Sufi Sects

STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM has a wide syllabus. In this General Study, the syllabus of  History subject has a major and important part. Following we are presenting all the important Silsila’s of Sufism. In every exam of SSC CGL, questions were asked about these topics. So it is an important topic for every candidate preparing for that exam.

Sufi Sect



Related Facts 

Chishti sect  Khwaja Abu Abdal Chishti,
Muinuddin Chishti ( India )
Bakhtiyar Kaki, Baba Farid,Nizamuddin
Auliya, Nasiruddin Chirag-e-Dehlvi, Qutuban

This was the first Silsila to be organized in India.
It was also the most popular and liberal Silsila.
Apart from Nizamuddin Auliya, all the Chishti saints adopted a household life.
Nasiruddin Chirag Dehlvi was the first saint who did not consider the service of the court as a hindrance to the Chishti Sufi.
The first to settle in India was a Chishti Sufi Sakhi Sarwar.

Suhrawardi sect Sheikh Shihabuddin Suhrawardi,
Bahauddin Zakariya (India )
Bahauddin Zakariya, Saduddin Arif,
Sheikh Ruknuddin, Shah Daula Dariya
Hameeduddin Nagori, Syed Jalaluddin
Sheikh Musa, 

This Silsila believed in wealth.
In this connection, first, the post of Guru was made ancestral.
Bahauddin Zakariya was the richest saint of the medieval period.
Hamiduddin Nagori was the most famous saint of this Silsila.
Sheikh Musa always used to wear female garb

Shattari sect Sheikh Abdullah Shattari Sheikh Buddha, Sheikh Phool
Muhammad Shah Ghaus

It is called Ishqiya in Central Asia and Wistamia in Turkey.
Aurangzeb had sought blessings from Shaikh Burhanuddin before the war of succession began.
Shah Muhammad Ghaus was the most famous saint of this Silsila.

Firdausia sect Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri No other famous saint This Silsila was prevalent in the Bihar region.
Qadiriyya sect Muiuddin Qadiri Jilani
shah niamatullah (India)
Sheikh Musa, Mia Mir,
Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi,
 Mullah Shah Badakhshi

It is the most mystic sect of Islam.
It was prevalent in Central Asia and Africa.
Dara Shikoh was the disciple of Mullah Shah Badakhshi of this sect.

Naqshbandi sect Khwaja Bahauddin
Khwaja Baqi Billah (India)
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Sheikh Masoom,
Shah Wali Ullah, Khwaja Mir Dard

There were disciples from the sect from the Mughal emperor Babur and Aurangzeb.
This Silsila was anti-music.
It also rejected Pranayama.
Babur was a disciple of Sufi saint Ubaidullah Ahrar and Aurangzeb Sheikh Masoom.

Kalandaria sect Abdul Aziz Makki Khizr Rumi, Nizamuddin,

The saints of this sect did not live in khangaah 
These saints lived like Nagas.

Roshni sect Miyan Bayazid Ansari no other famous saint

Mia Bayeed Ansari was also known as Bayazid Afghan and Pir-e-Roshan

Kubrabia sect Najmuddin-ul-Kubra Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani It was prevalent in Kashmir
Rishi silsila Nooruddin Sadhvi Lalladev

It was prevalent in Kashmir
The compositions of Sadhvi Laladeva are known as Vakh.

Neosufism Shah Karim Bedil, Bekas

This trend was prevalent in Sindh.
Bulleh Shah was related to this Silsila.

Mahdavi sect Syed Mohammed no other famous saint Ahmadnagar made Mahdavi his state religion
Noorbakhshia sect Syed Muhammad no other famous saint He belonged to the Shia sect