Swift – Hello World Program

Swift is a Programming Language used for developing iOS-based platforms like macOS, apple mobiles, apple iOS Watches, iOS TVs, iOS Keywords, iOS Mouse, and other iOS Software-based Peripherals. This language is almost 80% similar to C and Python languages. Once who is familiar with C and Python languages can easily learn swift language. Swift programming language is easy to use and also a powerful programming language. Swift programming language is highly known for best security programming language in the world. Swift concepts are mostly derived from C and Objective-C Concepts. It is simple and easy to use and provides high security. The syntax of Swift is also very easy to learn. In this article, we will create a simple hello world program in Swift language. 

Before getting started, see what are the advantages of using Swift programming


  • Easy to learn and understand. Not very complex program to code it is easy to learn on the go.
  • Powerful programming language for building better applications.
  • Help in designing application UI with library functions.
  • Long term development support and great community.
  • Trust and Security

Hello World Program in Swift

We can create a swift program file with .swift extension. To run a swift program we required XCode in our system. If you don’t have one you can use some online compiler which you can find a lot of them with the same XCode features. To create and run a hello world program follow the following steps:

Step 1: Open XCode in your system.

Step 2: Create a new XCode project.

Step 3: Select the command-line tool and then click on the Next button.

Step 4: Give a name to your project like here we give “helloworld” and then click on next button.

Step 5: Select the project location and then click on the create button. Now the project is created.

Step 6: Now open main.swift file in the project navigator.

Step 7: Enter the following code in the main.swift file.


import Foundation
print("Hello, World!")

Explanation: In the first line we use the import keyword to import namespaces that contain a set of predefined symbols or functions. So using the namespace we can easily access them. And in the second line we are using a print(“”) function for printing Hello World! as program output.

Step 8: Now press the Run button to run the main.swift file and you will get the following output: