Synopsys Interview Experiences for SDE Internship

First Round: 90-minute

Technical tests in online mode contain the following three sections.

  • Software l c/c++ pseudo code
  • Software ll c++, OOP’s pseudo code
  • Digital logic design.

Second Round : 55 minutes

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Regarding the project (what, why, How)
  3. project based on machine learning so the interviewer asked for a working Decision Tree algorithm, Random forest, linear regression
  4. Implement the OOPS concept and explain
  5. LINUX OS is mentioned In my resume so the interviewer asking 8-10 Linux commands (basic)
  6. Coding question: palindrome of link list.

Third Round: 1 hours

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Regarding the M.Tech project and Deep learning concept that is used in my project
  3. OOP’s concept explains and implements polymorphism
  4. C++ and java based question
  5. Array-based question and sorting algorithms

Fourth Round: Managerial Round

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Regarding project
  3. CNN
  4. Academic related questions
  5. Sorting algorithms implement and explain(selection sort)
  6. Operating system concept

Puzzle: 2 jug problem

Finally out of 4 I was the one selected for 11 month internship in Synopsys india pvt. Ltd.