Difference Between Structure and Union in C

Structures in C is a user-defined data type available in C that allows to combining of data items of different kinds. Structures are used to represent a record. 

Defining a structure: To define a structure, you must use the struct statement. The struct statement defines a new data type, with more than or equal to one member. The format of the struct statement is as follows:

   struct [structure name]
       member definition;
       member definition;
       member definition;

   struct [structure name]
       member definition;
       member definition;
       member definition;
   }structure variable declaration;

Union in C is a special data type available in C that allows storing different data types in the same memory location. You can define a union with many members, but only one member can contain a value at any given time. Unions provide an efficient way of using the same memory location for multiple purposes. 

Defining a Union: To define a union, you must use the union statement in the same way as you did while defining a structure. The union statement defines a new data type with more than one member for your program. The format of the union statement is as follows: 

    union [union name]
       member definition;
       member definition;
       member definition;

    union [union name]
       member definition;
       member definition;
       member definition;
    }union variable declaration;

Similarities Between Structure and Union

  1. Both are user-defined data types used to store data of different types as a single unit.
  2. Their members can be objects of any type, including other structures and unions or arrays. A member can also consist of a bit field.
  3. Both structures and unions support only assignment = and sizeof operators. The two structures or unions in the assignment must have the same members and member types.
  4. A structure or a union can be passed by value to functions and returned by value by functions. The argument must have the same type as the function parameter. A structure or union is passed by value just like a scalar variable as a corresponding parameter.
  5. ‘.’ operator or selection operator, which has one of the highest precedences, is used for accessing member variables inside both the user-defined datatypes.

Differences between Structure and Union

Differences between Structure and Union are as shown below in tabular format as shown below as follows: 



// C program to illustrate differences
// between structure and Union
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// declaring structure
struct struct_example {
    int integer;
    float decimal;
    char name[20];
// declaring union
union union_example {
    int integer;
    float decimal;
    char name[20];
void main()
    // creating variable for structure
    // and initializing values difference
    // six
    struct struct_example s = { 18, 38, "w3wiki" };
    // creating variable for union
    // and initializing values
    union union_example u = { 18, 38, "w3wiki" };
    printf("structure data:\n integer: %d\n"
           "decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           s.integer, s.decimal, s.name);
    printf("\nunion data:\n integer: %d\n"
           "decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           u.integer, u.decimal, u.name);
    // difference two and three
    printf("\nsizeof structure : %d\n", sizeof(s));
    printf("sizeof union : %d\n", sizeof(u));
    // difference five
    printf("\n Accessing all members at a time:");
    s.integer = 183;
    s.decimal = 90;
    strcpy(s.name, "w3wiki");
    printf("structure data:\n integer: %d\n "
           "decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           s.integer, s.decimal, s.name);
    u.integer = 183;
    u.decimal = 90;
    strcpy(u.name, "w3wiki");
    printf("\nunion data:\n integer: %d\n "
           "decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           u.integer, u.decimal, u.name);
    printf("\n Accessing one member at time:");
    printf("\nstructure data:");
    s.integer = 240;
    printf("\ninteger: %d", s.integer);
    s.decimal = 120;
    printf("\ndecimal: %f", s.decimal);
    strcpy(s.name, "C programming");
    printf("\nname: %s\n", s.name);
    printf("\n union data:");
    u.integer = 240;
    printf("\ninteger: %d", u.integer);
    u.decimal = 120;
    printf("\ndecimal: %f", u.decimal);
    strcpy(u.name, "C programming");
    printf("\nname: %s\n", u.name);
    // difference four
    printf("\nAltering a member value:\n");
    s.integer = 1218;
    printf("structure data:\n integer: %d\n "
           " decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           s.integer, s.decimal, s.name);
    u.integer = 1218;
    printf("union data:\n integer: %d\n"
           " decimal: %.2f\n name: %s\n",
           u.integer, u.decimal, u.name);


structure data:
 integer: 18
decimal: 38.00
 name: w3wiki

union data:
 integer: 18
decimal: 0.00

sizeof structure : 28
sizeof union : 20

 Accessing all members at a time:structure data:
 integer: 183
 decimal: 90.00
 name: w3wiki

union data:
 integer: 1801807207
 decimal: 277322871721159507258114048.00
 name: w3wiki

 Accessing one member at time:
structure data:
integer: 240
decimal: 120.000000
name: C programming

 union data:
integer: 240
decimal: 120.000000
name: C programming

Altering a member value:
structure data:
 integer: 1218
  decimal: 120.00
 name: C programming
union data:
 integer: 1218
 decimal: 0.00
 name: ?

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Note: Structures are better than unions since memory is shared in a union which results in a bit of ambiguity. But technically speaking, unions are better in that they help save a lot of memory, resulting in the overall advantage over structures in the long run.
Quiz on structures and Union