StrictMath log() Method In Java

The Java.lang.StrictMath.log() is an inbuilt method of StrictMath class which is used to calculate the natural logarithm i.e., log with base e, of a given double value. It gives rise to three special results: 

  • It returns a positive infinity when the argument is positive infinity.
  • It returns NaN when the argument is NaN or less than zero.
  • The result is negative infinity when the argument is positive zero or negative zero.


public static double log(double num)

Parameters: The method accepts one parameter num of double type whose logarithmic value is to be found.
Return Value: The method returns the value of natural logarithm of num.
Examples :  

Input: num = 5.0 
Output: 1.6094379124341003

Input: num = 10.0 
Output:  2.302585092994046

Below programs illustrate the Java.lang.StrictMath.log() Method: 
Program 1:  


// Java program to illustrate the
// Java.lang.StrictMath.log() Method
import java.lang.*;
public class Beginner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    double num1 = 10 , num2 = 25.2 ;
    // It returns natural logarithm(base e)
    double log_Value = StrictMath.log(num1);
    System.out.print("Log value of " + num1 + " = " );
    log_Value = StrictMath.log(num2);
    System.out.print("Log value of " + num2 + " = " );


Log value of 10.0 = 2.302585092994046
Log value of 25.2 = 3.2268439945173775


Program 2: 


// Java program to illustrate the
// Java.lang.StrictMath.log() Method
import java.lang.*;
public class Beginner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    double num1 = 0 , num2 = (1.0/0.0) , num3 = 1;
    // It returns natural logarithm(base e)
    double log_Value = StrictMath.log(num1);
    System.out.print("Log value of " + num1 + " = " );
    log_Value = StrictMath.log(num2);
    System.out.print("Log value of " + num2 + " = " );
    log_Value = StrictMath.log(num3);
    System.out.print("Log value of " + num3 + " = " );


Log value of 0.0 = -Infinity
Log value of Infinity = Infinity
Log value of 1.0 = 0.0