Swift – Methods

Methods are functions that belong to a specific type. Instance methods, which encapsulate particular tasks and functionality for working with an instance of a given type, can be defined by classes, structures, and enumerations. Type methods, which are connected to the type itself, can also be defined by classes, structures, and enumerations. In Objective-C, type methods are comparable to class methods.

Swift differs significantly from C and Objective-C in that structures and enumerations can define methods, whereas classes are the only types in Objective-C that can. In Swift, you can define a class, structure, or enumeration and still define methods on the type you create.

Instance Methods

Classes, structures, and enumeration instances can be accessed using Swift instance methods. To access and modify instance properties, instance methods provide functionality relevant to the instance’s need. The curly braces can be used to write the instance method. It has implicit access to the type instance’s methods and properties. It will have access to that specific instance of the type when it is called.


func funcname(Parameters) -> returntype {




  Statement N

  return parameters




class calculate 
let x: Int  
let y: Int  
let res: Int  
init(x: Int, y: Int)
self.x = x  
self.y = y  
res = x + y  
func tot(z: Int) -> Int {  
return res - z  
func result() {  
print("Result is: \(tot(z: 70))")  
print("Result is: \(tot(z: 90))")  
let pri = calculate(x: 400, y: 500)  



Local and External Parameter Names

In Swift, functions can describe their variables’ local and global declarations. For functions and methods, the characteristics of local and global parameter name declarations vary. For convenience, the first parameter in Swift  is referred to by the prepositions “with,” “for,” and “by.”

Declaring the names of the first and subsequent parameters as global parameters is now possible in Swift. By declaring the first parameter name to be a local parameter name and the remaining parameter names to be global parameter names, Swift offers flexibility in methods. In this case, Swift methods declare “no1” as a local parameter name. Throughout the programme, global declarations are made using the variable “no2.”


class division 
var count: Int = 0
func incrementBy(no1: Int, no2: Int)
count = no1 / no2
let counter = division()
counter.incrementBy(no1: 120, no2: 2)
counter.incrementBy(no1: 220, no2: 4)
counter.incrementBy(no1: 486, no2: 6)



Self property in Methods

All instances of the defined type have a property called “self” that is implicit in methods. To refer to the current instances of its defined methods, use the “Self” property.



class calculate 
let x: Int  
let y: Int  
let res: Int  
init(x: Int, y: Int
self.x = x  
self.y = y  
res = x + y  
print("Result Inside Self Block: \(res)")  
func tot(z: Int) -> Int {  
return res - z  
func result() 
print("Result is: \(tot(z: 10))")  
print("Result is: \(tot(z: 30))")  
let pri = calculate(x: 500, y: 100)  
let sum = calculate(x: 200, y: 600)  



Modifying Value Types from Instance Methods

Structures and enumerations are value types in the Swift 4 language, meaning that instance methods cannot change them. Swift 4 language, on the other hand, offers flexibility to change the value types by “mutating” behaviour. After the instance methods have been executed, mutate will make any changes and then revert to the initial state. Additionally, a new instance is created for the implicit function by the “self” property, which replaces the current method after it has been used.


struct area 
var length = 1  
var breadth = 1  
func area() -> Int {  
return length * breadth  
mutating func scaleBy(res: Int
length *= res  
breadth *= res  
var val = area(length: 2, breadth: 4)  
val.scaleBy(res: 3)  
val.scaleBy(res: 30)  
val.scaleBy(res: 300)



Self Property for Mutating Method

A new instance of the defined method is given when mutating methods are combined with the “self” property.


struct area 
var length = 1
var breadth = 1
func area() -> Int {
return length * breadth
mutating func scaleBy(res: Int) {
self.length *= res
self.breadth *= res
var val = area(length: 6, breadth: 8)
val.scaleBy(res: 11)



Type Methods

An instance method is used when a specific instance of a method is called; Additionally, the method is referred to as a “Type Method” when it calls a particular type of method. The “func” keyword is used to define type methods for “classes,” while the “static” keyword precedes the “func” keyword to define type methods for “structures” and “enumerations.”

The “.” syntax is used to access and call type methods, which invokes the entire method rather than just one specific instance.


class Math 
class func abs(number: Int) -> Int {
if number < 0 
return (-number)
return number
struct absno 
static func abs(number: Int) -> Int 
if number < 0 
return (-number)
return number
let no = Math.abs(number: -20)
let num = absno.abs(number: -15)

