Node.js Tutorial
Node.js (Node js) is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It runs on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript code on the server. Node.js enables developers to get into the server-side world....
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Backend Development
Backend Development involves the logical, database, and other operations are build behind the scenes to run the web servers efficiently....
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Library Management Application Backend
Library Management System backend using Express and MongoDB contains various endpoints that will help to manage library users and work with library data. The application will provide an endpoint for user management. API will be able to register users, authenticate users, borrow books, return books, create books, pay fine . We’ll be using NodeJS, Express and MongoDB. So, let’s get started with building the backend....
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List of Backend Technologies
This article provides an insightful exploration of some of the leading backend technologies that drive the backend development ecosystem. From databases and server-side frameworks to cloud services, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools that power the backend of today’s dynamic web applications....
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User Management System Backend
User Management System Backend includes numerous endpoints for performing user-dealing tasks. The backend could be constructed with the use of NodeJS and MongoDB with ExpressJS . The software will offer an endpoint for consumer management. API will be capable of registering, authenticating, and controlling customers. In this article we will be building the backend of the User Management System....
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Best Backend Technologies for React in 2024
Nowadays social media has become like an addiction for everyone. With one click you can text someone, place a video call, or browse any video online. To the user, it might seem such a simple task just to click one button but the logic building and code behind such functionality is very intense and time-consuming. This is all done in the backend. Backend refers to that part of the application where all the major operations that keep the application working take place. Its main aim is also to ensure transparency, i.e. user can go on with the use of the application without being bothered about the logic behind the functionality....
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DOCX to PDF Converter using Express
In this article, we are going to create a Document Conversion Application that converts DOCX to PDF. We will follow step by step approach to do it. We also make use of third-party APIs....
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Node.js vs Python: Which Backend Technology to Choose?
Ever wondered how with a single click, all of the desired data is shown on your screen? How are you able to video call or FaceTime your friends and family easily? How does the internet manage such a large database and fetch the required data at any given time? This is all possible due to backend technologies. Backend technology is necessary for behind-the-scenes work like storing data, managing user authentication, and many more....
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Top Node.js Projects to build in 2024
Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environments widely used in the software industry for projects in different domains like web applications, real-time chat applications, RESTful APIs, microservices, and more due to its high performance, scalability, non-blocking I/O, and many other features....
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Hospital Appointment System using Express
Hospital Appointment System project using Express and MongoDB contains various endpoints that will help to manage hospital appointments. In this project, there is an appointment endpoint for user management and appointment management. API will be able to register users, authenticate users, book appointments, and cancel appointments. We’ll be using Node JS, Express, and MongoDB....
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Student Management System using Express.js and EJS Templating Engine
In this article, we build a student management student which will have features like adding students to a record, removing students, and updating students. We will be using popular web tools NodeJS, Express JS, and MongoDB for the backend. For the front end, we will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll go through every step to create this application....
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Which One to Use Context API or Redux in Your Next React Project
Using real-life examples, we can easily understand Which One to Use Context API or Redux in Your Next React Project. Consider a kitchen with a shopping list organizer. Take the case when using a Context API. It can be assumed as a common whiteboard in the kitchen where the shopping list is displayed and anyone can see it and change it. What if the shopping list organizer was Redux? When this list organizer is a redux it can be seen as an advanced version where all the people in the kitchen not only see the list but each update in the list can be tracked down to the person who made the changes. Thus, GraphQL can be considered as a list organizer that keeps track of each operation, and Context API is used for simpler tasks....
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