Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic in AI

First-order logic (FOL), also known as first-order predicate logic, is a fundamental formal system used in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics for expressing and reasoning about relationships between objects in a domain. In artificial intelligence (AI), first-order logic (FOL) serves as a cornerstone for representing and reasoning about knowledge. Its syntax and semantics provide a robust framework for encoding information in a precise and structured manner, enabling AI systems to perform tasks such as automated reasoning, planning, and natural language understanding.

This article provides an in-depth overview of FOL’s syntax, semantics, and applications in AI.

Table of Content

  • Syntax of First-Order Logic
  • Quantifiers in First-Order Logic
  • Well-Formed Formulas (WFFs) in First-Order Logic
  • Semantics of First-Order Logic
  • Satisfaction in First-Order Logic
  • Validity in First-Order Logic
  • Applications of First-Order Logic in AI
  • Conclusion

Syntax of First-Order Logic

The syntax of first-order logic consists of symbols and rules for constructing well-formed formulas (WFFs), which are statements or formulas in the language of FOL. The syntax encompasses the language constructs used to express knowledge and relationships within a domain.

Terms in First-Order Logic

Terms represent objects or entities within the domain of discourse. In AI, terms can correspond to real-world entities, such as objects, individuals, or abstract concepts. They include:

  • Constants: Specific entities, e.g., “John”, “Apple”.
  • Variables: Placeholders for entities, e.g., “x”, “y”.
  • Functions: Expressions applied to terms, e.g., “Age(John)”, “Parent(x)”.

Predicates in First-Order Logic

Predicates express properties, relations, or conditions that hold between objects. They describe the state of the world or assert facts about entities within the domain. Examples include:

  • “IsHuman(x)”
  • “IsParent(x, y)”

Quantifiers in First-Order Logic

Quantifiers in first-order logic allow for the specification of statements about the entirety or existence of objects within the domain.

  • Universal quantifiers (∀): Statements that hold for all objects.
  • Existential quantifiers (∃): Statements that hold for at least one object.

Connectives in First-Order Logic

Logical connectives such as conjunction (∧), disjunction (∨), implication (→), and negation (¬) enable the composition of complex statements from simpler ones. They facilitate the expression of logical relationships and constraints in AI knowledge representations.

Connectives in First-Order Logic

  • Conjunction (∧):
    • Meaning: Represents logical “and” between two propositions. The conjunction of two propositions is true only if both propositions are true.
    • Example: If P(x) represents “x is red” and Q(x) represents “x is round”, then P(x)∧Q(x) represents “x is red and round”.
  • Disjunction (∨):
    • Meaning: Represents logical “or” between two propositions. The disjunction of two propositions is true if at least one of the propositions is true.
    • Example: If P(x) represents “x is a cat” and Q(x) represents “x is a dog”, then P(x)∨Q(x) represents “x is either a cat or a dog”.
  • Implication (→):
    • Meaning: Represents logical “if-then” relationship between two propositions. The implication P→Q is true if either Q is true or if P is false.
    • Example: If P(x) represents “x is a mammal” and Q(x) represents “x produces milk”, then P(x)→Q(x) represents “if x is a mammal, then it produces milk”.
  • Negation (¬):
    • Meaning: Represents logical “not” or negation of a proposition. It reverses the truth value of the proposition.
    • Example: If P(x) represents “x is intelligent”, then ¬P(x) represents “x is not intelligent”.

Quantifiers in First-Order Logic

Universal Quantifier (∀)

  • Meaning: Denotes that a statement holds for all objects in the domain.
  • Example: ∀xP(x) means “for all x, P(x) is true”, indicating that property P holds for all objects x in the domain.

Existential Quantifier (∃)

  • Meaning: Denotes that a statement holds for at least one object in the domain.
  • Example: ∃xP(x) means “there exists an x such that P(x) is true”, indicating that there is at least one object x in the domain for which property P holds.

Well-Formed Formulas (WFFs) in First-Order Logic

Well-formed formulas (WFFs) in first-order logic (FOL) are expressions constructed according to the syntactic rules of FOL, representing meaningful statements about the world. These formulas serve as the building blocks for encoding knowledge and reasoning in AI systems.

Characteristics of WFF

  • Syntax Compliance: WFFs adhere to the syntax rules of first-order logic, which define how terms, predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives can be combined to form valid expressions.
  • Symbolic Representation: WFFs consist of symbols representing terms (constants, variables, and functions), predicates (relations), quantifiers (∀, ∃), and logical connectives (∧, ∨, →, ¬).
  • Quantifier Scope: WFFs maintain clear quantifier scope, ensuring that quantifiers bind variables appropriately within the formula. The scope of quantifiers affects the interpretation and meaning of the formula.
  • Complexity and Nesting: WFFs can range from simple atomic formulas to complex nested structures involving multiple quantifiers and connectives. Proper nesting and grouping of subformulas are essential for clarity and unambiguous interpretation.

Importance of Well-Formed Formulas

  • Knowledge Representation: WFFs serve as a formal language for representing knowledge about the world in AI systems. They enable the encoding of facts, rules, constraints, and relationships in a structured and precise manner.
  • Automated Reasoning: AI systems utilize WFFs for automated reasoning tasks such as deduction, inference, and logical decision-making. Well-formed formulas facilitate the application of formal logic principles to derive new information from existing knowledge.
  • Semantic Understanding: Understanding the syntax and semantics of WFFs is crucial for natural language processing (NLP) systems to interpret and extract meaning from textual data. Mapping natural language statements to logical representations involves recognizing and constructing well-formed formulas.
  • Problem-Solving and Planning: In AI planning and problem-solving domains, well-formed formulas play a key role in defining the initial state, goal state, and transition rules of a problem. They enable the formulation of logical constraints and objectives for automated planning algorithms.

Semantics of First-Order Logic

Semantics in first-order logic deals with the interpretation of sentences and formulas within the framework of a mathematical model. It provides a way to assign meanings to the symbols and structures used in first-order logic.

Key Elements of Semantics in First-Order Logic

  • Variables: These represent placeholders for objects or elements within a domain.
  • Constants: These represent specific elements within the domain.
  • Predicates: These are expressions that can be true or false depending on the objects they’re applied to.
  • Functions: These map elements from the domain to other elements in the domain.
  • Quantifiers: Such as “for all” (∀) and “exists” (∃), used to express universal and existential quantification, respectively.

Interpretation in First-Order Logic

The semantics of first-order logic involve defining what makes a formula true or false in a given interpretation (also called a model). An interpretation consists of:

  • A domain of discourse: This is the set of objects over which the variables range.
  • Interpretations of constants: Each constant is mapped to an element in the domain.
  • Interpretations of predicates: These are mappings that determine whether a predicate holds true for a particular tuple of objects from the domain.
  • Interpretations of functions: These mappings assign values to functions based on the values of their arguments.

The truth of a sentence or formula in first-order logic is determined by evaluating it within a specific interpretation. This is done recursively, where the truth of atomic formulas (predicates applied to terms) is determined based on the interpretation of predicates and the values of the terms.

  • Universal quantification (∀) asserts that a statement holds true for all objects in the domain.
  • Existential quantification (∃) asserts that there exists at least one object for which the statement is true.

Overall, semantics in first-order logic provides a formal framework for understanding how to assign meaning to expressions and how to determine their truth values within a given interpretation.

Satisfaction in First-Order Logic

  • Definition: A formula is said to be satisfied by an interpretation if, under that interpretation, the formula evaluates to true.
  • Symbolic Notation: M⊨ϕ, where M is an interpretation and ϕ is a formula.

Atomic Formulas

An atomic formula P(t₁, t₂, …, tₙ) is satisfied by an interpretation if the objects assigned to the terms make the predicate P true.

Complex Formulas

The satisfaction of complex formulas is determined recursively based on the satisfaction of their constituent parts, considering logical connectives and quantifiers. For example, a conjunction ϕ∧ψ is satisfied if both ϕ and ψ are satisfied.


  • A universally quantified formula ∀xϕ(x) is satisfied if ϕ(x) is satisfied for all objects in the domain.
  • An existentially quantified formula ∃xϕ(x) is satisfied if ϕ(x) is satisfied for at least one object in the domain.

Validity in First-Order Logic

  • Definition: A formula is considered valid if it is satisfied by every interpretation, meaning it holds true universally.
  • Symbolic Notation: ⊨ϕ, meaning ϕ is valid.


  1. ∀x(P(x)→Q(x)) is valid if, under every interpretation, whenever P(x) holds true, Q(x) also holds true.
  2. ∃xP(x) is satisfied if there exists at least one object in the domain for which P(x) holds true.

Relationship between Satisfaction and Validity

  • A formula is valid if and only if its negation is unsatisfiable. In other words, a formula is valid if there is no interpretation that makes it false.
  • If a formula is valid, it is satisfied by every interpretation.
  • If a formula is satisfied by a specific interpretation, it does not necessarily mean it is valid unless it holds true under all possible interpretations.

Applications of First-Order Logic in AI

First-order logic (FOL) plays a pivotal role in various AI domains by providing a structured and formal framework for representing and reasoning about knowledge. Here are some key applications:

1. Automated Reasoning

  • Deduction: AI systems use FOL to perform logical deductions, deriving new information from existing knowledge bases.
  • Theorem Proving: FOL underpins automated theorem provers that can verify mathematical theorems and logical assertions.
  • Ontology Engineering: FOL is used to create and manage ontologies that define the relationships between different concepts within a domain.
  • Expert Systems: AI systems encode domain-specific knowledge using FOL, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide expert advice.

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Semantic Parsing: FOL helps in parsing natural language sentences into logical forms that AI systems can process and understand.
  • Information Extraction: AI systems use FOL to extract structured information from unstructured text.

4. Planning and Problem Solving

  • Automated Planning: FOL defines the initial state, goal state, and transition rules, allowing AI systems to devise plans to achieve specific objectives.
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): FOL represents constraints and conditions that AI systems must satisfy to find viable solutions to complex problems.

5. Robotics

  • Perception and Action: FOL is used to represent the relationships between objects and actions in a robot’s environment, facilitating autonomous decision-making and navigation.
  • Task Planning: Robots use FOL to plan and execute sequences of actions to accomplish tasks.


In conclusion, first-order logic (FOL) provides a powerful framework for formalizing and reasoning about mathematical and logical concepts. Its expressive language allows for precise statements about the relationships between objects, predicates, functions, and quantifiers within a specified domain of discourse.