1. Defect Review :
Defect Review, as name suggests, means to review all defects along with defects that are rejected by the team. In this, the triage team reviews defects to resolve defects and minimize damages caused by particular defects.

2. Defect Assessment :
Defect Assessment, as the name suggests, means to evaluate defects on the basis of its particular priority and severe setting. On the basis of inputs, defects are being prioritized. In this, triage team decides whether or not these defects are important to be resolved or fixed or to keep on hold for resolving defects later, or to remove defects from list.

3. Defect Assignment :
Defect Assignment, as the name suggests, means to assign defects to correct release by-product manager. Project manager then re-directs defect to correct team or owner for any action needed to be taken further. After the analysis or evaluation of defects, defects that are included in list of ‘to be fixed’ are assigned to respective person or department.

Procedure of Defect Triage Meeting :

  1. Firstly, QA (Quality Assurance) team sends out a defect or bug report along with all new defects that are introduced since last meeting.
  2. Secondly, QA team then further calls for a meeting. Each defect is analyzed carefully during this meeting to see whether or not priority and severity are assigned to it correctly. If not, then are corrected for particular defects.

    On the basis of degree of severity, these defects are analyzed and evaluated.

  3. Thirdly, discussion is done regarding the complexity of defect, risk caused by defects, resources required to resolve defect.
  4. Further, assessment, rejection, and reassignment of defect is done. Updates are also captured or identified in defect tracking system.