String manipulation instructions in 8086 microprocessor

In this Article, We will be going through the String Manipulation Instruction, We will start our Article with the Introduction of the String Manipulation Instruction in the 8086, Then We will go through the different String Manipulation Instructions with some Examples, and At last, we will conclude our Article with Some FAQs.

What are String Manipulation Instructions in 8086 microprocessors?

String Manipulation Instructions in the 8086 microprocessor architecture are the set of Instructions that are used to manipulate strings in memory. The String manipulation Instructions offer different functionality such as copying, Searching, and Modifying Strings of data. Key String manipulation instruction in 8086 instruction sets includes different instructions such as MOVSB, CMPSB, SCASB, LODSB, STOSB, and other instructions which are going to be discussed further.

Different String Manipulation Instructions

The string is a series of data bytes or words available in memory at consecutive locations. It is either referred as byte string or a word string. Their memory is always allocated in a sequential order. Instructions used to manipulate strings are called string manipulation instructions. Following is the table showing the list of string manipulation instructions:

REP instruction repeat the given instruction till CX != 0 REP MOVSB
REPE instruction repeat the given instruction while CX = 0 REPE
REPZ instruction repeat the given instruction while ZF = 1 REPZ
REPNE instruction repeat the given instruction while CX != 0 REPNE
REPNZ instruction repeat the given instruction while ZF = 0 REPNZ
MOVSB none moves contents of byte given by DS:SI into ES:DI MOVSB
MOVSW none moves contents of word given by DS:SI into ES:DI MOVSW
MOVD none moves contents of double word given by DS:SI into ES:DI MOVD
LODSB none moves the byte at address DS:SI into AL; SI is incr/decr by 1 LODSB
LODSW none moves the word at address DS: SI into AX; SI is incr/decr by 2 LODSW
LODSD none moves the double word at address DS:SI into EAX; SI is incr/decr by 4 LODSD
STOSB none moves contents of AL to byte address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/dec by 1 STOSB
STOSW none moves the contents of AX to the word address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/decr by 2 STOSW
STOSD none moves contents of EAX to the DOUBLE WORD address given by ES:DI; DI is incr/decr by 4 STOSD
SCASB none compares byte at ES:DI with AL and sets flags according to result SCASB
SCASW none compares word at ES:DI with AX and sets flags SCASW
SCASD none compares double word at ES:DI with EAX and sets flags SCASD
CMPSB none compares byte at ES:DI with byte at DS:SI and sets flags CMPSB
CMPSW none compares word at ES:DI with word at DS:SI and sets flags CMPSW
CMPSD none compares double word at ES:DI with double word at DS:SI and sets flags CMPSD

Examples of String manipulation instructions in 8086 microprocessor

Given below are some Examples of the String manipulation instructions in 8086 microprocessor

Example of REP with MOVSB Instruction

MOV AX, 7000H    Assign source segment address to AX
MOV DS, AX Load source segment address into DS
MOV AX, 8000H Assign destination segment address to AX
MOV CX, 0E0H Move the length of the string to the counter register CX
MOV SI, 3000H Assign source index address to SI
MOV DI, 4000H Assign destination index address to DI
CLD Ensure auto-increment mode is set by clearing the direction flag
REP MOVSB Repeat the move byte from source to destination instruction CX times

Example of REPE With CMPSB Instruction

MOV AX, SEG_STRING1         Move the segment address of STRING1 to AX
MOV DS, AX Load it to DS
MOV AX, SEG_STRING2 Move the segment address of STRING2 to AX
MOV ES, AX Load it to ES
MOV SI, OFFSET_STRING1 Move the offset of STRING1 to SI
MOV DI, OFFSET_STRING2 Move the offset of STRING2 to DI
MOV CX, 020H Move the length of the strings to CX
CLD Clear the direction flag, set auto-increment mode
REPE CMPSB Compare the 020H bytes of STRING1 and STRING2,While they are Equal,
If mismatch is found modify the flags and proceed with further Execution

NOTE: If Both Strings are Equal,CX becomes ZERO,the ZF is set otherwise ZF is reset

Example of REPNE With SCASW Instruction

MOV AX, SEGMENT_STR      Move the segment address of the String to AX
MOV ES, AX Load it to ES
MOV DI, OFFSET_STR Move the offset of String to DI
MOV CX, 020H Move the length of the String to CX
MOV AL, WORD_TO_FIND The word to be scanned for is loaded into AL
CLD Clear the direction flag
REPNE SCASW Scan the 020H words of the String until a match to the word is found

Example of LODSB Instruction

MOV CX, 10                      Set CX to the number of bytes to be read
MOV SI, OFFSET_STR Set SI to point to the start of the string
MOV DI, OFFSET_BUF Set DI to point to the destination buffer
CLD Clear the direction flag for auto-increment

LODSB Load a byte from the memory location pointed to by SI into AL, and increment SI
STOSB Store the byte in AL at the memory location pointed to by DI, and increment DI
LOOP READ_LOOP Decrement CX and loop back if CX is not zero
HLT Halt the processor (assembly language instruction for stopping execution)


In this Article, We have gone through the String manipulation in the 8086 microprocessor which provides efficiently handling operations on strings of data stored in the memory. These instructions enable us to copying, searching and comparing Function in the memory. Also we have gone through the different examples of the Instructions which provides us the clear understanding of the String manipulation instructions set.

FAQs on String manipulation instructions in 8086 microprocessor

How are string manipulation instructions used in assembly language programming?

In assembly language programming, string manipulation instructions are used to implement various string operations directly at the machine level. Programmers can combine these instructions with control flow structures and other operations to implement complex string manipulation algorithms.

Can string manipulation instructions handle strings of variable length?

Yes, string manipulation instructions are designed to handle strings of variable length.

What are some examples of string manipulation instructions in the 8086 microprocessor?

Examples of string manipulation instructions include MOVSB, CMPSB, SCASB, LODSB, STOSB and other Instructions.