Table of 20

Table of 20 can be easily calculated by multiplying natural numbers from 1 to the number of times we want multiplication. Table of 20 is also called 20 times table or multiplication table of 20. In this article, we are going to discuss, table of 20 from 1 to 10, table of 20 from 11 to 20, how to calculate the table, and how to remember Table of 20 easily.

Table of 20

We can find the table of 20 by multiplying numbers starting from 1 to the number till we want the multiplication. Learn table of 20 from the chart below:

Multiplication Table of 20 from 1 to 10


Equals to


20 × 1



20 × 2



20 × 3



20 × 4



20 × 5



20 × 6



20 × 7



20 × 8



20 × 9



20 × 10



Table of 20 from 10 to 20

In this section we are going to calculate multiplication table of 20 from natural number 11 to 20.




20 × 11



20 × 12



20 × 13



20 × 14



20 × 15



20 × 16



20 × 17



20 × 18



20 × 19



20 × 20



How to Read Multiplication Table 20?

Let’s see how we read the table when it is written in text format. We can read the table of 20 like this.

  • 20 ones are 20
  • 20 twos are 40
  • 20 threes are 60
  • 20 fours are 80
  • 20 fives are 100
  • 20 sixes are 120
  • 20 sevens are 140
  • 20 eights are 160
  • 20 nines are 180
  • 20 tens are 200

Table of 20 as Repeated Addition

We can calculate the table of 20 by simply adding the number 20 with itself. We add the number 20, to total number of times to which we want to find multiple. Below the table of 20 by using addition is given

Multiplication of Number

By using Addition

Result Value

20 × 1

20 =


20 × 2

20 + 20 =


20 × 3

20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 4

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 5

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 6

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 7

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 8

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 9

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


20 × 10

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 =


Tips to Remember the Table of 20

The table of 20 can be easily memorized by using very small trick. The table of 20 can be easily remembered by simply multiplying the 2 with the number of times which we want to find multiplication and placing zero at unit place. By using this trick we can calculate the table of 20 very easily to the number of times we want.

For Example,

We have to find the value of Four Twenty times is Eighty. We can easily calculate the value of Four Twenty times is Eighty by multiplying 2 with the number we want to find multiple, and putting one zero after calculating the value,

20 × 4 = 80,

Simply multiply 2 by 4, we get 8. Now put zero at the end of 8, we get value 80. This is the value of Four Twenty times is Eighty.

20 Times Table Calculator

Try out the following calculator to generate the table of 20

Download, Table of 20 PDF

Also, Check

20 Times Table Solved Examples

Example 1: If Deepali gets 200 rupees from her father daily. What is the total amount of money she will collect after 30 days?


Deepali get 200 rupees daily

After 30 days , the total money of money she had = 200 × 30 = 6,000.

The total amount of money collected by Deepali is 6,000 INR.

Example 2: What is the value of 20 multiplied by 0?


20 multiplied by 0 will give the value 0.

20 × 0 = 0

Any number multiplied by zero will give zero as result because we are calculating the value of that number when it is zero times.

Example 3: If Khushboo decides to give 3 bananas to each monkey, and there are total 20 monkeys in zoo. How many bananas she has to purchase so that every monkey gets 3 bananas?


Number of Bananas for each monkey = 3 bananas

Total Monkeys = 20 monkeys

Number of bananas, she has to purchase = 20 × 3 = 60.

She has to purchase total of 60 bananas.

Example 4: If Ayush earn 2000 rupees as a software engineer daily. How much money did he earn in month of February (assume it is not a leap year)?


There are total 28 days in February

Earning per day 200 rupees daily

the amount of money he earns in month of February = 20000 × 28 = 56,000

Total amount of money earned by Ayush is 56,000 INR.

Practice Question on Table of 20

Q1. What is the value of 20 × 12?

Q2. If one person eats 20 almonds in one day. What is total number of almonds he will eat in month of January?

Q3. Find the value of : 20 × 10 + 20 × 9 + 20 × 8

Q4. What is the value of 20 × 15?

20 Times Table FAQs

What is Table of 20?

20 × 1 = 20

20 × 2 = 40

20 × 3 = 60

20 × 4 = 80

20 × 5 = 100

20 × 6 = 120

20 × 7 = 140

20 × 8 = 160

20 × 9 = 180

20 × 10 = 200

Why is 1 Times 20?

Any number when multiplied with 1 result in itself. Hence, 1 times 20 is 20

What is Relation between Table of 10 and Table of 20?

The table of 20 is twice of table of 10 at any given multiple. For example, 3 times 10 is 30 but 3 times 20 is 60 which is twice of 30

How to Learn 20 Times Table?

20 Times Table is very easy to learn. We just need to place an extra zero at the unit place of table of 2.