Surrogate Advertising: Meaning, Types, Benefits, and Examples

What is Surrogate Advertising?

The term Surrogate Advertising describes the practice of businesses promoting their goods through advertisements claiming to be for other goods or services. When there are limitations or prohibitions on the promotion of specific items, usually for legal or regulatory reasons, this method is frequently used. It describes the practice of promoting a product through advertisements that seem to be for a different product. This tactic is frequently used in situations where it is illegal or restricted to directly promote particular products, like alcohol or tobacco. Surrogate Advertising can have an impact on public opinion. While some customers might find the creativity appealing, others might think it is unethical. It may also affect a brand’s reputation, particularly if customers believe the business is attempting to avoid laws.

Geeky Takeaways:

  • Surrogate Advertising effectively promotes restricted goods through ads that don’t seem to have anything to do with them. This is often done for gambling, alcohol, or tobacco.
  • Some strategies for keeping a business visible are having influencers talk about it, sponsoring events, and using digital marketing.
  • There are benefits, like brand recognition and loyalty, but there are also ethical issues about practices that might be dishonest.
  • Company awareness, how customers feel about the company, sales data, and following the rules are all ways to measure success.
  • Legal concerns stress the importance of being honest, open, and following advertising laws to lessen bad effects.

Table of Content

  • History of Surrogate Advertisement
  • Types of Surrogate Advertising
  • Major Benefits of Surrogate Advertising
  • Disadvantages of Surrogate Advertisements
  • Strategies to Implement Surrogate Advertising
  • Measuring the Surrogate Advertising Success
  • Legal Aspects of Surrogate Advertising
  • Popular Surrogate Advertising Examples
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

History of Surrogate Advertisement

1. 1960s–1970s: Throughout this time, people’s knowledge of the dangers of tobacco use to their health increased. Governments started passing stronger laws about tobacco advertising in response. Regulations on the promotion of alcoholic beverages were also prompted by worries about alcohol abuse.

2. Late 20th century: Businesses started looking at alternate strategies to preserve brand visibility after being prohibited from advertising alcohol and tobacco products. As a result, the idea of “surrogate advertising” was born, in which businesses promoted other products primarily to subtly advertise their prohibited goods.

3. The late 20th and early 21st centuries: Beyond India, other nations with comparable regulations saw a rise in the use of surrogate advertising. Advertising restrictions applied not only to alcohol and tobacco products but also to gambling and some food items.

4. 21st Century: Regulators handling surrogate advertising now face additional difficulties as a result of the development of the internet and digital media. Since businesses may now reach a global audience through online channels, authorities must stay up with technological changes.

Types of Surrogate Advertising

1. Brand Depiction: Hiring influencers or celebrities to serve as brand ambassadors as these individuals help the brand by endorsing it or making appearances, all without actively promoting the product that is prohibited.

2. Event Promotion: Companies may sponsor sporting events, concerts, or other occasions where they may publicly promote their brand. The oblique connection to the brand helps in preserving awareness without outright endorsing the prohibited item.

3. Events for Public Relations: Planning press conferences, public relations efforts or events that highlight the brand’s good reputation without overtly promoting the restricted product.

4. Digital and Online Marketing: Using digital channels to market the brand quietly. Online games, applications or other content that showcases the brand without overtly promoting the prohibited goods could fall under this category.

5. Videos and Albums of Music: Creating music videos or CDs under the brand enables businesses to use entertainment as an indirect means of brand promotion.

Major Benefits of Surrogate Advertising

1. Brand Visibility: When it comes to items, surrogate advertising lets businesses be visible in the market even in situations when direct product promotion is strictly prohibited. This contributes to maintaining brand awareness and recognition.

2. Brand Loyalty: Businesses can strengthen consumer brand loyalty by employing surrogate advertising. Positive reviews and customer loyalty might arise from the link of the promoted product with the brand, even if it is not the limited item.

3. Perfect Brand Image: An efficient use of surrogate advertising can enhance a company’s reputation. Public perception can be improved by linking the brand to non-controversial products or socially conscious causes.

4. Collaborations and Financial Assistance: Surrogate advertising frequently entails collaborations and funding of entertainment, sports or events. This not only creates favorable associations with liked and popular activities, but it also indirectly promotes the brand.

5. Innovative Approaches to Marketing: Marketing techniques become more creative as a result of having to work around advertising constraints. Businesses are forced to use original ideas and inventive strategies to quietly market their brands.

Disadvantages of Surrogate Advertisements

1. Deceptive Nature: By endorsing one product while trying to boost sales of a regulated one, surrogate advertising undermines customer trust by misleading them.

2. Undermining the Goal of Regulation: The practice reduces the efficacy of policies intended to protect public health by enabling businesses to get around the purpose of restrictions.

3. Adverse Social Effects: Surrogate advertising can have a detrimental social influence by subtly endorsing items that may be dangerous, particularly when it comes to products that pose health risks.

4. Moral Issues: The technique could make customers feel tricked or misled, which raises ethical questions regarding openness and truth in advertising.

5. Aiming for Vulnerable Groups: Vulnerable groups, like children, may be disproportionately affected by surrogate advertising since they are more likely to be indirectly promoted age-restricted products.

Strategies to Implement Surrogate Advertising

1. Event Promotion: Use connections with popular activities to your advantage by sponsoring events to increase brand awareness without actually advertising the restricted product.

2. Products with a Brand: Selling products with the brand name or emblem on them will increase income and brand awareness.

3. Messages of Public Service and Social Causes: Create favorable brand associations by linking your brand to public service announcements or social concerns.

4. Integration of Film and Television: Use product placement to incorporate the brand into motion pictures, television shows, or online series in an indirect marketing manner.

5. Internet and Digital Marketing: Make use of online channels to market the brand subtly by using imaginative apps, games, or digital content.

6. Videos and Albums of Music: Continues to promote your brand by releasing albums of music or videos below it.

Measuring the Surrogate Advertising Success

1. Awareness of Brands: To determine whether the surrogate advertising has improved brand visibility, track changes in brand awareness levels using surveys, social media analytics or other tracking techniques.

2. Views of the Consumer: After the surrogate advertising campaign, conduct consumer perception surveys to find out how the target audience feels about the brand and related items.

3. Sales and Revenue: Examine revenue and sales information to see if there has been a boost in product sales, particularly for non-restricted items linked to the brand.

4. Market Portion: Determine whether surrogate advertising has assisted the brand in maintaining or growing its market share by analyzing changes in market share.

5. Return on Investment (ROI): Determine the Return on Investment (ROI) by contrasting the surrogate advertising campaign’s expenses with the income or other quantifiable results.

6. Shifts in Consumer Behavior: Analyze alterations in consumer behavior, such as modifications in inclinations, viewpoints, or buying habits, to understand the influence of advertising on consumer behavior.

7. Media Attention: To determine how much the brand and its form of advertising are covered in the media, assess public relations results and media coverage.

8. Feedback and Surveys: To immediately get feedback on the success of the surrogate advertising campaign and how it affected brand perception, use consumer surveys and feedback surveys.

Legal Aspects of Surrogate Advertising

1. Product Descriptions and Labelling: Respect advertising laws pertaining to product labelling and descriptions in order to stop misleading activities.

2. Utilizing Logos and Brand Names: Use of brand characteristics in surrogate advertising should be done with caution because some jurisdictions may prohibit certain actions.

3. Age Limitations: Make sure that age-related advertising laws are followed, particularly when it comes to products that have age limitations.

4. Honest and Transparent Approaches: Retain honesty and openness in your advertising to stay out of trouble if you engage in dishonest behavior.

5. Record-keeping and Documentation: Keep extensive records of your advertising campaigns to ensure compliance and transparency.

6. Considering Public Health: Adopt surrogate campaigns to address public health issues related to items like alcohol and tobacco.

7. Laws Protecting Consumers: In order to stop deceptive advertising and unfair business activities, take into account general consumer protection regulations.

Popular Surrogate Advertising Examples

1. Kingfisher Soda: Kingfisher Soda was launched by the Kingfisher brand, which was first recognized for its beer, in order to market a non-alcoholic beverage while preserving brand awareness.

2. Bagpiper Club Soda: The non-alcoholic substitute Bagpiper Club Soda was invented by the whiskey-making company Bagpiper, enabling the brand to continue advertising in spite of laws against alcohol-related promotion.

3. Sports Drink Royal Challenge: To broaden its product line and subtly advertise in a new market, the whisky company Royal Challenge introduced a sports drink under the same name.

4. Foster’s Ice Bucket: Fosters, a beer company, used the launch of Fosters Ice Bucket, a non-alcoholic beverage, as a stand-in for alcohol promotion in order to reach consumers in areas where such advertising is prohibited.

5. Imperial Blue Music CDs: By releasing and promoting music CDs under the Imperial Blue brand, the whisky company Imperial Blue made a foray into the music industry and established a loose affiliation with the brand.

6. Seagram’s Ginger Ale: Known for its alcoholic drinks, Seagram’s offered a non-alcoholic alternative called Seagram’s Ginger Ale, which allowed them to promote their brand without breaking any laws.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can the reputation of a brand be affected by surrogate advertising?

Indeed, surrogate advertising can harm a brand’s reputation, if customers believe it to be dishonest or deceitful.

How do you quantify the effectiveness of surrogate advertising?

Indicators of success include increased brand awareness, shifts in customer perception, sales statistics, market share and regulatory compliance.

What is the response of consumers to surrogate advertising?

Reactions from consumers to surrogate advertising can differ. While some would find the inventive tactics appealing, others might consider them to be dishonest or false.

Are there any moral issues with surrogate advertisements?

Indeed, there are ethical issues since surrogate advertising can be viewed as a means of getting around laws meant to safeguard public health, particularly when they are advertising tobacco or alcohol products. Opponents argue that it violates the intent behind these rules.

How are surrogate advertisements recognized by consumers?

Since surrogate advertising is often about promoting a separate product, identifying it can be difficult. Customers should be on the lookout for any inadvertent allusions or hints to the prohibited goods in the advertisement.