StrictMath nextUp() Method in Java

  1. The nextUp(double num) is an inbuilt method of StrictMath class in Java which is used to get the float value that is contiguous to num in the direction of positive infinity. The nextup() method is equivalent to nextAfter(num, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) but nextup() runs faster than nextAfter().


    public static double nextUp(double num)

    Parameters: The method accepts one parameter num of double type which is the starting floating point value.

    Return Value: The method returns the adjacent floating-point value closer to positive infinity. It has three special cases:

    • The result is NaN when argument is a NaN.
    • It returns positive infinity when the num is positive infinity..
    • The result is Double.MIN_VALUE when the argument is zero.


    Input: num = 25.18700000
    Output: 25.187000000000005

    Below program illustrates the Java.lang.StrictMath.nextUp() Method:

    // Java praogram to illustrate the
    // Java.lang.StrictMath.nextUp() Method
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Beginner {
        public static void main(String[] args)
            double num1 = 67.1230000000;
            double num2 = 21.12, num3 = 0.0;
            // Returns floating-point value adjacent to num
            double nextUp_Value = StrictMath.nextUp(num1);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : "
                                           + nextUp_Value);
            double nextUp_Value1 = StrictMath.nextUp(num2);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : " 
                                          + nextUp_Value1);
            double nextUp_Value2 = StrictMath.nextUp(num3);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : " 
                                          + nextUp_Value2);



    The Next upper value is : 67.12300000000002
    The Next upper value is : 21.120000000000005
    The Next upper value is : 4.9E-324
  2. The nextUp(float num) is the inbuilt method of StrictMath class in Java which is used to get the floating point value that is adjacent to num in the direction of positive infinity.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) but nextup() runs faster than its equivalent nextAfter call.


    public static float nextUp(float num)

    Parameters: The method accepts one parameter num of float type which is the starting floating point value.

    Return Value: The method returns the adjacent floating-point value closer to positive infinity. It has three special cases:

    • The result is NaN when argument is a NaN.
    • It returns positive infinity when the num is positive infinity..
    • The result is Float.MIN_VALUE when the argument is zero.

    Examples :

    Input: num = 15.78f
    Output: 15.780000686645508

    Below program illustrates the Java.lang.StrictMath.nextUp() Method:

    // Java praogram to illustrate the
    // Java.lang.StrictMath.nextUp() Method
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Beginner {
        public static void main(String[] args)
            float num1 = 73.728f;
            float num2 = 51.71f, num3 = 0.0f;
            // Returns floating-point value adjacent to num
            double nextUp_Value = StrictMath.nextUp(num1);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : "
                                           + nextUp_Value);
            double nextUp_Value1 = StrictMath.nextUp(num2);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : "
                                          + nextUp_Value1);
            double nextUp_Value2 = StrictMath.nextUp(num3);
            System.out.println("The Next upper value is : "
                                          + nextUp_Value2);



    The Next upper value is : 73.7280044555664
    The Next upper value is : 51.71000289916992
    The Next upper value is : 1.401298464324817E-45