Sudo Placement | Palindrome Family

Given a string of lowercase characters, the task is to detect the family of string, where family of string is described as follows. 

  • ODD Palindrome : String with characters at odd index (1-based indexing) forming Palindrome.
  • EVEN Palindrome : String with characters at even index (1-based indexing) forming Palindrome.
  • TWIN Palindrome : String with both of the above properties.
  • PARENT Palindrome : If the string is itself a Palindrome.


Input : Beginnerforskeeg 
Output : ODD Palindrome 
Explanation: The string with characters at odd indices(following 1-based indexing) is ‘gesoseg‘, which is a palindrome, while the string formed by characters at even indices does not form a palindrome. Thus the given string is of ‘ODD‘ Family.

Input : aibohobia 
Output : PARENT Palindrome 
Explanation: The string itself is a palindrome, thus falls under PARENT Family. 

Approach: Define 2 empty strings, oddString and evenString. 

  • Append all the characters at even indices in the evenString.
  • Append all the characters at odd indices in the oddString.

Now, check for the following cases: 

  1. Check if the given string is a Palindrome, if it is Print ‘PARENT Palindrome’.
  2. If the first case is not true, check if both evenString and oddString are palindromes, if so then print ‘TWIN Palindrome’
  3. If the second case doesn’t hold true, then if evenString is a Palindrome, print ‘EVEN Palindrome’, else if oddString is a Palindrome print ‘ODD Palindrome’.
  4. If none of the above conditions satisfy, print ‘ALIEN Palindrome’.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// CPP program to print the Palindrome Family
// corresponding to a given string
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Checks if the given string is a Palindrome
bool isPalindrome(string str)
    // Find the reverse of the given string
    string reverse_str = str;
    reverse(reverse_str.begin(), reverse_str.end());
    // Check if the reverse and the string are equal
    if (str == reverse_str)
        return true;
    return false;
// Prints the Palindrome Family corresponding to a given string
void printPalindromeFamily(string str)
    // Check if the given string is a palindrome
    if (isPalindrome(str)) {
        cout << "PARENT Palindrome" << endl;
    string oddString = "";
    string evenString = "";
    int n = str.length();
    // append characters at odd indices(1 based) to oddString
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
        oddString += str[i];
    // append characters at even indices(1 based indexing) to evenString
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2)
        evenString += str[i];
    // Check if the individual evenString and oddString are palindrome
    bool isEvenPalindrome = isPalindrome(evenString);
    bool isOddPalindrome = isPalindrome(oddString);
    // Check if both oddString and evenString are palindromes
    // If so, it is a TWIN palindrome
    if (isEvenPalindrome && isOddPalindrome)
        cout << "TWIN Palindrome" << endl;
    // Else check if even indices form a palindrome
    else if (isEvenPalindrome)
        cout << "EVEN Palindrome" << endl;
    // Else check if odd indices form a palindrome
    else if (isOddPalindrome)
        cout << "ODD Palindrome" << endl;
    // If none of the cases satisfy, then it is an ALIEN Palindrome
        cout << "Alien Palindrome" << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string s = "Beginnerforskeeg";
    s = "aibohobia";
    s = "Beginner";
    return 0;


// Java program to print the Palindrome Family
// corresponding to a given string
import java.util.*;
public class PalindromeFamily {
    // Checks if the given string is a Palindrome
    public static boolean isPalindrome(String str){
        //Set two pointers, one at the last character of the string and
        // other the first character. If both of them don't match, then
        // it is not a palindrome. Keep incrementing start pointer,
        // and decreasing end pointer by one, until they check the middle character.
        int start = 0, end = str.length() -1;
        while(start <= end){
            if(str.charAt(start) != str.charAt(end)){
                return false;
        return true;
    // Prints the Palindrome Family corresponding to a given string
    public static void palindromeFamily(String str){
        //Check for parent palindrome
            System.out.println("PARENT Palindrome");
        //Check for odd and even palindromes
        String oddString = "";
        String evenString = "";
        // append characters at odd indices(1 based) to oddString
        for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i+=2){
            oddString += str.charAt(i);
        // append characters at even indices(1 based indexing) to evenString
        for(int i=1; i<str.length(); i+=2){
            evenString += str.charAt(i);
         // Check if the individual evenString and oddString are palindrome
        boolean isEvenPalindrome = isPalindrome(evenString);
        boolean isOddPalindrome = isPalindrome(oddString);
        //Check if both oddString and evenString are palindromes
        //If yes, then it is a twin palindrome
        if(isOddPalindrome && isEvenPalindrome){
            System.out.println("TWIN Palindrome");
        //Else, check if odd indices form a palindrome
        else if (isOddPalindrome){
            System.out.println("ODD Palindrome");
        //Else, check if even indices form a palindrome
        else if (isEvenPalindrome){
            System.out.println("EVEN Palindrome");
        //If none of the cases satisfy, then it is an ALIEN palindrome
            System.out.println("ALIEN Palindrome");
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String s = "Beginnerforskeeg";
        s = "aibohobia";
        s = "Beginner";


# Python3 Program to print the Palindrome Family
# corresponding to a given string
# check if the given string is a Palindrome
def isPalindrome(str1):
    # Find the reverse of the given string
    reverse_str = str1[::-1]
    # Check if the reverse and the string are equal
    if(str1 == reverse_str):
        return True
    return False
# Prints the palindrome family corresponding to a given string
def printPalindromeFamily(str1):
    # Check if the given string is a palindrome
        print("PARENT Palindrome")
        return False
    oddString = ""
    evenString = ""
    n = len(str1)
    # append characters at odd
    # indices(1 based) to oddString
    for i in range(0, n, 2):
        oddString += str1[i]
    # append characters at even
    # indices(1 based) to evenString
    for i in range(1, n, 2):
        evenString += str1[i]
    # check if the individual evenString and
    # OddString are palindromes
    isEvenPalindrome = isPalindrome(evenString)
    isOddPalindrome = isPalindrome(oddString)
    # Check if both oddString and evenString are palindromes
    # If so, it is a twin palindrome
    if(isEvenPalindrome and isOddPalindrome):
        print("TWIN Palindrome")
        print("EVEN Palindrome")
        print("ODD Palindrome")
        print("Alien Palindrome")
# Driver code
s = "Beginnerforskeeg"
s = "aibohobia"
s = "Beginner"
# This code is contributed by simranjenny84


// C# program to print the Palindrome Family
// corresponding to a given string
using System;
class PalindromeFamily {
  // Checks if the given string is a Palindrome
  static bool isPalindrome(string str)
    // Set two pointers, one at the last character of
    // the string and
    // other the first character. If both of them don't
    // match, then it is not a palindrome. Keep
    // incrementing start pointer, and decreasing end
    // pointer by one, until they check the middle
    // character.
    int start = 0, end = str.Length - 1;
    while (start <= end) {
      if (str[start] != str[end]) {
        return false;
    return true;
  // Prints the Palindrome Family corresponding to a given
  // string
  static void palindromeFamily(string str)
    // Check for parent palindrome
    if (isPalindrome(str)) {
      Console.WriteLine("PARENT Palindrome");
    // Check for odd and even palindromes
    string oddString = "";
    string evenString = "";
    // append characters at odd indices(1 based) to
    // oddString
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i += 2) {
      oddString += str[i];
    // append characters at even indices(1 based
    // indexing) to evenString
    for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; i += 2) {
      evenString += str[i];
    // Check if the individual evenString and oddString
    // are palindrome
    bool isEvenPalindrome = isPalindrome(evenString);
    bool isOddPalindrome = isPalindrome(oddString);
    // Check if both oddString and evenString are
    // palindromes If yes, then it is a twin palindrome
    if (isOddPalindrome && isEvenPalindrome) {
      Console.WriteLine("TWIN Palindrome");
    // Else, check if odd indices form a palindrome
    else if (isOddPalindrome) {
      Console.WriteLine("ODD Palindrome");
    // Else, check if even indices form a palindrome
    else if (isEvenPalindrome) {
      Console.WriteLine("EVEN Palindrome");
    // If none of the cases satisfy, then it is an ALIEN
    // palindrome
    else {
      Console.WriteLine("ALIEN Palindrome");
  public static void Main()
    string s = "Beginnerforskeeg";
    s = "aibohobia";
    s = "Beginner";
// This code is contributed by Samim Hossain Mondal.


// Javascript program to print the Palindrome Family
// corresponding to a given string
// Checks if the given string is a Palindrome
function isPalindrome(str)
    // Find the reverse of the given string
    let reverse_str = str.split('').reverse().join('');
    // Check if the reverse and the string are equal
    if (str == reverse_str)
        return true;
    return false;
// Prints the Palindrome Family corresponding to a given string
function printPalindromeFamily(str)
    // Check if the given string is a palindrome
    if (isPalindrome(str)) {
        console.log("PARENT Palindrome");
    let oddString = "";
    let evenString = "";
    let n = str.length;
    // append characters at odd indices(1 based) to oddString
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
        oddString += str[i];
    // append characters at even indices(1 based indexing) to evenString
    for (let i = 1; i < n; i += 2)
        evenString += str[i];
    // Check if the individual evenString and oddString are palindrome
    let isEvenPalindrome = isPalindrome(evenString);
    let isOddPalindrome = isPalindrome(oddString);
    // Check if both oddString and evenString are palindromes
    // If so, it is a TWIN palindrome
    if (isEvenPalindrome && isOddPalindrome)
        console.log("TWIN Palindrome");
    // Else check if even indices form a palindrome
    else if (isEvenPalindrome)
        console.log("EVEN Palindrome");
    // Else check if odd indices form a palindrome
    else if (isOddPalindrome)
        console.log("ODD Palindrome");
    // If none of the cases satisfy, then it is an ALIEN Palindrome
        console.log("Alien Palindrome");
// Driver Code
let s = "Beginnerforskeeg";
s = "aibohobia";
s = "Beginner";
// This code is contributed by Samim Hossain Mondal.


ODD Palindrome
PARENT Palindrome
Alien Palindrome

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the given string.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), where n is the length of the given string.