sysget – Front-End For Every Package Manager in Linux

There are lots of package managers for various Linux distros, for example, apt (Ubuntu), yum (legacy Fedora), dnf (Fedora) but remembering them all is quite a headache. So for that reason, there is a utility called sysget, which is a  front-end for every package manager in Unix-like operating systems. So that you don’t need to learn about every package manager for doing basic stuff like installing, updating, upgrading, and removing packages, only remembering one syntax for every package manager on different Unix-like operating systems will be enough. sysget is open source. 

For the new Linux users, sysget is a handy tool because it acts as a bridge between the user and the package manager, where a user sends a command to “sysget” to perform some task like installing or updating Linux and “sysget” performs the task according to the package manager of the system Linux operating system.

Sysget is not a replacement for the distribution package manager, but just a helping hand for users, who switch to different Linux distros frequently and don’t know anything about the package manager as every Linux distros has its own package manager.

Installing Sysget in Linux & Using it

To install the latest version of sysget use the following command:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/sysget && sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/sysget && sudo wget -O /etc/bash_completion.d/sysget 

After that, use the following 2 commands:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/sysget
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/sysget


Run the following command to get started with sysget:

sudo sysget

And you will get a list containing the following packages list from which you have to choose the option according to your operating system.

Get the help menu and find out all the things you can do with sysget by using the following command:

sudo sysget help

Some Uses:

1. For Cleaning package manager cache:

sudo sysget clean 

2. Auto removing not-needed packages.

sudo sysget autoremove

3. For updating the systemwrite the following command:

sudo sysget update

4. For upgrading the system write the following command:

sudo sysget upgrade