Swift Function Parameters and Return Values

A function is a piece of code that is used to perform some specific task. Just like other programming languages Swift also has functions and the function has its name, parameter list, and return value. Their syntax is flexible enough to create simple as well as complex functions. All the functions in the Swift have a type, which makes the function a lot easier to pass a function as a parameter to another function or return a function from another function or create nested functions. A function is defined using the func keyword. And you can call a function simply by its name.


func functionName(ParameterName: type) ->returnType{

// Body of the function


Now we will discuss how the function works with or without parameters and return values.

Function Without Parameters and Return Value 

In Swift, a function can be defined without parameters and return value. This function returns the same value whenever they are called. The function definition still requires empty parentheses with the name even when the function is called.


func functionName(){

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function Without Parameters
// and Return Value
import Swift
// Creating a function
// Without any parameter and return value
func w3wiki(){
    print("Lets learn something new!!")
// Calling the function


Lets learn something new!!

Function With Return Value and Without Parameter

In Swift, a function can be defined with a return value and without a parameter. Such type of function returns the same type of value whenever they are called and cannot allow control to leave the bottom of the function without returning a value if it tries to do then you will get a compile-time error. The function definition still requires empty parentheses followed by a return type and we can call such type of function with their name followed by empty parentheses. 


func functionName()->ReturnValue{

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With Return Value
// and Without Parameter
import Swift
// Creating a function with return value
// and without Parameter
func w3wiki() -> String{
    return "Lets learn something new!!"
// Calling the function
let display = w3wiki()
// Displaying the results


Lets learn something new!!

Function With Parameter and Without Return Value

In Swift, a function can be defined with a parameter and without a return value. Such type of function does not contain a return value in the function definition. Although such type of function is not defined with a return value, still they will return a special value of void type. When we call such type of function the return value can be ignored.


func functionName(parameterName: type){

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With Parameter
import Swift
// Creating a function with parameter
func w3wiki(stat: String){
// Calling the function
w3wiki(stat: "Lets learn something new!!")


Lets learn something new!!

Function With a Parameter and Return Value

In Swift, a function can be defined with a parameter and a return value. Such type of function definition contains both parameters and the return value. Here the return value of the function can’t be ignored and cannot allow control to leave the bottom of the function without returning a value if it tries to do then you will get a compile-time error. It is not necessary that the parameter data type and the return type are similar.


func functionName(parameterName: type) -> returnValue{

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With
// parameter and return value
import Swift
// Creating a function with parameter
// and return value
func w3wiki(bonus: Int) -> Int{
    let empsalary = bonus + 20000
    return empsalary
// Calling the function
var updatedData = w3wiki(bonus: 1000)
// Display the updated salary
print("New salary: ", updatedData)


New salary:  21000

Function With Multiple Parameters and Single Return Value

In Swift, a function can be defined with multiple parameters and a return value. In such type of function, the definition contains multiple parameters separated by commas in the parentheses and the return value.


func functionName(parameterName1: type, parameterName2: type, parameterName3: type) -> returnValue{

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With
// multiple parameters and a return value
import Swift
// Creating a function with multiple parameters
// and a return value
func w3wiki(newArticle: Int, OldArticle: Int) -> Int{
    let ArticleCount = newArticle + OldArticle
    return ArticleCount
// Calling the function
var updatedData = w3wiki(newArticle: 30, OldArticle: 230)
// Display the updated data
print("Total count of the Articles: ", updatedData)


Total count of the Articles:  260

Function With Single Parameter and Multiple Return Values

In Swift, a function can be defined with a parameter and multiple return values. In such type of function, the definition contains a parameter and multiple return values separated by commas in the parentheses. Here Swift uses tuple type as a return type to return multiple values as a part of a single unit or compound. In the tuple, we can also provide the label to each return value so that they can be further accessed using their name with the help of dot syntax. Also, remember we do not need to provide the names of the tuple members when they are returned from the function because their names are already specified in the return type part of the function.


func functionName(parameterName: type) -> (returnValueName1: type, returnValueName2: type, returnValueName3: type){

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With
// a parameter and multiple return values
import Swift
// Creating a function with a parameter
// and multiple return values.
// This function is used to find the minimum
// and maximum salary of the employees
func w3wiki(ESalary: [Int]) -> (minSalary: Int, maxSalary: Int){
    // Creating two variables that contains the
    // value of first integer in the array
    var MinValue = ESalary[0]
    var MaxValue = ESalary[0]
    // Iterate the array to find the minimum
    // and maximum value
    for newValue in ESalary[1..<ESalary.count]{
        if newValue < MinValue{
            MinValue = newValue
        if newValue > MaxValue{
            MaxValue = newValue
    // Returning the minimum and maximum values
    // that we find from the array
    return(MinValue, MaxValue)
// Calling the function
var updatedData = w3wiki(ESalary: [23000, 15000, 450000, 50000, 12000])
// Display the minimum salary
print("Minimum salary of the GEmployee: ", updatedData.minSalary)
// Display the maximum salary
print("Maximum salary of the GEmployee: ", updatedData.maxSalary)


Minimum salary of the GEmployee:  12000
Maximum salary of the GEmployee:  450000

Function With Multiple Parameters and Return Values

In Swift, a function can be defined with multiple parameters and return values. In such type of function, the definition contains multiple parameters and return values separated by commas in the parentheses. Here Swift uses tuple type as a return type to return multiple values as a part of a single unit or compound. In the tuple, we can also provide the label to each return value so that they can be further accessed using their name with the help of dot syntax. 


func functionName(parameterName1: type, parameterName2: type, parameterName3: type) -> (returnValueName1: type, returnValueName2: type, returnValueName3: type){

// Function body




// Swift program to illustrate Function With
// multiple parameters and return values
import Swift
// Creating a function with multiple parameters
// and multiple return values.
func w3wiki(EName: String, EAge: Int, ESalary: Int) -> (FullName: String, CurrentAge: Int, CurrentSalary: Int){
    // Updating old data
    let FullName = EName + " Singh"
    let NewAge = EAge + 1
    let NewSalary = ESalary + 2000
    // Returning multiple values
    return(FullName, NewAge, NewSalary)
// Calling the function
var updatedData = w3wiki(EName: "Sumit", EAge: 23, ESalary: 23000)
// Display the full name
print("Full name of the GEmployee: ", updatedData.FullName)
// Display the current age
print("Current age of the GEmployee: ", updatedData.CurrentAge)
// Display the current salary
print("Current salary of the GEmployee: ", updatedData.CurrentSalary)


Full name of the GEmployee:  Sumit Singh
Current age of the GEmployee:  24
Current salary of the GEmployee:  25000

Function With Optional Tuple Return Type

In Swift, a function can be defined with an optional tuple return type. In such type of function, a tuple type will be returned from a function that has no value for the entire tuple or we can say that the entire tuple is nil. In a function definition, to define an optional tuple return type simply place a question mark after the parenthesis is closed(as shown in the below syntax).


func functionName(parameterName: type) ->(returnValueName1: type, returnValueName2: type)? {

// Function body


Always remember optional tuple type for example(String, String)? is different from the tuple that holds optional types for example(string?, string?). Here the whole tuple is optional not the individual value in the tuple. The use of optional tuple return type is explained in the below example. In the below example, if we do not use an optional tuple return type then we will get an error while attempting to access ESalary[0]. To handle empty arrays safely we use an optional tuple return type.



// Swift program to illustrate Function With
// Optional Tuple Return Type
import Swift
// Creating a function with Optional Tuple Return Type
// This function will return nil when the given array is empty
func w3wiki(ESalary: [Int]) -> (minSalary: Int, maxSalary: Int)?{
    // If the given array is empty then return nil
    if ESalary.isEmpty
        return nil
    // Creating two variables that contains the
    // value of first integer in the array
    var MinValue = ESalary[0]
    var MaxValue = ESalary[0]
    // Iterate the array to find the minimum
    // and maximum value
    for newValue in ESalary[1..<ESalary.count]{
        if newValue < MinValue{
            MinValue = newValue
        if newValue > MaxValue{
            MaxValue = newValue
    // Returning the minimum and maximum data
    // that we find from the ESalary array
    return(MinValue, MaxValue)
// Calling the function
var updatedData = w3wiki(ESalary: [])
print("Given array : ", updatedData)


Given array :  nil

Function With an Implicit Return Type

In Swift, the whole body of the function can be defined as a single expression. Such a type of function implicitly returns the specified expression. You are allowed to remove the return keyword if the function is written as one return line. Always remember the implicit return value must return something. You are not allowed to use simply print(“w3wiki”) as an implicit return value although you can use functions that never return as an implicit return value, for example, fatalError(), etc. 


func functionName(parameterName: type) -> returnValue{

// Expression




// Swift program to illustrate Function With an Implicit Return Type
import Swift
// Creating a function with an Implicit Return Type
func w3wiki(for EAuthor: String) -> String{
"Geek of the Month is " + EAuthor + " !!Congratulations!!"
// Calling the function and displaying the final result
print(w3wiki(for: "Mohit"))


Geek of the Month is Mohit !!Congratulations!!