Strontium Nitrate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Strontium is a reactive metal that is naturally available. It is denoted with Sr. It is a silvery metal with pale yellow tint. Strontium is so similar to calcium; hence it is integrated in the bone. Synthetic strontium is radioactive and is dangerous to human body. Whereas natural strontium is stable and is not hazardous to health. During 19th century, strontium was mainly used in the sugar production. Nitrate is an inorganic compound which has one nitrogen(N) atom and three oxygen(O) atoms. The chemical formula of nitrate is NO3. Nitrate is a primary component used in fertilizers and explosives. It is also used as food additive.
Nitrogen is a nonmetallic chemical element. It’s atomic number is 7. It is most common element in universe. Nitrogen is present in human body by 3% by mass. It is mainly used in making fertilisers and in agriculture. It is also used in making explosives.
Oxygen is a highly reactive nonmetal with atomic number 8. It is colourless and odourless and most abundant element of earth. Oxygen is used in textile and plastic industries, submarines and space flights etc.

Strontium Nitrate formula

Strontium nitrate is an inorganic compound made out of the components strontium, nitrogen and oxygen with the formula Sr(NO3)2. This solid is a white crystalline, odorless substance. It is utilized as a red colorant and oxidizer in fireworks and crackers. It is an inorganic compound composed of strontium, nitrogen and oxygen. The chemical formula of this compound is Sr(NO3)2. For writing the chemical formula, Strontium Sr+2 (ionic charge 2+), Nitrate (NO3)1- (ionic charge 1). As the ionic charge should balance, we need two nitrate ions, so after balancing , the formula becomes Sr(NO3)2.  

Structure of strontium nitrate

The chemical formula is Sr(NO3)2. The molar mass of this compound is 211.63 g/ mol.


Physical properties of strontium nitrate

Molecular formula Sr(NO3)2
Appearance White crystalline solid
Odour Odorless
Solubility Soluble in water and ammonia.
Melting point 570°C
Boiling point 645°C
Density 2.99 g/cm3
Molar mass 211.63 g/mol

Chemical properties of strontium nitrate

  • Aqueous strontium Nitrate solution reacts with sodium sulfate to give sodium nitrate and strontium sulfate(a precipitate).

Sr(NO3)2 (aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → SrSO4 (s) + 2NaNO3 (aq) 

  • When Strontium nitrate reacts with ammonium sulfate, a white precipitate, strontium sulfate, comes as a result. 

(NH4)2SO4(aq) + Sr(NO3)2 (aq) → SrSO4(s) + 2NH4NO3 (aq)

Uses and applications of strontium nitrate

  1. Strontium nitrate is utilized to create a rich red fire in crackers and fireworks.
  2. It is used as a pigment in signal lights and railroad flares.
  3. Strontium nitrate can help with reducing skin irritations. When blended in with glycolic acid, strontium nitrate diminishes the impression of skin aggravation fundamentally better than utilizing glycolic acid alone.
  4. It is used in electrophysiology experiments.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What are the warnings things to know about strontium Nitrate? 


  1. Inhaling strontium Nitrate can irritate your lungs and throat when inhaled.
  2. Exposing repeatedly to it may harm your heart , nervous system, kidneys and liver. 
  3. Irritation occurs when it gets contacted to your skin. 
  4. Repeated and high rates of exposure can lead to accumulation of the compound in the bones and may have adverse effects. 

Question 2: What happens when strontium nitrate reacts with sodium carbonate?


Strontium carbonate is formed as a precipitate .Sodium nitrate is also formed but remains in aqueous form. The chemical reaction is as follows. 

Sr(NO3)2 + Na2CO3→ SrCO3 + 2NaNO3

Question 3: How is strontium nitrate prepared?


Strontium Nitrate is formed by the reaction of nitric acid (HNO3) on strontium carbonate (SrCO3). Strontium carbonate is dissolved with strong aqueous solution of nitric acid. Hence strontium Nitrate is formed along with carbon dioxide. The chemical reaction can be expressed as,

SrCO3 + 2HNO3 → Sr(NO3)2 + H2O + CO2

Question 4: Why is strontium not found in pure form in nature?


It is highly reactive in nature. It readily reacts with water and oxygen. It reacts extremely to air so it is stored to avoid contact with water and air. Strontium if present in finely powdered form, it quickly catches fire. So it is never found in pure form.

Question 5: What happens when strontium  nitrate is heated? 


Toxic nitrogen oxides are emitted. Explosion may take place if it is exposed to heat for long time. The thermal decomposition reaction is as follows,

2Sr(NO3)2 → 2SrO + 4NO2 + O2

Question 6: Where are nitrates found?


As nitrite quickly oxidizes to nitrate, nitrate is found in soil, ground and surface waters. They are also found in food (vegetables, fruits and processed metal). They are found in meat, including diary products, fish. High nitrate levels in drinking water may cause serious health issues. 

Question 7: Mention the process of obtaining Strontium Nitrate from strontium carbonate.


Aqueous nitric acid is added to strontium carbonate to form Strontium Nitrate. Carbon dioxide is also emitted in the result. The chemical reaction is as follows,

SrCO3 + HNO3 → Sr(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O