Strategies to Control Environmental Pollution

As the demand for natural resources is increasing day by day as a result of increased human activity, suitable safeguards must be taken to lessen it. If the same thing keeps happening at this rate, life on Earth will become unsustainable. Many scientists and environmentalists are attempting to implement specific solutions to decrease pollution, but this is not happening for a variety of reasons. They devised some plans to control pollution, but they never got around to putting them into action. Industrial, medical, mining, and agricultural wastes, in addition to the solid trash we see in our garbage cans, are also present. 

The ecosystem has been primarily polluted as a result of inappropriate waste disposal. As a result, it is necessary to monitor trash disposal on a regular basis.

When we consider the consequences of soil, air, and water contamination, the necessity to reduce pollution becomes clear. Individually, the needed efforts should be made to reduce environmental pollution in the area, resulting in a cleaner environment. Pollution is caused mostly by waste discharge and ineffective disposal. We should have a waste management system in place that works correctly from start to finish.

Waste Management

Hundreds of tonnes of solid trash are generated in the area. Because we have many waste outcomes other than household wastes, such as industrial, pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing units, and food processing machines, it is necessary to take some measures in terms of proper disposal – improper disposal of these wastes resulting in environmental pollution. As a result, caution must be exercised when disposing of these wastes in order to limit contamination levels in our environment.

Management of industrial waste: They should also be categorised into biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories. Before disposing of them, we can render them harmless.

The following are some of the strategies used to handle industrial waste:

  •  Reduce – to reduce the use of Natural Resources.
  •  Reuse –  to use the article again and again.
  •  Recycle – to process the waste and make it reusable.

Collection of Wastes

Domestic waste should be collected in bins and delivered to municipal personnel, who will dispose of it at disposal sites. The waste is then sorted and segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories. Bottles, plastic bags, and other non-biodegradable plastic garbage are submitted for recycling. Biodegradable wastes, on the other hand, are put on the land and transformed into compost.

If the waste is not properly collected for disposal, it will end up in the sewers. Non-biodegradable garbage, such as plastic bags and metal debris, clogs sewers and cause incontinence, and some of it is eaten by cattle. These polythene bags are swallowed by the livestock, choking them. This makes breathing difficult for them and may result in death.

Disposal of Wastes

We should all follow the practice of collecting trash and properly disposing of it. If specific waste management practices are not applied, epidemics caused by groundwater contamination may occur, resulting in Water Pollution. It is particularly dangerous for those who work with trash. For example, consider the rag pickers and a few garbage disposal workers. These people are particularly vulnerable since they do not take precautions such as wearing gloves and masks when handling trash.

Poisonous gases may escape into the environment as a result of improper disposal, resulting in Air Pollution. Furthermore, automobiles and industries that emit dangerous gases have an impact on people’s lives and contribute to air pollution, either directly or indirectly.

We should participate in good trash disposal management and cooperate with the government as responsible citizens. Disposing of rubbish in inconvenient locations should be avoided at all costs. Efforts are being made to minimize automotive emissions by encouraging the use of public transportation, carpooling, and finding greener alternatives to current fuels. Encouragement of the usage of renewable energy sources will go a long way toward making our planet a safer and healthier place to live.

Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution

Using less fossil fuel is one technique to reduce pollution in the air. The following are some of the pollution management measures to follow in order to reduce air pollution:

  • Whenever possible, choose to walk or ride a bike instead of driving.
  • Instead of driving your own or business vehicle, use public transportation.
  • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs to save electricity.
  • More trees should be planted! Because trees filter the air by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
  • Reduce immersion of greenhouse gases like Carbon Dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, sulfur hexafluoride, dichlorodifluoromethane etc.

Strategies to Reduce Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is a huge global concern because of the negative consequences it has on people’s health and the environment. Some of the techniques that should be used to reduce pollution in the environment include:

  • Garbage should not be disposed of over an open fire.
  • Use eco-friendly or biodegradable products instead of plastic because plastic-like products are highly harmful in nature.
  • Maintain proper trash disposal, particularly for dangerous wastes, and devise waste reduction methods.
  • Stop smoking in public places, or at the very least adhere to “No Smoking” restrictions.
  • Do not trash in public areas, and anti-litter initiatives should be implemented to educate the people.
  • Don’t make any loud or bothersome noises.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Give a few examples of Green House Gases?


Example of green house gases are Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous Oxide, Sulfur Hexafluoride, Dichlorodifluoromethane etc.

Question 2: What should we use instead of private vehicles?


We should use public transports like buse, train or do car pooling instead of using private vehicles because it will release less pollutants like carbon in the air if compared to private vehicles. 

Question 3: Give any 3 strategies to control air pollution.


  1. Whenever possible, choose to walk or ride a bike instead of driving.
  2. Plant more trees! Because trees filter the air by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
  3. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs to save electricity.

Question 4: List a few strategies to Reduce Environment Pollution.


  • Do not trash in public areas, and anti-litter initiatives should be implemented to educate the people.
  • Maintain proper trash disposal, particularly for dangerous wastes, and devise waste reduction methods.
  • Garbage should not be disposed of over an open fire.
  • Use eco-friendly or biodegradable products instead of plastic because plastic-like products are highly harmful in nature.

Question 5: How to Reduce Garbage or Waste at Home and How to Recycle a Few Things?


  • Always depose Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable waste separately.
  • Think before you buy some toxic item.
  • Reduce the use of plastic, and recycle the materials which are recyclable.

Question 6: What will happen if we do not dispose of the waste correctly?


If the waste is not properly collected for disposal, it will end up in the sewers. Non-biodegradable garbage, such as plastic bags and metal debris, clogs sewers and cause incontinence, and some of it is eaten by cattle. These polythene bags are swallowed by the livestock, choking them. This makes breathing difficult for them and may result in death.