SVG <clipPath> Element

The <clipPath> SVG element is used to define a clipping path that is to be used by the clip-path property. It works the same as clip-path in CSS.

clipPath is used to put some restriction on a region such that anything drawn outside that region will neither be visible nor be drawn.




  • clipPathUnits: This attribute defines the coordinate system for the &lt;clipPath&gt; element’s content.

Below given are a few examples of the function given above.

Example 1:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        @keyframes animation1 {
            from {
                width: 4px;
                height: 4px;
            to {
                width: 150px;
                height: 150px;
        rect {
            animation: animation1 10s ease-in-out;
        <div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">
                <h1 style="color: green;">
                    SVG | <clipPath> element
            <svg width="500"
                 transform="translate(100, 0)">
                <clipPath id="gfg">
                    <rect width="4"
                <path id="path" 
                      d="M10, 30 A20, 20, 0, 0,
                         1, 50, 30 A20, 20, 0, 0, 1,
                         90, 30 Q90, 60, 50, 90 Q10, 
                         60, 10, 30 Z" />
                <use fill="green"
                     href="#path" />


Example 2:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"
        <meta charset="UTF-8" /> 
        @keyframes star {from {r: 0} to {r: 500px}}
        #gfg circle {
        animation: star 25s ease;
        <div style="width:300px; height:300px;">
                <h1 style="color:green">
                    <a> Tag SVG
            <svg width="500" height="500" 
                 transform="translate(60, -40)">
                <clipPath id="gfg">
                <path id="star" d="
                M 85.000 105.000
                L 105.000 119.641
                L 102.321 95.000
                L 125.000 85.000
                L 102.321 75.000
                L 105.000 50.359
                L 85.000 65.000
                L 65.000 50.359
                L 67.679 75.000
                L 45.000 85.000
                L 67.679 95.000
                L 65.000 119.641
                <use clip-path="url(#gfg)" 
                     href="#star" fill="red" />


Browsers Supported: The following browsers are supported by this SVG element:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Opera